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The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

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  • The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

    I apologize for the length of this...

    We had a discussion recently that touched on the topic of eternal security and like the many discussions of eternal security we have had in the past, it had its supporters and its questioners. All good. It’s good to question if you don’t have understanding. It’s the way of wisdom. I am posting this not because I want to open a debate, but because I believe that resting in God’s finished work is foundational to the Christ Life and without it, we live lives of fear, misery and striving.

    I have seen this discussion happen over and over on this board in the past 15 years I have been here. Objections to eternal security will range from the infamous “if” verses to “Grace is a gift. If it’s a gift that means, it’s a gift I can give back” to “you can lose your salvation if sin without confessing” to “sure, you can’t be snatched out of his hand, but you can walk away”.

    And I have come to this realization: most objections come from a poor understanding of the Cross of Christ (his full work including death, burial, resurrection and ascension).

    I want to lay out here a scriptural foundation for understanding the work of Christ on the Cross and our eternal security in Him, based solely on His work. I want to explain how the Work of Christ leading to Eternal Security secures for us the ability to follow Him, and give us a life…a true purpose, that it doesn’t give a license to sin or give people a reason to be lazy in their faith. Quite the opposite, really. All I ask, is that before you immediately reject what I say here that you open your Bibles and check for yourself.

    Let’s begin.

    In the western church we bought into a view of the cross that is strictly judicial. It’s essentially this: “I was born a sinner. I sin. God’s gift of grace to me is a PARDON for that sin”. In the judicial view of the cross it is easy to make comments like “well, God can revoke our pardon”. In the judicial view of the Cross, it’s all about the forgiveness of sins and making peace with God. While, there is indeed a judicial aspect of God’s work (and its wonderful), it is not truly a judicial work. The judicial part is a part of a greater work.

    We need to forsake the idea of the cross being strictly judicial for the sake of a far a greater view….the transformative and inclusive work of Christ. Move beyond the judicial, and on to the transformative. Where the judicial view of the Cross takes on the forgiveness of sin, the transformative view of the cross takes on our deliverance of those sins. To remove the transformative from the cross, while leaving us forgiven of sin, still leaves us in bondage and leaves us unchanged from our presaved state to our salvation state.

    In the judicial view of the Cross, we see Jesus on the cross, dying for our sins. We make the comment “Jesus died so I wouldn’t have to”. And this is true…but really, it’s only partially true, which more or less makes it a lie. A lie can occur when one is only present a half of a truth, which in turns leaves a believer in bondage. The truth of this is this: When Christ died on the Cross, I died too.

    Two thousand years ago, I died with Christ…as did all of those who call on His name and believe. His work on the cross is not strictly substitutiary, so much as it is INCLUSIVE. When Christ died, I died. He took me with Him. (Romans 6:2-8, Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:3)

    Why is this important? Because in one fell swoop, by including me in His death, Christ breaks sins hold over me. I have died forever and ever to old Master Sin. It has no hold on me any longer to make me obey its passions and lusts. It’s dead. Now, not only am I not forgiven for the sins I have committed, but I am now able to reckon myself dead to sin and alive in Christ (Romans 6:11) This is not some theological doctrine. This happened two thousand years ago when Christ died. It is not theory, it is historical fact. If you look at greek in Romans and all the verses talking about our death…it is in the Aorist form, which means it’s an event that has already taken place. Folks, we don’t need to die to sin. We ARE dead to sin. “I am CRUCIFIED with Christ” , “Old self WAS CRUCIFIED”, “You HAVE DIED”. Christ asks us to now believe this. To believe His work here for us…to RECKON (count) ourselves dead. Why? Because its true. It would be foolish to count our selves dead to sin if we really weren’t. But that’s not the case. We have died. And not only died, but we were buried with Christ as well. Get that? Dead and buried. The Old Man, who you once were, is now forever and ever dead.

    But it doesn’t stop there. Just as we were united in Christ’s death we are also united in his Resurrection. (Romans 6:4-5) When Christ rose from the dead, I rose with Him. We rise as one. I in Christ. Christ in me and the two cannot be separated. “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”, “we too may walk in newness of life”. Christ is the Last Adam. When he rose again, He begins a New Creation. It had been 4000 years from the time of creation, until the resurrection. Until that point nothing new had ever been created (since the original creation). Then Christ, the Second Adam rose, and we rose with Him. In this act, Jesus created a new people, a new race. He is the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. It is in this act that Paul was able to say “there is no Jew, no greek, no male or female”. What was created was altogether NEW…something the world had never ever ever seen before. When Christ rose. I rose. Fresh. New. I rose as someone who no longer has Sin as a taskmaster. I rose with New Life, HIS Life. The resurrection life is not something that occurs in us after we have died. It’s already happened.

