Originally posted by Radio Free Narnia
But i know what you try to say. I myself have only doubts you don't understand what i try to make clear.
Try to see it differently, when a paper publish something on the internet (a in essence anarchistic environment) they have to get used to it that it will not be handled as it is by publishing on an average newspaper or magazine.
The noweday's situation of the ' new media' is not fixed, words, articles, bits and bytes are flooting trough cyberspace. Opinions, words and articles are open when the are published on the web.
You maybe don't like it, but reality shows a different situation, people form every part of this world can read whatever is written on the web, they are not bounded by other nations classic rules (ment for other media and real life situations).
The internet is global, and not bounded by the classic interpretation of laws. Any nation wo tries to restrict it will find itself left behind.
About old media (music companies, producers and all those who see there luxury live treathened by p2p networks better cope with the new situation then hold tight to a world wich will not return back) I would be much better for them to adapt to a system like Apple is using for example, a small feed to pay for downloading music. That !!! is an good example for adapting to a new situation.
I just wanted to suggest that while you still do what is right (only now by a government who has a healthy balance between deed and punishment when you do somehing wrong) you can avoid all anxiety and doubtfull copyright systems by just changing host to a legal european hoster.
Thast all
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