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Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

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  • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    Originally posted by HSB
    PS I have often wondered if down deep in the Muslim consciousness there is a realization that the moongod Allah is not equal to the God of Israel. Someday all the knees will bow, and it won't be towards Mecca!
    Amen to that!!! I can hardly wait. There is nothing here on earth (and I have it pretty good) that can fill my restless soul's desire to be with the Lord. As the deer pants for the water so my soul pants after thee.


    • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

      I live on Vancouver Island and on the wet coast of Canada and I have decided that the nation of Israel is about the same size as Vancouver Island, maybe a tad smaller in width as Israel narrows at both ends.


      • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

        Originally posted by wendyj
        There is nothing here on earth (and I have it pretty good) that can fill my restless soul's desire to be with the Lord. As the deer pants for the water so my soul pants after thee.
        Amen to that, Wendy! I think I can speak for everyone, when I say we share your passion. Sandi and I are glad to have someone from our neck of the woods join us here on Wedg.
        Welcome (Beloved) !!


        • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

          HSB, I have no patience whatsoever with the Muslim religion which worships a god other than The God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. And they are so bold and belligerent about it!


          • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

            Originally posted by ZionGene
            HSB, I have no patience whatsoever with the Muslim religion which worships a god other than The God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. And they are so bold and belligerent about it!

            I know how you feel about these people, but when they worship the moon god who is a counterfeit angel of 'bad ' light, satan who is liar, thief and murderer how can they be unlike him if he is their master.

            Its interesting Some of the Jewsih people see that Christ --the true light, the true Son of God only can make a difference. (I quoted this frm pg 71 of our thread credits at end of my post there.)

            On February 8th, 2004. Israeli Tourism Minister Benny Elon (National Union) asked Christian missionary groups to work to convert Muslims to Christianity in order "to show them the light."

            "Go from mosque to mosque and bring the Muslims into the light, to those who preach murder and suicide attacks," Elon said. (I've been saying this for over ten years in Christian churches all over the world. In all three of my books, I have testimonies from former Muslim terrorists who wanted to kill Jews, but when they became Christians, they became lovers of Zion, lovers of the Jews and lovers of all mankind.)

            This is the only chance the world has for peace on Earth and peace in the Middle East. Islam is a triumphalist religion that cannot rest until all other religions are abolished and the whole world is "Dar es-Salaam" (Islamic) - a sure prescription for constant war and destruction. I think that the recognition of this by Jews and Christians is a tremendous breakthrough for Israel and all of humanity. I think that the Messianic Era has now begun in earnest with this Judeo-Christian alliance.

            * * *


            • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

              Do you want to know how Israel can neglect the warnings given in the first article below? Read it, and then click on to get the second article, and see the moral decay behind that fact.

              Two scriptures come to mind when I think of the leadership situation in Israel today. "The wicked fleeth when no man pursueth," and, "The righteous are as bold as a lion"(and the opposite). The man has lost his ability to hold to a principled course of action, and is now a danger to his nation.


              Arutz Sheva -

              Left-Wingers Warn Against Disengagement
              Tuesday, June 14, 2005 / 7 Sivan 5765

              Yossi Beilin, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Ami Ayalon and others warn of the dangers, security-wise and diplomatically, that the unilateral retreat/expulsion from Gaza/northern Shomron will create for Israel.

              Former Justice Minister Yossi Beilin (pictured), currently not a Knesset Member but the chairman of the extreme left-wing Yahad/Meretz Party:

              "If the disengagement does not lead to an immediate permanent status arrangement, it will bring a catastrophe upon both Israelis and Palestinians... It is liable to bring a renewal of violence [that] is liable to bring down the moderate Palestinian leadership...

              There is a concrete danger that following the disengagement, the violence will greatly increase in [Judea and Samaria] in order to achieve the same thing [i.e., withdrawal - ed.] as was achieved in Gaza... A retreat from Gaza with nothing in return and with no agreement will strengthen Hamas."

              Former Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami of the left-wing of the Labor Party: "A unilateral retreat perpetuates Israel's image as a country that runs away under pressure... In Fatah and Hamas, they will assume that they must prepare for their third intifada - this time in [Judea and Samaria]... If we continue these unilateral steps, we will find ourselves establishing an enemy Palestinian state."

