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Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

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  • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    If you want to watch it let me know ..I will patch the link in so you can see it for yourself!

    Please, post the link.


    • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

      Hi Ron. The link below will give you a movie in Quick Time. It along with a series of others was prepared by Steve Ward, geophysicist at U Cal Santa Cruz. try the following links below for the full story.

      try these for presntations, simulations etc (especially the Am. Museum lecture of Nov 5,2005)

      for the whole east coast by location:

      hope some of this works!
      Last edited by HSB; 11-18-2005, 05:42 PM.


      • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.


        In regards to your comments about "shutting up"---I just want to say that I find your commments and this thread utterly fascinating. I belive that my trip to Israel was a gift from God to again wake in me a concern for His people and prophesy. I hadn't thought much about a systematic and informed life study of prophesy until I felt God nudging me.

        I would love to come to Israel again on a trip with your group and Helene---and again it would be the hand of God as my husband is not sympathetic to the idea. He says ,"since I went to Israel, Ive turned into a fanatic!"

        I have been learning so much!

        Oh and I was wondering where info on the tsunammi came from? Has it been in the news lately?


        • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

          Hi Wendy: the second link given provides a list of presentations, simulations, etc. Assuming you have Quick Time click on the one concerning the American Museum Lecture of November 3rd, 2005. It is a sobering presentation showing tsunami formation from earthquakes, asteroid and landslides (the big threat turns out to be the La Palma island that is waiting to slide). In light of what is going on in Israel..and the biggest earthquake we have ever felt coming soon, there may well be a direct connection. Seems to me that Ezekiel covers that potential in 38:20.

          Regarding trip to Israel, it would be great if you ended up going with Helene. I really hope you get a chance to visit while there is still some time left. Shalom


          • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

            HSB: if you are ever out on the Island ie. Vancouver Island, I would love to invite you and family over to my house for a visit with Sandi L and Helene. What a great time we would have? I know you were on Hornby or some other local island recently--I'm sorry I let that opportunity slip by.



            • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

              HSB.....the insights and information you provide to this thread are informative and fascinating!! Everytime I log on, I look for updates to this thread. I wish I had more to contribute but don't feel knowledgable enough.

              I appreciate the maps of the partition wall. I didn't realize how it was dividing the actual communities within Gush Etzion...... the people must feel so helpless! As one person stated in the article, the wall is now being called the partition wall rather than the security wall because it will only divide and not provide security.

              I am amazed at how fast everything is falling into place. I feel 2006 is going to be a bumpy year and agree with your statement:
              " We need to be praying that God will look after His children in whatever lies ahead, and that repentance occurs before horrific judgment falls."

              Looking up!
              Psalm 63:3 Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You.


              • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                Don't look for any changes to the unilateral evacuation of the West bank if Peretz gets elected:


                Peretz's disengagement

                Last week, a few days after being elected as leader of the Labor Party, MK Amir Peretz - along with MKs Yuli Tamir and Ilana Cohen - submitted to the Knesset a new bill for the "voluntary evacuation of the residents of Judea and Samaria [the northern West Bank]." According to the bill, if at least 60 percent of the residents of a community located in the West Bank express their agreement to be evacuated, the government will evacuate that community within no more than six months from the time the residents make their request. According to another clause, the community will be subject to the compensation agreements as defined in the law governing the implementation of the disengagement from the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank.

                The initiators of this legislation say that the disengagement plan constituted a tangible example of the state's ability to produce a suitable system of compensation for residents evacuated from their homes. The bill, they say, will make possible the creation of an appropriate and reasonable framework for a graduated evacuation over time, without compelling residents to move to temporary housing and while saving a considerable amount of resources.