    And in his resurrection, Christ forever destroys death. Because of his inclusion of me in his death and resurrection, I can no longer ever die again? Why? Because I already died and was reborn and I was reborn ETERNAL. There is no second death for me. This is why Paul and the Apostles spoke of physical death as “falling asleep”. We don’t truly die. We fall asleep. It’s like falling asleep in one room and waking up in another. There is no death for me or you. Death is reserved for the devil and his angels and those who don’t believe in Jesus. But that’s for THEM. Its not for US. How can we who have died, die again? It’s not possible.

    And it goes on!! As we were included in his death, and his resurrection, we have been included in his Ascension. In Ephesians we see that we are already seated in Christ, in the heavenlies. This is not a future event. It’s an event that has already occurred. I AM in Christ. HE IS in me. I am seated with Him now in the heaven as He is in me now. We are eternally secure there. How do you leave being IN Christ? How do you jump out of his heart? How do you leave heaven? You can’t!

    Do you see the transformative over the judicial in this? Do you see the greater work of Christ? I ONCE was dead in my sins, now I am ALIVE in Christ. I once was Old Tim who was addicted to pornography, who was cruel and hateful and loved to beat up on Christians and abuse his wife, and cheat on her. Now the Old Tim is dead and the New Tim is alive who delights in loving people, in helping people walk in their true identity in Christ, who loves loving on the abused and helping people find life in Jesus.

    Once you have died and risen and ascended. You can’t go back to the Old Self. Ever. It is as absurd as the idea of a butterfly reverting back to its caterpillar state.

    Grace is not something you give back either. Why? Because Grace is NOT pardon. Grace is the inclusive, transformative gift of God that occurred at the Cross. This is God’s FINISHED work on our behalf. He does it ALL! To say that we can give this back is the same thing as saying that my salvation depends on me being able to hold on to the gift (a gift that only makes sense in the judicial, not the transformative). It takes God’s transformative work of our salvation and puts it back in our hands.

    This teaching of the Cross is not told in Churches. Instead we get gospels of sin management that keep us in bondage. What would happen to the Church of God if they were told what God really did for them? What would happen to the Church of God if we were told who we really were? What would happen? Do you not see that the idea of Eternal Security leads a person to apathy is just absurd? If a person were to truly believe that God did EXACTLY what He said He did, and if they were to believe that we are EXACTLY who God says we are, it leads to greater works! It doesn’t lead us to not following Christ. That’s a lie from the pit.

    What would happen if you found out after a radioactive spider bit you that it gave you the abilities of a spider? Would you sit on the couch and watch the tube? Or would you start web slinging, climbing walls and saving damsels in distress?

    What would happen within the Church if they were to believe God when He says this. “Son, don’t you know you are dead to sin and that old life? That you don’t have to obey its lusts and passions? That Sin no longer has any power over you because you have died to it? Don’t you know that you have been given new life in me? That I live in you right now? That you have at your disposal all my love, all my power, all my grace and all my authority? Don’t you know that you are a very Oak of Righteousness, meant to reign in this life? Don’t you know I have created you for Life and a purpose?”

    Brothers and sisters…..we died to this earthly life and have been risen anew into eternity. This gift of grace is ours. It can’t be given back. It can’t be undone. It’s just not possible.

  • #2
    Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

    A question that will rise from this is going to be: What then about Christians, who have died with Christ and risen with Him, when they go back to their sin?

    Answers are given in Romans 6 to 8.

    What Christ's work did for us is objectively true as all truth must be. What I mean by this is that its true, no matter what, whether I am experiencing the fruits of it or not. Truth is truth.

    What Christ wants from is to to be make what is objectively true about us, subjective in our experience.

    On other words....He wants us to believe and live out of whats really true about Him and about us. Beth Moore likes to say "Believe God is who He says He is and Believe you are who God says you are".

    Christ did an awesome work for those of us who believe. An objective, true and powerful work. Christ wants us to choose to accept this into our lives so that we can live in the fullness we have been given.

    In Romans 6 we fist encounter the terms "reckoning" and "consider". "Reckon yourselves dead to sin and alive to God". We see here a choice for us to live. Whats important to note here though is this. It is not our "reckoning" that makes our united death and resurrection with Him true. It's already true. But in order for us to experience this in our daily life we then "reckon" and "consider".

