Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.
Perhaps a poor choice of words on my part. The hooks could also portend simply a sudden but very affirmative jerking of the head around, to cause the army to simply cease what it was doing - without regard to actually "leaving".
Yes, fish sees jucy worm, and takes a bite. But it is after the bite of worm that the hook begins to be effective, not before. The jucy worm here is the lust of the eye - the desire to get something for free - loot, spoil. The insatiable thirst to have what someone else has - the grass is always greener in the other guy's pasture.
Originally posted by HSB
Seems to me the hook might work to draw the folks into Israel in the same way a hook works with fish. Fish sees juicy worm and goes after the bait, turns out its the fish that pays the price of involvement.