Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.
Hello, Everyone...
OK, well first, let me go back to ZionGene's post on page 2 of this thread
I find that very interesting, ZionGene, in light of the fact that there are oil and gas deposits in Israel. I occassionally check in on the Zion Oil and Gas web site and it appears that there are both oil and gas inland, and gas offshore.
I posed your question to a fellow with whom I've had a few conversations, and got the follolwing reply:
"The only situation I know of is the ancient possibility that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by methane and sulfur and oil releases after an earthquake along the Dead Sea Rift Zone. I am not aware of any other possibilities. Oil and gas are usually trapped in domes and bent sediments, probably not adjacent to major faults. . ."
HSB, how would you assess the geo-political implications of Israel being energy independent, in relation to all of this? Putting aside the scenario of God intervening in the partitioning of Israel for a moment, how would you react to this thought -
I don't think Russia would be too thrilled to have an energy independent Israel, able and willing to sell huge quantities of oil to the world, when Russia, which has the oil, doesn't have the infrastructure to get it to market efficiently. Would not that be an incentive for Russia to "invade", even risking drawing the ire of the US?
But back on-topic, there is a thread here called Middle East Update: No Hurry for Peace. . . The article quoted there seems to infer that that author doesn't see any of the Arab nations (he calls them "regimes") in a particular hurry to see "peace" accomplished between Israel and the palestinians anyway. So why shouldn't we be more Alfred E. Newman-ish, and just go w/ "What, me worry?"
And another question - HSB, I get the feeling from your posts that you think that we will see either Israel divided (and we'll "put away our books") - or - Israel not divided, but God will knock some heads instead. What I haven't seen you say, explicitly, is where/when you think the rapture will occur in this timeline. Earlier you said (paraphrased) that we could easily see the first 4 seals of Revelation. So, where does the rapture fit?
Thoughts everyone? As Aragorn said to the dead under the mountain - "What say you?"
Hello, Everyone...
OK, well first, let me go back to ZionGene's post on page 2 of this thread
Originally posted by ZionGene
I posed your question to a fellow with whom I've had a few conversations, and got the follolwing reply:
"The only situation I know of is the ancient possibility that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by methane and sulfur and oil releases after an earthquake along the Dead Sea Rift Zone. I am not aware of any other possibilities. Oil and gas are usually trapped in domes and bent sediments, probably not adjacent to major faults. . ."
HSB, how would you assess the geo-political implications of Israel being energy independent, in relation to all of this? Putting aside the scenario of God intervening in the partitioning of Israel for a moment, how would you react to this thought -
I don't think Russia would be too thrilled to have an energy independent Israel, able and willing to sell huge quantities of oil to the world, when Russia, which has the oil, doesn't have the infrastructure to get it to market efficiently. Would not that be an incentive for Russia to "invade", even risking drawing the ire of the US?
But back on-topic, there is a thread here called Middle East Update: No Hurry for Peace. . . The article quoted there seems to infer that that author doesn't see any of the Arab nations (he calls them "regimes") in a particular hurry to see "peace" accomplished between Israel and the palestinians anyway. So why shouldn't we be more Alfred E. Newman-ish, and just go w/ "What, me worry?"

And another question - HSB, I get the feeling from your posts that you think that we will see either Israel divided (and we'll "put away our books") - or - Israel not divided, but God will knock some heads instead. What I haven't seen you say, explicitly, is where/when you think the rapture will occur in this timeline. Earlier you said (paraphrased) that we could easily see the first 4 seals of Revelation. So, where does the rapture fit?
Thoughts everyone? As Aragorn said to the dead under the mountain - "What say you?"