    So, we as Christians have an obligation to live out whats true about us. I hate the word obligation because it sounds like duty and duty sounds awful. Especially when Christ is calling us to subjectively experience the wonderous, beautiful life that He has saved us into.

    So in Romans 6 we have the call to do this. To reckon and consider. To live out in experience what God has made true. But Christians CAN choose not live out the life Christ made for them.

    Why is this?

    Multiple reasons why we see this today.

    1) We have an Enemy that goes around like a roaring lion. He fills us with lies that we are not meant to live this Christ life, that we were not meant to reign, that we have to live our lives dealing with sin bondages. He plants the lies about Christs work, leaving it unfinished. He plants lies about the character of God and who we truly are. Or he plants lies about the Law, and telling us that we still have to work to measure up to an imaginary standard that we think God has for us.

    2) We have a flesh and sin resides there. Please note that this is a not a Sin Nature. The Sin Nature is the Old Man that was crucified. We no longer have a Sin Nature. We have a New Nature and a New Heart. With the destruction of the Sin Nature, our slavery to Sin is gone and it can no longer make us obey its whims. But, we still have flesh and sin is still there. What the flesh tries to do is get you, the New Man, to continue to believe you are still enslaved to Sin. This is where many believers fall into. They listen to the lies of the flesh and the Enemy and so they sin. Paul himself, understood the difference between his True Nature and Sin. "When I sin, it is not I who really sins, but sin itself" (paraphrased from Romans 7). It might be hard to see the difference between sin and the Sin Nature. Basically its this....the flesh (with the Enemy) tempts to sin, where as the Sin Nature, commanded you to sin. Do you see the freedom in this? You don't HAVE to sin any longer. Whereas before, you did.

    But what about Christians who live in habitual sin? Who continue to love like they Old Man has not been crucified?

    I am not going to go into the "well, maybe they never really placed their faith in Christ" argument. You have heard it all before. And it definitely has a lot of truth. There are many people who call themselves Christian who have not gone under the transformative work of the Cross. 1 John says so plainly. You see it with Jesus and the sheep and the goats parable. "I never knew you".

    But what about those who have?

    Well, what about them? Awesome news about this gift of grace is that the Christian stuck in bondage to sin, is still a Son of God. His redemptive power is THAT poweful. Does God hate this sin? yes. Does it grieve Him? Yes. Does it cause Him to forsake His child? No.

    God is about pure Restoration. He goes out of his way to be faithful to us. As Paul says in Timothy, that God HAS to be faithful because to not be would be to go against His own Character. So for the Christian who chooses sin, over life, Father actively does what He can to bring His child back home...give opportunity after opportunity for repentence, to receive God's ongoing grace and restoration. He gives gifts of Godly Sorrow for this to be accomplished which leads to that repentance.

    But if that Christian never comes to repentance, because of the work of Christ, He is still saved. Sin never ever ever trumps grace.

    So what does happen? According to Paul to the Corinthians, God allows Satan to have at the sinning saint. And ultimately, that saint is physically destroyed. This sounds brutal. But its an act of Love. God has had enough. For the love of his child, He takes him home.

    This happened to my father. He was once a faithful man. His salvation is not in doubt. But he fell into bondage to pornography, which led to adultery, which led to alcoholism, which led to strain on his heart, which led to his death two years ago. Over a 15 year period God gave him opportunity after opportunity to repent. But my Dad didn't. And he died a miserable broken man. But he is now resting in the arms of Christ.

    See, the Western view of sin is that God is disgusted with us because of sin. We walk under a weight all the time thinking that God is out to get us because of sins we have committed, that He is going to dump his wrath on us. This is not true at all. God hates sin. He hates it because of what it does to his Beloved. And because of God's awesome love he sometimes will take the life, in order to rescue them from the devastation of sin in their life.

    Second to my Dad's salvation, his death was the greatest act of Grace God did for him.

    We are Children of God, redeemed under his blood, saved by his grace. God is eternally FOR US. And He has already saved us and WILL save us, no matter the cost. He has proven that already at the sake of his own Son.


    • #3
      Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

      What a gift you have for writing.
      I still feel as though I am in bondage. I hate my sins, but I do it far too often.

      Anyway, thank you for sharing and allowing us an opportunity to read it.



      • #4
        Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

        Jerry - the transformation at the cross in the life of a believer doesn't mean we move into sinlessness. It's most evident fruit is the change of desires.

