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Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

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  • Andy
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    I wonder how long the world will search for our bodies after we disappear. I know Moses actually died (so I'm not trying to make a connection there) but I've wondered how long searches will go on when we disappear.

    I was just musing over the events of the wilderness. The spies, the 2 that were faithful (two witnesses?), etc.

    Thanks, HSB, for pointing out the 40 years. That is REALLY an amazing "coincidence" especially if they really do give up 1/2 of Jerusalem in 2007.

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  • Issachar
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    In mid 1967 the jews were GIVEN the entire West bank and Gaza by God in six days. Forty years later they are GIVING AWAY the entire West Bank. Oh, and that would be a year and some months after GIVING AWAY Gaza. It is the whole story all over again, only this time it is in reverse.
    Now THAT is interesting.

    As Andy just said, "I have a feeling things are really going to get ugly - and soon." ....... sadly, amen.


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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    Andy: I cannot help but feel some very ancient decisions are being played out all over again: Consider this. The Israelites left slavery in Egypt and about 1 year and a few months later they made a frightful decision at Kadesh Barnea. They refused to enter the promised Land down near Gaza and Beersheva. So they were condemned to wander around the desert for a grand total of 40 years then entered near Jericho to GET what is the present west bank . Fast forward to today.
    In mid 1967 the jews were GIVEN the entire West bank and Gaza by God in six days. Forty years later they are GIVING AWAY the entire West Bank. Oh, and that would be a year and some months after GIVING AWAY Gaza. It is the whole story all over again, only this time it is in reverse. Amazing!! The same decision based on fear and refusal to follow God's direction.

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  • Andy
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    I have a feeling things are really going to get ugly - and soon. Israel has given her final word on how they feel about the land God's given them.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    As the election results provide for a center/left government under Ehud Olmert, the plan to evacuate the West Bank is now slowly emerging: see below some extracts from Haaretz/AP.

    Kadima: West Bank withdrawal will take a year to finalize

    By The Associated Press

    Kadima will need at least a year to finalize plans to withdraw from parts of the West Bank, expand Jewish settlement blocs and draw Israel's borders with a future Palestinian state, an architect of the plan told The Associated Press Wednesday.

    Kadima legislator Otniel Schneller said he has spent the past few weeks putting together the plan that will make it possible for Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to fulfill his pledge to finalize Israel's borders with a future Palestinian state by 2010.

    During its first year in power, Kadima will wait to see whether the new Hamas-led Palestinian government will moderate its views, said Schneller, himself a West Bank settler. During that period, Olmert will talk to Jewish settlers about alternative places to live, he said.

    In the following two to three years, Israel will build alternative communities for the settlers, either in existing West Bank settlement blocs that Israel wants to retain or in areas in Israel, and move the settlers there, he said.

    In drawing its borders, whether through unilateral withdrawals or negotiations, Israel will make sure the Palestinians will get contiguous territory so they will be able to establish a viable state, he said. In the absence of a peace deal, the army will remain in evacuated areas, Kadima officials have said.

    The plan has no exact timetable, Schneller said, and Israel could give the new Hamas-led Palestinian government more or less than a year to recognize Israel, accept past peace deals and renounce violence - demands set by Israel and the international community for having ties with the militant group.

    Olmert's so-called "convergence plan" is meant to be carried out in cooperation with the settlers, unlike Ariel Sharon's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip last summer, which led to confrontations with the residents of those communities.

    But Pinchas Wallerstein, a Jewish settler leader, said settlers would resist. "A withdrawal of the kind that we saw in saw in (Gaza's) Gush Katif, with hugs and kisses, will not repeat itself," Wallerstein said.
    Last edited by HSB; 03-29-2006, 10:37 AM.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    Very good article, it all sounds good to me. But who really knows how it will play out. One thing we all can agree on, is that its near.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    HSB and Lewis -

    Yes, indeed an excellent discourse. Thanks to both of you for your thoughts. I suspect this will take me a few days to digest

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    Excellant discourse as usual!!!! those interested in Revelations 4 horsemans should study Zechariah ch 1 's 4 horsemen/ horses, a great parallel!!! the murtle trees may be israel! the "bottom"" is Israels wetched condition..... but GOD is still there with them even so also the four horns (empires in Daniel) troubbleing Israel and the 4 Carpenters (succeeding empires) destroying the 4 horns......
    the last carpenter is Jesus

    Persia destroyed Babylon, Greece destroyed Presia, Rome destroyed Greece and Jesus destroyes Rome !!!excellant usually overlooked symbology!!!
    a must study!!!

    we did a verse by verse study of Zechariah in sunday school in 2004 we've been doing Isaiah for the last 12 months

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    PB: I believe everything up to 11:35 has been completed already in history with the King of the North (Seleucids) against the king of the south (Ptolomies).However starting in verse 36 the writer is describing a new individual. Notice in verse 40 he is being engaged by both king of north and king of south, whereas above verses have him as being the king of the north. Antiochus fulfilled an early version of the prince who will arrive to desecrate a rebuilt Temple IMHO. I suspect that king of north still applies to Syria and the king of the south applies to Egypt. Who the new "prince" turns out to be is the $64 trillion dollar question (note: value assumes the collapse of the US dollar through hyper inflation ...just kidding)

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    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    Persians are not an Arabic people.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    Hello, HSB.....