                Meanwhile, a survey by the Bayit Echad ("One Home") movement released Saturday shows that some 25 percent of West Bank settlers are prepared to receive compensation and to leave the settlements in which they are living immediately. The movement, headed by MKs Avshalom Vilan from Meretz-Yahad and Colette Avital from Labor, is presenting an initiative for the unilateral evacuation of settlers on an individual basis. The bill that these two MKs will present to the Knesset this week is meant to assist settlers who were enticed to establish their homes in the occupied territories, by providing alternative housing within the Green Line.

                Peretz's legislation says that incentives for the continued voluntary evacuation of Israeli citizens located in the West Bank will help leverage the successful implementation of the disengagement plan for the purposes of the continued push forward toward final-status agreements. Peretz and his colleagues see the law as a "tailwind" for additional evacuation processes, apparently even in settlements whose residents will refuse to agree to be evacuated. They say the bill will help "remove obstacles liable to stand in the way of future final-status agreements."

                As the bill indicates, Peretz's decision to adopt Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's disengagement concept and apply it to the West Bank is not an alternative to negotiations on the final-status arrangement, but a step that accompanies a more ambitious and comprehensive political initiative. Despite the criticism his friends have heaped on him, Peretz did not retract his declaration of loyalty to the Oslo Accords. It appears, therefore, that it has been determined that if the election results allow it, he will aspire to make every effort to resolve the conflict via dialogue. Nonetheless, his hasty decision to adopt a bill based on a unilateral process is a hint that the Labor candidate for prime minister is not deterred from unilateral processes - practical processes likely to help advance the region toward a comprehensive settlement in the future.

                The bill will probably not be ready for consideration during the current Knesset term. This ensures that in the next Knesset, the Labor Party - whether it is in the government or in the opposition - will support every initiative to take Israel out of additional West Bank territories, with Palestinian partners to a comprehensive peace agreement, but even without them.


                • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                  Time to stir the soup again folks. See below part of an article concerning a unilateral withdrawal from the west bank by 2008. Pray that US ground forces are NOT involved in this cake walk to absolute disaster!!


                  TEL AVIV [MENL] -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has drafted a plan for a withdrawal from virtually all of the West Bank by 2008.

                  Political sources said Sharon has begun briefing senior U.S. officials of his intention to withdraw unilaterally from more than 95 percent of the West Bank. They said Sharon, who quit the ruling Likud Party on Nov. 21, would seek a U.S. and international security presence in the area as well as a commitment for the dismantling of Palestinian insurgency groups.

                  "His decision [to quit the Likud] stems from his desire to bring the state of Israel to permanent borders during his term of office," Eli Landau, a longtime confidante of Sharon, said. "He knows that this step will be a dramatic one." [HSB Aside: Sharon has absolutely NO idea how "dramatic" this whole thing is about to get!!!]

                  The sources said Sharon's plan was based on an assessment that the Palestinian Authority was not prepared to sign a formal peace agreement with Israel. They said that under this scenario Sharon would order a unilateral withdrawal from more than 90 percent of the West Bank, but retain control over air space.

                  Last edited by HSB; 11-25-2005, 01:18 PM.


                  • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                    Originally posted by HSB
                    ...Sharon, who quit the ruling Likud Party on Nov. 21, would seek a U.S. and international security presence in the area as well as a commitment for the dismantling of Palestinian insurgency groups...
                    If the US can't stop insurgency groups in Iraq what makes anybody think we could stop them in Israel?


                    • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                      Now Arutz Sheva has picked up the Sharon plan to disengage unilaterally after the next election. See below. HSB


                      Sharon Plans Massive Withdrawals
                      11:55 Nov 27, '05 / 25 Cheshvan 5766
                      By Hillel Fendel

                      Reports are increasing that Prime Minister Sharon has drafted a plan for Israel's withdrawal from almost all of Judea and Samaria by 2008.

                      Middle East Newsline (MENL) reports in the name of "political sources" that Sharon has begun briefing senior U.S. officials of his intention to withdraw unilaterally from more than 95% of Judea and Samaria. Sharon is hoping to be elected Prime Minister for a third time - this time not in the Likud, however, but as head of his new Kadima Party.