              Former General Security Service chief Ami Ayalon: "The captain of the disengagement can be compared to the captain of a ship who takes it from port to a very stormy sea, without knowing at all where he wants to lead it. And possibly even worse: He knows where he wants to lead it, but is hiding the information from his crew...

              Retreat without getting anything in return is liable to be interpreted by some of the Palestinians as surrender. The plan is likely to strengthen extremist forces in the Palestinians society... There is a high chance that shortly after the disengagement, the violence will be renewed. 2006 is liable to be a year of another round of violence."

              Ayalon said that the retreat from the northern Gaza communities - Dugit, Elei Sinai and Nisanit - is a "grave error. It has no demographic or security justification, and the price that it is liable to exact from us is not justified."

              Former Air Force Commander Gen. Eitan Ben-Eliyahu: "There is no chance that the disengagement will guarantee long-term stability. The plan as it stands can only lead to a renewal of terrorism... If there is no quick progress from the disengagement to a comprehensive retreat, [this will lead to] the one-state solution - bringing to an end of the Zionist dream, and the Jewish State will be lost."

              Former IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Gen. Uzi Dayan: "Retreat from Nisanit, Dugit and Elei Sinai is a double mistake: Security-wise, it unnecessarily brings the Kassam rocket threat closer to Ashkelon, and diplomatically, it creates a dangerous precedent of unilateral withdrawal to the 1967 lines, which strengthens the PA demands to return to the June 4, 1967 lines."

              Former IDF Chief of Intelligence Gen. Shlomo Gazit: "It is reasonable to assume that within a short time, we will face mortar shelling and Kassams from [Samaria and Judea]. These rockets and shells will hit Kfar Saba and maybe even reach Netanya."

              Former Mossad head Ephraim HaLevy: "After the disengagement, Israel will face a diplomatic crisis the likes of which we have not known for years."

              Former Mossad head Shabtai Shavit: "The disengagement plan sabotages itself, creating a situation of instability. The plan does not create the necessary minimum of balance that would enable long-term coexistence... Immediately after the disengagement, Israel will find itself on a crash pattern with the United States

              Last edited by ZionGene; 06-14-2005, 08:41 AM.


              • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                Looks like we have a timeline now for completion by 2007: (from Debka):

                US aims to blend roadmap with Oslo Accords

                June 15, 2005, 8:30 AM (GMT+02:00)

                Ahead of US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice’s visit to the region next Sunday, June 18-19, Bush administration officials are outlining a proposal for execution after Israel’s pullout from the Gaza Strip and N. West Bank. DEBKAfile’s Exclusive Washington sources disclose their thinking is to resuscitate the 1993 Oslo Accords Phase 3 which calls for Israel’s withdrawal from 60 percent of the West Bank – excluding East Jerusalem, Israeli communities and military facilities.

                The US conception would blend Oslo 3 and Middle East roadmap clause 2 which would establish an interim Palestinian state without permanent borders. Bush planners hope thereby to follow up on initial Israeli pullback with a sweeping withdrawal from large tracts of the West Bank. The Palestinians, for their part, would be asked to accept an interim state without pressing their basic demands on Jerusalem and refugee return. The timetable execution would spread over two years at least, winding up in 2007, i.e. the end of the Bush presidency.

                Tuesday, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon was pressed by opposition leader Tommy Lapid after a string of parliamentary defeats to detail his plans post Gaza pullout. He said it will then be the Palestinians’ turn to dismantle all terrorist organizations – else there would be no negotiations and no Palestinian state.

                DEBKAfile’s sources add Sharon’s line of thought is not exactly compatible with the latest thinking in Washington.


                • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                  HSB, I have a great sense of dread concerning the visit of Ms. Rice. I would like to see very special protection put around this young lady
                  Last edited by ZionGene; 06-15-2005, 12:37 PM.


                  • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                    There are Thunder Clouds on the horizon folks...

                    Rivlin Sees Gov´t Collapse Ahead Politics/Gov´t

                    Knesset Speaker Rivlin, a long-time friend and oft-time political ally of Ariel Sharon, predicts that the government's days are numbered. MK Benny Elon says Rivlin knows what he's talking about.