    Back to the discussion of the 12th mahdi possibly being AC, if you will, for a moment -

    I was reading in Daniel this morning.... Specifically 10:10 through the end of the book. Much of which, admittedly, either I don't understand, or it is essentially a "blow by blow" account of some future battle (or perhaps past? But I tend to think not.)

    Specifically, 11:2 looks to me as if it is speaking about "kings" arising in Persia. What I do not sense, is that these kings, or even the principal one, are European, specifically Roman. They are Persian - Arab, it take it. It struck me as funny, and makes me wonder if we are seeing images of AC here....

    Your thoughts?


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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    part of article from Debka on the Iraq/Israel parallels: (waiting for Gog!)

    Since Israel’s pullout, the Gaza Strip has become a sanctuary for Palestinian and international Islamic terrorist movements, from Hamas to al Qaeda, Hizballah and sundry Palestinian groups funded from Tehran. Gaza is a cautionary model which all counter-terror forces operating in the Middle East would do well to avoid like the plague.

    But instead, they are rushing to embrace it. US leaders, president George W. Bush and vice president Richard Cheney may insist loudly the US must stay the course until a free and stable Iraq is on its feet. However, on the ground, American troops are pulling back with the stated goal of quitting 75 percent of the country by summer’s end, although Rumsfeld acknowledges: “Turning our backs on postwar Iraq today would be the modern equivalent of handing postwar Germany back to the Nazis.”

    By the same token, Ehud Olmert and his Kadima face two ways: they promise to “fight terror” and at the same time are committed to a unilateral pullback from large tracts of the West Bank if they are elected. They have no answers to the key questions of who will step into the vacuum and how the vacated territory will be secured against its falling into willing terrorist hands.

    Clearly, another unilateral Israeli withdrawal would compound the Gaza Strip disaster, opening up the West Bank to a further surge of violent elements.

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  • Doug Fowler
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    Why not the same rider for all four horses? John does not see them all at once. he doesn't say the riders look the same, but he's not focusing on the riders at all in those verses - rather, he focuses on what the riders has with him, or what he does. However, in 2 verses it's "he that sat on him" and another it's "he that sat thereon." I'm not sure if it's the same in the Greek, I'm too busy to check, but I think it sounds pretty much the same.

    Even with the fourth horse, it's "his name that sat on him..." He sums it all up then with all the disease and pesilence and famine, but those are going to result, IMO, not just from natural famines and the like, but also from the war and economic collapse and so on.

    This is not the say the four horses are equal, obviously there are distinct differences. But, personally, I think this is part of Antichrist's plan - he will fulfill so many different roles for so many people, that billions will turn to him as the one who can solve all the world's problems.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    The majority of people who think they are christians will go through the tribulation Jesus faithfull Church is only a small Philadelphian remnant.
    i do think that many of those ""cultural christians"who miss the rapture because they werent saved will be shocked into reality by the rapture and will be the yeast of that great tribulation period revival......
    along with the 144000 Jews of course....

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    Guest replied
    Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.

    hi there PlumBob: delighted to hear from you...I was actually going to ask if your WEDG "ham" request thread was "kosher"....

    I have been reading a lot about the Muslim Madhi figure who is their Messiah who will set up a seven year kingdom. He will come from a cave..many think that he is already in the world..perhaps Osama in his cave will lead the way. Or the President of Iran who has messianic aspirations too. But I understand it is only the Shiites who are "twelvers" believing in the return of the 12th Imam who disappeared as a child in the 9th century. The Sunnis also belioeve in Madhi but not this part.

    I happen to agree that the white horse figure is not Jesus for many of the reasons given in the article. However I find it interesting that all four horses in Revelation have a rider. To my knowledge nobody has ever speculated about who the other three riders may be, given they are so sure the first rider is the antichrist. Seems like a different standard is applied to the first as opposed to last three horses. I happen to think that the white horse rider is maybe not a person so much as it is an "entity" like the other three cases. The white may simply mean dramatic peaceful empire emerging without bloodshed or even force of arms, much like Europe is presently confederating. Starting January 2007 there will commence a 7 year budget cycle, perhaps with a consolidated foreign affairs office speaking as one voice for the E.U. The ENP (European Neighborhood Policy) deals will be confirmed in this budget process and take economic effect at that point in time. Interesting that there is even a three and a half year mid point review cycle built into the budget process. In addition the E.U. protocols on animals takes effect in 2010, in time to stop any sacrificial system that might be reintroduced in Israel.
    I believe the other 3 horses of revelation are also saddled and ready to ride. War, economic collapse (led by a fall in the US dollar?), global plague (bird flu??) are all waiting impatiently in the wings (pun intended )
    All of this touches Israel... as trade requirements, a momentous earthquake anihilation of Gog's horde in the West Bank etc. Hold onto your will be a big ride starting shortly.
    For those out there who believe we will miss this mess by way of an early rapture, I hope and pray you are right, but in my heart believe you to be wrong. Methinks we will go through a refining process that involves a significant amount of heat
    These are just some very quick thoughts on my way to bed. I must say how surprised I was not to read the R word in the article. I thought hal L was absolutely sure that MaGog's realm was Russia. If Gog war fits in here a whole big chunk of the Muslim world would in fact be destroyed in the process.

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