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Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

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  • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    The TV has been talking about "peacekeepers" now and whether or not Russia and America will have to send troops.


    • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

      These people who are STILL planning to give away more Israeli land for "peace" are not thinking with their right minds. How far back into a corner do they have to get before they come out swinging?
      Well, we DO know one thing.....regarding WHEN the end will come and Jesus will stand on the Mount of Olives. It will be when ISRAEL has no more land to defend for themselves cuz they gave it all away!! And THAT folks appears to be very shortly !! Just watch their land mass dissolve and you will know how close we are to his Second coming ! Gog/Magog war or not !


      • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

        This thread is so long but I remember discussing the hook that will bring forces (perhaps unwilliingly) into the Promised land and onto the Mtns of Israel
        this war may be it. As we see on a few threads now. Russia is planning on deploying troops in the MEast---we all know how trust-worthy and altrusitic Russsia is . Also the multi national croup of UN peacekeepers are being talked about being sent to Lebanon. In this volitile situationanything is possible and aliances will probalby break an switch.

        HSB wish you would check in ---with all this going on I am beginning to worry about you Health-wise or other as I figured you would touch base--it is summer and maybe you are at some exotic Canadian cabin on a beautiful lake with no black flies or mosquitos.

        Zion Gene are you out there too?


        • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

          Hello All:
          It has been a while since we last talked... HBS is away on Vacation so I'll open the discussion and he can pick up the thread once he gets back. While he and I were leading 22 people all over Israel in seven cars connected with Walkie-Talkies, we mentioned to them that we were there in a window of relative peace [great Trip], however, once we got home safely, we would see things really heat up and explode by mid-July - And here we are!

          In my opinion - things will simmer down in about a month - then Ehud Olmert will indicate that now that HAMAS & HEZBULAH has been taken care of - there is now no threat to proceed with the giving up of the West Bank! He will then in the new year finish the 'Wall' and then cut loose the West Bank. He will realize that the Palestinians will not let Orthodox Jews live outside of the 'Wall' [With-out the Wall]. To address this he will turn to George [Gog] to get them off-the-mountains and out of the West Bank... George will cobble together the Force-of-the-Willing [Ezekiel Ch. 38] and comes to do the dirty deed. God smacks Gog on the mountains-of-Israel in 2007[In my opinion]! And then within a year He smacks the Land of Gog [MaGog] with Fire & Brimstone.

          This now is very serious stuff folks...

          Comments? Suggestions? Alternate views?

          Let's get the conversation going again before HBS get back and into it again.



          • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

            Welcome Back, D-t-B!!! We have missed reading your insights.

            I personally know, that when my husband, Lay it to Heart, sees this post this evening, he most likely will respond.

            Also, I have a feeling that Andy may want to close this current thread and start a new one. That might not be a bad idea.

            Anyway, I look forward to all the new ideas that will be put down here in the near future.


            • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

              This is like our WEDGE baby and I wouldnt like to see it closed but to see it build and build . Great to hear form you DB---we've missed you and HSB and were starting to worry. Yes the Mountains of Israel are back inteh news with the sudden mention today of givng away the land ---again---Man! after going through all that they have with Gazastan--I just dont see how HOW Olmert and the gang an even contemplate giving up more land for suicide bombers. Strong delusions are being sent and they convince me, we must be on the final stretch and this can't be a tempest in a teapot.


              • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                I don't understand why giving land for peace is always laid at the feet of Pres. Bush (and no I am not Bush right or wrong in my views). As has been stated in another thread, Israel makes the choice. Olmert is weak and a dove. If you want to continue to lay this at the feet of the US, please give me some recent facts--not trying to start an argument, but let's be fair.


                • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                  Helloooooo DtB.....

                  Long time since we were all here together - huh?

                  Always the skeptic, I guess I really feel, at this point, that the facts on the ground are moving along quite a bit faster than your scenario would portend.

                  For instance, in an article just a few hours old now, I see a couple of things:

                  Iran warns the west: ignore us at your peril - Tehran predicts summit failure as UN observers die in Israeli airstrike Wednesday July 26, 2006

                  ". . . Fears that the conflict could spread across the region intensified yesterday. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, a normally placid US ally, warned that "if the option of peace fails as a result of Israeli arrogance, then the only option remaining will be war, and God alone knows what the region would witness in a conflict that would spare no one".

                  ". . . But Iran claims that no amount of western effort can bring a breakthrough, with key parties shut out of the negotiating room. A senior Iranian official, speaking by phone from Tehran, said: "Iran and Syria should be involved [in peace negotiations], not because they are sponsors of Hizbullah but because they are regional powers. If Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt are involved, then Iran and Syria should be as well if they are looking to be successful."

                  ". . . Last night, Hizbullah's leader Hassan Nasrallah said his group's missiles would start hitting targets deeper into Israel, and warned he would not accept a "humiliating" ceasefire. Another Hizbullah leader hinted that the group had not expected such a ferocious response from Israel, as previous border incidents have usually played out in low-key fashion. . ."
                  First, I think Iran is spoiling for a fight. We hear it from Armanaj-what's-his-name nearly every week now. By hook or by crook, he has the perfect excuse now to jump into the frey. I will be very surprised if he does not, within the next 10 days or so.

                  Second, I'm beginning to wonder if Olmert is made of sterner stuff than we thought. What was his real motivation for jumping into the ring w/ Hez in the first place? If he was going to play the role of 90-pound weakling, he didn't have to be in this position.

                  Third, I don't see any political alternative that is going to throw enough water on this to cool it down.

                  Which brings us (me at least ) to the inevitable conclusion that we're already there - we are only a couple of stone-throws from Gog-Magog. Israel will NOT quit quickly. Iran will NOT stay out. Russia will NOT stand by and see Iran and Syria go it alone. The US will NOT be in the mix, because quite frankly, anybody who cares will be gone home.

                  Looking forward to seeing you soon, DtB!

                  Message to Andy: - I concur w/ wendyj - this thread doesn't need to be closed. Just wait and see, it'll be like the Phoenix - it'll rise again

                  Glorify Him - I'm in total agreement w/ you there.

                  Peace to All



                  • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                    Well, I am relatively new to this board and didn't see this thread until the new posts were made. Great, great insights....still catching up with the older posts and reading as you add. Plumbob...I PRAY you are right, I am ready to bow at my masters feat and praise His Holy name, and plead for Israel's salvation. After the UN debacle today, I was thinking we might see some leg dragging, but I think this shows that God has a plan, it is in motion and going forward. Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem that will come when the King of Kings returns.


                    • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                      Welcome back Don Brooks! And starting up this post again


                      • Can this be resurrected?