                    "Sharon has support on only one subject," Rivlin told NRG-Maariv last night, "and that is the disengagement. In any normal Knesset, we wouldn't be asking whether the Knesset would be dissolved - but rather when it will happen."

                    "The only alternative is to hold early elections," Rivlin said. "The government is unable to pass anything. Anyone who doesn't get what he wants, even if he is a member of the coalition, goes and votes against the government."

                    Sharon himself agrees that the situation is problematic. After yesterday's Knesset session, the Prime Minister met with opposition leader Tommy Lapid to discuss yesterday's results. Sharon and his government lost in four consecutive votes yesterday - three no-confidence motions and one on Sharon's speech on government corruption.

                    Lapid, who is widely assumed to be overly anxious to return to the coalition, told Sharon that yesterday's votes are a "sign that the regime is losing its grip, precisely when a strong regime is needed."
                    Last edited by Don Brooks; 06-15-2005, 01:05 PM.


                    • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                      The continued effort to get Youths involved is IMOP a going back to Child Sacrifices of long ago...

                      Teenage Fatah Suicide Bombers and Handlers Nabbed by Israel

                      Released for publication: security forces arrested eight terrorists last month, among them four teenage suicide bombers - all members of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ own Fatah movement.

                      The terrorists were arrested in the Balata and Askar slums, in and around the biblical city Shechem (Nablus). Four of those arrested were recruiters who located and trained young people to become suicide bombers. The four prospective suicide bombers were all 15-16 years old.

                      One of the teenagers told interrogators that he had approached one of the recruiters with a request for help in blowing himself up in an Israeli city. The young Arab said he wanted to be a “martyr” like a friend of his who blew himself up in the Carmel Marketplace in Tel Aviv in November 2004. Three Jews were murdered in that attack, and over 30 were wounded.

                      Another one of the teenage terrorists had already filmed his “martyr video” in a Shechem cemetery when he was arrested by Israeli forces.

                      The General Security Service (Shabak) announced that the terrorists admitted to their interrogators that the Hizbullah terror group was behind their activities.

                      This afternoon in the PA-controlled city of Jericho, several dozen armed Arabs stationed themselves in the center of the town and shot in the air for 20 minutes in protest against the PA. Some of them took over the summer home of PA prime minister Abu Ala. They were supposed to have been disarmed, but instead say that the PA did not fulfill its promises to find them jobs and housing.

                      PA senior figure Nasser Al-Kidwa said a few days ago that the PA need not disarm terrorists until after Israel withdraws to the pre-1967 borders.


                      • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                        Looks like the Golani Brigade are refusing to cooperate with evacuations. At some point in time there will be a need to involve outside military to get a Palestinian state going- the IDF simply won't do the dirty work!

                        Golani Brigade Says No to Expelling Jews
                        16:39 Jun 16, '05 / 9 Sivan 5765

                        The IDF has decided to relieve the prestigious Golani Brigade of the task of removing Jewish residents from their homes, fearing mass refusal and lack of motivation among soldiers and officers.

                        It was decided that the soldiers of the brigade, many of them either religious or children of immigrants, will be charged with defending the region from Arab terror attacks during this summer’s withdrawal instead of removing Jews from their homes, which was their original assignment.

                        Hagit Rothenberg of the B’Sheva weekly reports that Golani Brigade commander, Col. Erez Zuckerman, informed the commander of the 36th division, Brig.-Gen. Gershon HaCohen - who is supposed to command the uprooting of the residents of Gush Katif - that the soldiers of the brigade and their commanders are unable to fulfill the expulsion mission. The Golani Brigade Commander came to this conclusion in light of recent conversations with senior officers in the brigade.

                        The situation became apparent following a conference of Golani officers, when lectures on the importance of fulfilling the Disengagement mission and maintaining loyalty to democracy and the rule of law were delivered. The Brigade Commander noticed that officers were purposely avoiding addressing questions having to do with the question of fulfilling the expulsion order.
                        Following the conference, the Brigade Commander invited all the Deputy Battalion Commanders to a discussion to clarify the matter.

                        The Deputy Battalion Commanders told him unequivocally that the brigade was simply not built to fulfill the expulsion order, which they said was not the reason they joined the IDF.

