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Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

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  • #46
    Re: Paratroopers

    Thanks Lay It To Heart! Ascending and coming in like a cloud sure sounds like an airborne deployment. I agree completely with you. We probably disagree however about the "invasion". I certainly recognize there are various points of view about this whole topic (who, when, how etc) As you know I am of the opinion that this airborne "invasion" is actually a deployment of ground forces to implement the wretched 2 state solution. (Aside to PlumBob: The article with cartoon from Jewish World Review is quite telling!) It will be fascinating to watch the practical deals emerge for "condiguity" of arab sections, and the associated impact on the Jewish settlements. We will wait to see who gets picked to do the "dirty work" of removing these people from their homes and cities. God will use a "hook" to fish in some bottom feeders.
    Last edited by HSB; 02-07-2005, 05:19 AM.


    • #47
      Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

      The person to be pitied the most in all this is Mr. Ariel Sharon. What a tragic path he has set for himself!


      • #48
        Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

        I should have recorded the link yesterday, which said that over 100 synagogues and their rabbis in Israel, are praying for the failure of the confernce in Egypt, which their Prime Minister is supposed to be attending today (Sunday). It will be interesting to see how this turns out.

        I am trying to find that link


        • #49
          Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

          HSB - and all...

          Way back, in the 3rd post in this thread, HSB, you cited Arutz Sheva as one of the Israeli news sources you scan. The link is

          My goodness!! If you spend 30 minutes reading the commentaries there, it appears that the whole of Israel is up in arms about the present Sharon "disengagement" plan. And indeed, the commentaries are coming from both sides of the pond - Israel and the US. There are commentaries about a variety of topics, many of which are directly or indirectly related to this thread.

          It appears that this thing is rolling down hill, and gathering speed. HSB, if your scenario is correct, we'll all see the outcome - sooner than later.

          With that as a little preface - let me go back to an earlier post by lewishb, who was talking about a "generation" beginning when a child was 12 years old, and going until the age of 70. What's the basis for this particular time span defining a "generation"? Torah? Tradition? Other? (Over the years, I've heard several different time spans cited, including 70 years.)

          Exciting times!


          • #50
            Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

            Yes things are certainly heating up!!! I had hoped that there would be relative quiet in Israel since I am leading a tour group over there in May. It will include 3 full days of visiting settlements and sites in the west bank (eg Shiloh, Hebron, Bethel) where the original prophets walked and spoke. I want our folks to see this area that God speaks about in Ezekiel 36 before the coming peace deal attempts to wrench it all away from the Jews. Please pray for our trip arrangements and safety. More importantly please pray for the people over there whose lives are about to be turned upside down.


            • #51
              Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

              I read the same piece ZionGene in the Toronto Star quoting Israeli Army Radio. You can find the TorStar info at


              • #52
                Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                The news out of Fox this morning,,2933,146572,00.html isn't all that heartwarming, either.

                Maybe I'll go warm up the hidey-hole, instead of just checking on it.

                That article from the Toronto Star is a good read, HSB, thanks....


                • #53
                  Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                  Is it not strange how that nearly everybody--I mean everybody--is diametically opposed to the stated will of God, as it relates to Israel and her land? Where is Micronesia, or even Jamaica, who in the recent times have been lone voices in the wilderness standing for Israel? Where is Corie TenBoom's Holland? In the words of the Psalmist, it appears as if God will be obliged to "plead thine own cause," considering what the trend is today.

                  There is another angle to the shaping up of events which is very foreboding.

                  If in accordance to the depiction of nations as "sheep" or "goats" in Matthew's Gospel chapter 25:31-46, and if the sheep speaks of those nations which have sought the welfare of Jesus's brethern (acording to the flesh), then indeed, only few nations will survive the second coming of Christ. I wonder who the survivor nations will be?


                  • #54
                    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                    plumBob: you keep talking about your hidey-hole. Is that similar to the little spider hole that they found Saddam in? How much room do you have in there- ie can you fit a few more of us in there with you?


                    • #55
                      Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                      I know where the 'hidey-hole' is...It's in the cleft of the Rock!! And there's room for all who call on the name of Jesus!!!


                      • #56
                        Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                        Wow! That was really beautiful Jeanie and so true!! God bless you!


                        • #57
                          Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                          Do you mean to tell me that faith in Jesus Christ will even determine who will fry, and who will not on topside earth. I was once told that it only had to do with one's private religion, and that it had nothing to the with the real world. Seems as if one's relationship to Christ will even determine whether one will be able to breathe or not!


                          • #58
                            Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.


                            The hidey-hole is literal. Very much of an explaination would be really off-topic, so suffice it to say that it's only been recently that I've come to believe in a pre-trib rapture. For 40-ish years, I was concerned about where to go & how to live, during the trib. The hidey-hole was my solution. For years my wife, who has always believed in a pre-trib rapture, and I had this standing joke - we'd be talking about, perhaps, purchasing something, and I'd say "Yes, we could use that if we have to go to the woods." Can't say that much any more, the response is "You're in the woods, PlumBob."

                            HSB, you're welcome to come, but you'll need to bring your own food It's quite a bit larger than a spider-hole.

                            Jeanie, you're cool! You're absolutely right, where I'm going, no darkness can enter in. And there's room for everyone!

                            ZionGene, you lost me on that last one. I believe we'll all fly or fry, depending on our personal relationship with Jesus.

                            I've got another on-topic question or two, but will wait for you all to get up off the floor because of the pre-trib/post-trib issue.
                            Last edited by PlumBob; 02-07-2005, 10:12 PM.


                            • #59
                              Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                              PlumBob- that's not fair. Spit out the questions. I'm flying to the west coast Tuesday for 2 weeks so will need to keep active at a computer workstation. I look forward to hearing them and your own thoughts. HSB PS Where is everybody else? Surely on atopic like this there have to be a variety of views. I'd sure like to hear some of them grapple with the issues laid out in this thread. (is there such a thing as "threadbare"?)


                              • #60
                                Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

                                I"m still here and reading all your posts. All I can do is just sit here and go "wow".

                                hehehe hidey hole peaked my interest too. That name always made me smile.