                      One of the most valuable "acquisitions" of the Kadima Party, MK Chaim Ramon, formerly of Labor, said openly last week that Sharon will unilaterally
                      withdraw to final borders in Judea and Samaria if Palestinian terror continues. IMRA reported that Ramon said this on a live interview on Channel 10's "London and Kirschenbaum" news program just hours after he announced his decision to join Sharon's Kadima.

                      Ramon explained that Sharon will keep his plans secret until the elections because he wants to give the Road Map a chance.

                      Many public figures said, both immediately before and after Sharon's decision to quit the Likud, that this decision stems from his desire to carry out dramatic diplomatic moves that he knows the Likud would not approve. Among those who have said this are Binyamin Netanyahu, former Ashkelon Mayor and long-time Sharon confidante Eli Landau, Likud ministers, and others.

                      The MENL report indicates that Sharon would seek a U.S. and international security presence in Judea and Samaria, as well as yet another commitment for the dismantling of Palestinian terrorist groups.

                      Sharon's reported plan is to order a unilateral withdrawal, at first, from more than 90% of Judea and Samaria, while retaining control over air space. The pullout would be accompanied by a pledge of an additional withdrawal, as well as full Palestinian independence, once the PA dismantles terrorist groups and maintains security cooperation with Israel. The MENL sources said a version of the plan has already been drafted by Israel's National Security Council.
                      Though Sharon has denied that he plans any further disengagements, he pledged last week to "lay the foundation for a peace in which we set the permanent borders of the state, while insisting on the dismantling of the terror organizations."


                      • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                        Wedgies: we are now getting multiple confirmations of a secret Sharon plan to unilaterally evacuate from the West bank (area of ancient Israel) sometime after the election planned for the spring of 2006. This will be completed by 2008 at the latest (most probably during 2007). OK so now it is fess up time. If you believe Russia is Gog and an invasion occurs to the "mountains of Israel" is this likely to occur before the evacuation? Obviously after the evacuation that area will be a sovreign palestinian state without Jews...what would be the point of the invasion against the Jews who no longer live there? Should we brace ourselves for an imminent Russian attack? or is it possible that the " U.S.and international security presence in Judea and Samaria" will themselves be Gog and company showing up? What do you think? Please let us know! Are we about to watch an incredible "shock and awe" campaign OR end up being on the receiving end of same!


                        • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                          Hi All:

                          Wow! Can you believe how quickly things are falling into place? Why it’s as though one could take Ezekiel 36 through 39 and compare each Morning Paper’s Headlines to see the confirmation that God is still in control… His Story [History] is unfolding as He had written it… What an awesome God we serve… 

                          If as they say, Gog = Russia coming down from the North… Then it must of necessity pass through Georgia [the only non-Muslim State, between Russia and Israel] on their way to Israel. That means that they must take on America first, on their way! America, who now has five airbases in Georgia under their full control… fully stocked and armed! Are they serious? Is this likely? I think not! Then, if Gog isn’t Russia… who then is he?

                          I agree with HSB… we are about to see within six to twelve months! I don’t think that the coastlands of Russia constitute anything significant other than a lot of melted ice adding to the increasing water levels on the Planet, if Fire & Brimstone were to rain down from the skies… I think it more likely that “Peoples-of-the-Coast” may very well apply to America’s East Coast, West Coast, and South Coast! America truly can be described as People-of-the-Coast! Read again Ezekiel 38 & 39! We all may be going Home a whole lot sooner than we have ever thought, before!

                          Read for understanding Romans 11… God is keeping His Promises with His People! God, who cannot lie… God, who never changes, God, who holds the whole Universe in the palm-of-His-hand… is about to ‘smack’ Gog on the Mountains of Israel. The Promises have always been with Israel! We, the Church, have grown arrogant… we have done exactly what Israel had done… we have become ‘Proud’ of our place in God’s plans, and God is about to discipline His People [the Church], just before He turns His attention to His People [the Israelites]!

