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Psalm 83 and Zechariah 12 already happened ?

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  • Psalm 83 and Zechariah 12 already happened ?

    One of the things mentioned was that the defeat of Israel's "inner circle" of enemies has in his humble opinion already happened, note the peace with Jordan and Egypt....
    Only Suria and Lebanon are left and are about to be gob-smacked by Israel..... Ruining Russia and Iran's plans... Resulting in the Gog/ Magog war

  • #2
    Lewis, I think I know Who it is that you are talking about here - I've heard the same presentation. But do you have any Other info on when and under what circumstances the Zechariah 12 conflict already happened. This happens to be a discussion in a current (May, 2018) thread.

    In my humble opinion, Psalm 83 isn't referring to a "war" or "conflict" at all - certainly not one yet to come. Ps 83 is an imprecatory prayer - an appeal to God for protection from neighboring enemies. Plain and simple. Nowhere in Ps 83 is there mentioned an actual war or conflict.

    Anyway, what other info do you have on Zech 12?