        In fact, that is what repentance is. Most teach that it is a turning away from sin...but in fact, its a changing of one's mind about sin.

        Before we were dead in our sins, and gave approval to them.

        After salvation, sin became reprehensible to us.

        Thats huge. Even if you are walking in bondage right now, the fact that you hate it is awesome.

        And you need to understand something else, brother. Your sin does not define who you are. it used to. But no longer. Not on this side of the Cross.

        Jesus defines who you are. He defines you as Holy, Righteous, Blameless and Beloved.

        A Saint.

        Father is faithful. He will work out with you whatever it is that is holding you back. Trust.


        • #5
          Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

          Originally posted by MoreThanConquerors View Post
          ....After salvation, sin became reprehensible to us.

          Thats huge. Even if you are walking in bondage right now, the fact that you hate it is awesome....
          So true. Yet the New Creation (excellent bolg on that by the way) cannot always be seen with the eyes. I walk in front of a mirror, and it's still the old flesh I see. And that sometimes reminds me of just how reprehensible I used to be. And therein lies a problem.

          Many times in the past, and even sometimes now, the stuggle for me is not accecpting the forgiveness Christ has given me, it's believing that I am worthy of that forgiveness. My own self talk can get out of hand, and becomes a means in an of itself for satan to try and convince me that I am not really worth the forgiveness Christ has given me.

          Recognizing that for what it was (and sometimes still is) was a milestone for me. That doesn't mean that I don't sometimes get caught up in the spiral of self condemnation, it just means that I am still a work in progress. I agree, as a New Creation I am not capable of sinning, but my flesh is, and I still reside in this flesh, and I am still subject to it's consequences. Yet, no matter what I may sometimes feel, through Christ, I am worthy of his forgiveness.

          I wonder, how many could be lead to our Lord if only they could believe that they too are worthy of His forgiveness? Truely, no matter what our sins may be, He still wants us to come Him, to forgive us, to give us peace and rest, and most importantly, at least for me, to have a personal relationship with us that can never be broken.


          • #6
            Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

            Originally posted by MoreThanConquerors View Post
            I apologize for the length of this...


            Very cool my friend. And the most important of topics.

            When Lazarus was raised from the dead. The presence of grave wrappings still on him, in no way caused anyone to doubt the miracle. He was alive and that was that. Jesus didn’t leave him to struggle in the grave wrappings either, he commanded “loose him and let him go!”

            That’s how I see salvation now. We spend our time here now– letting the sin wrappings be removed by him. Sometimes we feel totally bound, other times we begin to actually be able to move and feel the freedom. But never, IMO, should we ever be so foolish as to say the lord had never done the miracle of new life in the first place.

            The removal of the wrappings is something the lord commands in JOY and VICTORY. The helping of another in the unwrapping is a privilege for us to be near what the lord has done underneath them. We may feel the binding and pinching of them on ourselves, but that’s only because we have life to feel it with.

            I really think we get tricked into seeing only the wrappings. The enemy would love for us to be so self sin focused or, so outraged at the world, that it’s the only thing that we see. After all, he knows that as we look at – Jesus - we are transformed, and the wrappings begin to fall off with ease before him.

            And When that trumpet blows, we won’t just be unwrapped, we will FLY!


            • #7
              Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

              Shibboleth....our rebirth is a TRUE rebirth. As in the natural, we were born babes. So we are in the rebirth. We start off as babes and mature into adults.

              But here is a cool thing..and let me use an analogy to explain it.

              If you were to take the caterpillar of a monarch butterfly and have its DNA examined, the DNA test would show that the DNA is that of a monarch butterfly. In its Caterpillar state it is still a Monarch. It never becomes MORE of a Monarch just matures into what it is meant to be.

              Same with us. We have the spiritual DNA of Christ. At this moment. I am fully righteous. Fully holy. Fully accepted in Christ. I will never be less or more than this in my entire life.

              Like the monarch caterpillar that matures and grows into it the full glory of its monarch dna, so to, as a babe in Christ I mature and grow into the glory of my spiritual DNA. I will never ever be MORE of a son of God, or LESS of one...but day by day, I am learning to live who I truly am.

              And yes, that is a process and a wonderful wonderful journey of discovery.

              Boston - awesome. I was thinking of burial cloths on the way home from work today. Very cool you were going the same way. Thats how I see our flesh. As burial cloths. As we learn to put to death the deeds of the flesh, those cloths are being removed. And yes, just like yours and Shib's comments, sometimes we see those burial clothes and use those to define us. Thats wrong...and leaves us as tied up.