                          Our access to the Promises is “only” IN CHRIST! He [Jesus] the descendant of Abraham, who had met the Standard [the Law], had a right to take your & my place of just punishment for sin. If we then transfer our trust from trying to be good enough for God to accept [which we cannot ever do ourselves], and accept His provision [Jesus’ substitutionary-death on the Cross], we are then Baptized INTO HIM [Christ].

                          Our access [Gentiles] to the Promises is only because He has that access [a descendant of Abraham], and we Gentiles are IN HIM!!! Before Christ, in order to have access to the Promises, a Gentile had to convert to become an Israelite! God’s plan [IMHO] was to have Israel Evangelize the World… they Failed… the task then fell to the Church… it too has Failed. God brings His People whom He has judged these past 2000 years back to His Land… not for any good that they have done, BUT… because He had Promised to do so! He is now keeping His Word!

                          Once the “Time-of-the-Gentiles” is up… He will once again RESTORE His People… Hosea 6:2 [in two days (2,000 yrs)… that’s right now folks]… The remaining one-third only living Israelites, will convert in a day… Then God will use His Chosen People indwelt by the Holy Spirit [144,000 Paul’s + Elijah and Moses (two Witnesses)] to Evangelize the whole World!
                          They had Failed [Self Effort]… The Church had Failed [Self Effort]… and now He will do it through His Chosen People BECAUSE He had Promised to do so. These Promises have not come to the Church REPLACING Israel, but rather the Church has access to the Promises through the JEWISH MESSIAH only because it was God’s plan all along to put us into Him! Therefore we [the Church] has nothing to be arrogant [Proud] about. We are admonished to NOT think more highly of ourselves… we the wild olive branch have been grafted into THE COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL… we are only a Branch in the ISRAELI TREE!

                          The Time of the Gentiles may very well be up when God ‘smacks’ Gog on the Mountains of Israel! Hang onto your seats, the Roller-Coaster has just topped that first long up-hill climb and its about to gain a whole lot of momentum! Wow! What a ride… aren’t you glad that He is in control?



                          • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                            WOW! And thank you everyone for this thread..I don't contribute much..but I'm reading and saying WOW a lot!


                            • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                              To quote HSB
                              "Obviously after the evacuation that area will be a sovreign palestinian state without Jews...what would be the point of the invasion against the Jews who no longer live there? Should we brace ourselves for an imminent Russian attack?"

                              Wendy says: Remember Iran seems to be comfortably friends with Russia and perhaps this could be a coalition of sorts. Iran now has a powerful satellite capable to seeing into Israel. Given their recent threats about wiping Israel off the map and their nuclear capabilities---- uranium enriched 10 times what is needed to maker electricity ( they claim their nukes are for electricity).

                              I cant see it being USA turning so vehemently against Israel, unless Israel does something that turns the world grossly against it.

                              I went to the Voice of the Martyrs Conference this weekend. I felt so much like I fall short of my privilege in Jesus. We in the west have no idea how much it costs our fellows in other countries to take the name of Christ. I felt so unworthy.


                              • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                                If as they say, Gog = Russia coming down from the North… Then it must of necessity pass through Georgia [the only non-Muslim State, between Russia and Israel] on their way to Israel. That means that they must take on America first, on their way! America, who now has five airbases in Georgia under their full control… fully stocked and armed! Are they serious? Is this likely? I think not! Then, if Gog isn’t Russia… who then is he?

                                This is making a huge assumption.....That the USA is on the side of good. I know this is not a very popular option, but it may just be how the Russians gain access to Israel through Georgia without a huge fight. Look for a coalition of the willing to help in the cleaning up of the middle east to further George's legacy and a complete stranglehold of the oil, before the Chinese assert their needs from the east.