                        An entire company of yeshiva-graduated Golani soldiers serving in the Philadelphi corridor informed their commanders that in the event that they are assigned to carry out an operation against a Jewish civilian population, they have no intention of carrying out that order. They say they will only act in a capacity against Arab attacks, but that if assigned any other task with regard to Jewish towns, the commanders warned of mass disobedience.

                        “The sentiment of the commanders in the brigade is that they are being forced to choose who they are more loyal to – their father or their mother, to settlement or to the IDF,” the Deputy Battalion Commanders said, “and they want to continue to be loyal to both of them.”

                        As a result of the Deputy Battalion Commanders’ briefing, the Brigade Commander informed the Division Commander that the brigade will not be able to take part in the uprooting of residents. The decision was then made to limit the actions of the brigade to combating Arab attacks, removing them from any of the assignments that would force them to clash with residents and their supporters, for fear of widespread lack of cooperation on the part of soldiers in the brigade. The situation was also brought to the attention of the Chief of Staff.

                        Ari Abramowitz, a former Golani Sergeant who served in the Philadelphi Corridor, told Arutz-7 that the news of Golani’s removal from the task of expelling Jews from their homes was to be expected. “I am not surprised one bit,” he said. “I and all the former Golani soldiers I know, would refuse the orders alongside them. The stereotype of Golani, which is somewhat true, is that they are first and second generation immigrants from Arab countries. They understand Arabs on a much deeper level than the Ashkenazi Jew from Tel Aviv. They understand that the Arabs understand power and strength and know that the transfer of Jews from their homes will be a victory to Arab terror and encourage further attacks on Jews.”


                        • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                          What unseen force is motivating Mr. Sharon in this evil scheme?


                          • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                            Who has studied? Joel. I see Joel 3:2 quoted about partitioning the land and judgement because of this. BUT in Joel the context seems to be to Tyre and Sidon, and Philistia---perhaps those cities north now would mean the arabs in Lebannon/Syria. Israel has only been partitioned once , right? That was when in 1947 the UN voted to part the Promised Land and made Isaerel -13% of the land that had once belonged to them and Jordan the rest? Now they want to divide up the land again time no. 2. Certainly the Philistia part would apply.

                            I dont have time right now to do a good job in writing my thoughts on Joel 3 and the Ezek portions we are studying but would any one comment on how thye think Joel 3 may or may not relate.


                            • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                              Zion Gene: I think your answer can be found at:


                              Remember: there is no interest like SELF interest!!


                              • Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                                HSB, there is an angle here which is best appreciated by those who know Christ.

                                Paul summarized a process which is hinted at in different stories and events in the Old Testament. It is called being turned over to Satan for Destruction. We see the principle applied in ICorinthians 5:5.

                                I have seen some bad things happen to believers who backslide and sin wilfully. I sadly remember many years that this son of a great evengelist went off to England to school, and took in nearly all that the skeptical professors had to say. He came back home puffing cigarettes, and taking a little booze now and then. To make a long story short, one day, this very efficient doctor, overcome by remorse, shot the required dose in his veins, and was a dead man within fifteen minutes. He was once a bible teacher

                                I heard of another believer and his wife, who wanted to abort their "fetus," and since he was a medical student, he tried to do it himself. He gave his wife too much anesthetic and she died at his hands.

                                If things like this can happen to people who know Christ on a personal level, how much more to a Israel today, who may have forgotten the bloody deadly things which happened to Israel, who, along with David, would occasionally disregard God's declared will. But David dreaded the possiblility of his evils hurting the innocent people whom he ruled. But not the present leader! To what depths have the Jewish People fallen?

                                Now, the illustrious Golani Brigade is saying in another article ( ) that it will not participate in the expulsion of Jews from their homes , and yet, the Israeli people are still permitting this man to lead and destroy their nation.

                                HSB, at the beginning of July, some people I know will begin a time of special prayer and fasting, that the God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob would rise and protect His people from this man. BUT HSB! But! God may just stand aside and allow all of them--Israel, Mr. Sharon, Ms. Rice, Mr. Bush et. al.--to be given over to Satan for destruction, and to let rivers of Jewish blood be shed because of their wilful despite of His stated will in this case
                                Last edited by ZionGene; 06-16-2005, 07:59 PM.

