Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.
And is what is the point of all this listing of the connection between Christ and Israel; and between the Jews and Jehovah?
The point is directed at you guys who would try to squeeze and diminish Israel today: God has made an investment in Israel and the Jewish People, which goes beyond them as individuals. When He wanted to demonstratre to Mankind the benefits of His Laws and His ordained culture, He took this people out of Egypt and used them as objects lessons--very often to their terror--but most of the time to their felicity.
Then, God set up the Levitical system and made Israel adopt it as a habit, even to the nitty-gritty of having a special tribe of Israel appointed to slay sacrifical lambs, thereby "legitimizing" the self sacrifice of Lamb Of God, Jesus Christ, because, among other things, he was put to death at the request of priests and Levites. If they did not "do it" to Jesus, God the Father would not have accepted Him as that Lamb. Christ even died according to the clock of redemption which was maintained by the Jews over the centuries! And the Lamb of God Himself must have had Jewish dna, too, by the way. No one from my ehnic background could have died for the sins of the world--neither from yours if you are not Jewish! That's a fact!
And continuing in God's demonstrating His ways in using Israel and the Jews as object lessons: He even used them historically to illustrate what it means "to fall in the hands of an angry God." Which gives nobody an excuse to say that he did not know that there was a penalty for sinning.
And now today, after having invested so much, and used that People to bring both the written and Living Word to the human race, do you suppose that the same God who appeared as Jehovah to Moses will permit anybody to twart or divert his plans to use that same people further, in the overall redemption of the Human Race. UN; USA: Ms Rice; Mr Tony Blair; the European Union; Mr. Abu Mazen; Mr. Ariel Sharon: halt! You are fighting against God! And if His words are not heeded, He will get rough!
And so, I continue reminding us what God has to say about the matter. Perhaps....
And is what is the point of all this listing of the connection between Christ and Israel; and between the Jews and Jehovah?
The point is directed at you guys who would try to squeeze and diminish Israel today: God has made an investment in Israel and the Jewish People, which goes beyond them as individuals. When He wanted to demonstratre to Mankind the benefits of His Laws and His ordained culture, He took this people out of Egypt and used them as objects lessons--very often to their terror--but most of the time to their felicity.
Then, God set up the Levitical system and made Israel adopt it as a habit, even to the nitty-gritty of having a special tribe of Israel appointed to slay sacrifical lambs, thereby "legitimizing" the self sacrifice of Lamb Of God, Jesus Christ, because, among other things, he was put to death at the request of priests and Levites. If they did not "do it" to Jesus, God the Father would not have accepted Him as that Lamb. Christ even died according to the clock of redemption which was maintained by the Jews over the centuries! And the Lamb of God Himself must have had Jewish dna, too, by the way. No one from my ehnic background could have died for the sins of the world--neither from yours if you are not Jewish! That's a fact!
And continuing in God's demonstrating His ways in using Israel and the Jews as object lessons: He even used them historically to illustrate what it means "to fall in the hands of an angry God." Which gives nobody an excuse to say that he did not know that there was a penalty for sinning.
And now today, after having invested so much, and used that People to bring both the written and Living Word to the human race, do you suppose that the same God who appeared as Jehovah to Moses will permit anybody to twart or divert his plans to use that same people further, in the overall redemption of the Human Race. UN; USA: Ms Rice; Mr Tony Blair; the European Union; Mr. Abu Mazen; Mr. Ariel Sharon: halt! You are fighting against God! And if His words are not heeded, He will get rough!
And so, I continue reminding us what God has to say about the matter. Perhaps....