              Instead, Christ calls us to, in faith, remove those clothes and clothe ourselves with Christ's righteousness....a righteousness that is already ours.

              Tomorrow, I want to dive in a bit further on the reckoning business and what this means in the renewing of the mind.


              • #8
                Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

                I fear what I'm going to say will offend some readers but you know I am in FULL agreement with you on this subject. I have always felt (this is what may offend some) that when we believe we can in any way become 'unsaved' we are cheapening the blood of Christ - something I consider so abhorant I call it "heresy". I would apologize for offending those that don't hold to the OSAS doctrine but I offer no such apology.

                I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I was the one that really pushed for this to not be a debatable subject on WeDG. Unlike rapture timing this has far greater implications, in my view. Furthermore, the Advisory Board is made up of siblings in Christ that absolutely agree with OSAS. It's the single most important thing to me - far more than rapture timing. I believe we have at least one member that isn't convinced of the pre-70th week rapture of believers and I'm perfectly fine with that. I can assure you, though, each member is fully convinced of OSAS.

                While I vehimently disagree with any non-OSAS doctrine, please note that I still respect and love my siblings in Christ regardless of what they believe. If you are a blood-bought saint of God then you are my sibling and I praise God for each of you.


                • #9
                  Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

                  Originally posted by Andy
                  ... we are cheapening the blood of Christ
                  Not wanting to do that is the desire of ANY Christian, no matter what their view may be on various doctrine. If they wanted to do that, I would have to doubt their salvation. No offense here.

                  The great thing is, no one can actually "cheapen the blood of Christ."

                  The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

                  Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

                  I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

                  Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

                    Originally posted by Issachar View Post
                    The great thing is, no one can actually "cheapen the blood of Christ."

                    Isn't THAT the truth! God is the One Who has set the value of that and it is infinite.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

                      Wow MTC! AMEN! I'll never forget the moment when I learned the definition of repent. I was riding in a car with a dear friend and she told me repent means to agree with God. That changed my life!


                      • #12
                        Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

                        To repent has a very deep meaning. It is indeed to agree with God but the Greek - here is Strong's:

                        3340 metanoeo {met-an-o-eh'-o}

                        from 3326 and 3539; TDNT - 4:975,636; v

                        AV - repent 34; 34

                        1) to change one's mind, i.e. to repent
                        2) to change one's mind for better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one's past sins

                        We agree with God, HEARTILY to change, with ABHORRENCE, that which we've done in the past that God calls "sin".

                        Very powerful word.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

                          I must resurrect this thread...I'm even trying to think of a good way of keeping it in easy reach w/o pinning it.

                          Meantime, I just had a conversation with my nephew on this exact subject (and his wife). I am going to use what was posted here and send in an email.

                          MTC, I again can't thank you enough for taking the time to post this amazing thread...on our little board. The theology in here is priceless, IMHO.

                          I look forward to meeting you one I do each and every one of you.


                          • #14
                            Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security

                            glad its helped and hope it helps.

                            I was teaching this a couple weeks ago to a staunch Calvinist who then accused me of heresy and belonging to a cult.

                            I was like..."uhhhh...I go to a Southern Baptist Church"

                            Then he said "well, what's this doctrine called then? And where do I read about it?"

                            Then I said "Well, personally, I call it 'grace" and umm....Romans, Galatians, Ephesians and Colossians should get you started".

                            I was floored. Heresy...o brother. What got it started was me saying that I was no longer held as a slave to a Sin Nature and that it had no power over me to make me do what it wanted.

                            He threw out the word cult again to me a couple times and I haven't talked to him since. Honestly, I don't mind talking this out....but I don't have time for that kind of nonsense.


                            • #15
                              Re: The Cross, Grace and Eternal Security


                              I am glad that you "resurrected" this thread. I must have missed it. It has taught and helped me today.


                              "It might be hard to see the difference between sin and the Sin Nature. Basically its this....the flesh (with the Enemy) tempts to sin, where as the Sin Nature, commanded you to sin. Do you see the freedom in this? You don't HAVE to sin any longer. Whereas before, you did."

                              I have never thought of sin and Sin Nature as being separated and like others have grieved over my own failings. Today after reading your explanation above, I now have another weapon to use against Satan lies. Today another grave cloth was stripped away. Thank you for this truth! I am going to copy and paste this to a word document to study more and remind me of who I am!

                              God Bless you,

