Re: Ezekiel 36 and the Mountains of Israel.
Dear PlumBob et al. I have been far away from my computer the last week so have missed some of the great activity at this board. I am slowly catching up. You asked for my own thoughts so here they are (at least a few of them) I see a period of some calm coming over Israel as Abbas tries to rein in the radicals and build on his election mandate. It won't be total peace as Hamas etc will still do some dirty work, but at least some calm will be appreciated. The world will try their very best to support Abbas, as will Sharon who wants to cut a deal. The USA and Europe will lean on Israel to offer basically the deal that Arafat turned down- basically the whole west bank with a divided Jerusalem as their capital; the Americans because they need to be seen in the arab world as even handed, and to get the muslims off their backs. The Europeans don't have a lot of military muscle but they sure have lots of economic muscle. At the rate the EU is expanding, soon you will need to be pretty darn strong economically to think you could somehow ignore the threat of European sanctions.
OK so now we have everybody on board for a settlement (except for the Orthodox Jews in Israel who believe in the literalness of Ezekiel 36). But how does the settlement get implemented? A large percentage of IDF personnel have already said they would refuse any order to forcefully uproot Jewish settlers, and the order has not even been struck yet. It will not be Jews dragging out Jews. That would lead to civil war. I believe there will be a "hook in the jaws" to drag some coalition into Israel to implement this dirty work. In my mind I see this as the perfect arrangement for God to then show Himself holy before the nations by smashing this force. So who could it be?
During the cold war it was popular to think of Russia as the "evil atheistic empire" that God would judge some day. This was a big part behind the Russia=MaGog theory. We have heard some recent rumblings from the Russian bear that realizes its days of glory are behind it. Could it lead some coalition of the willing version 3 into Israel. I doubt that Israel would want vast numbers of Russian troops on site along with a large representation of Muslims without a fight. But it is possible. However I don't think the USA will allow a major Russian incursion into the Middle East when the supply of oil has become so critical to western economies (Russia is actually a net exporter of oil) We will see shortly what is to unfold.
Please watch out for another possibility. That involves a large international force with both western as well as muslim representation. It would be led by the USA with a large commitment of ground troops- perhaps many of the folks who are already in the region nearby in Iraq. That would nicely keep a major presence for USA in the area, as well as denying that to others (eg Russia or Europe) I think the heavy lifting will indeed be American (as it often is!!)
This scenario makes a good deal of sense without appealing to Bible prophecy. I ask you to please pick it apart. But then read Ezekiel 36 again. God will not,IMHO, allow the mountains of Israel to be uprooted of people He Himself is bringing back from the nations. So there is a fork in the road. If you are a replacement theology believer (most Catholics and a large chunk of Protestants) then all of this appeal to Dry Bones and restored Israel in a literal sense is so much foolishness. But if you believe that the covenant God made with the Jews is still in effect regarding the Land, then look out. I believe strongly that whoever enters Israel in large military force, regardless of the pretense, will be setting the world up for Shock and Awe like we have never seen it. The reason I said "whatever pretense" is because the government of Israel may itself be an accomplice!!!! You will have noted form my other postings that I now believe the MaGog "invasion" is not an invasion at all, but rather a "deployment". Hebrew is such an INCREDIBLE language, far more subtle and interesting than English, French etc.
I have rambled on here. In conclusion I say: If you see a large military force starting deployment in Israel and it happens to be American RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! It is happens to be Russian, European or somebody else, then hold onto your seat for an incredible ride. What amazes me is the withering away of strong, clear evangelical Christian support for a literal birthright Land covenant. It was there and wildly celebrated in 1967 when God gave the Jews the area (even though Israel was happy to stay out of the west bank to keep Jordan out of the war) and even though the Jews have not settled it in large numbers. God is not finished with Israel. Like a loving Mother Eagle as parent looking out for the goslings/eaglets? the nest is about to get stirred up a bit.
Dear PlumBob et al. I have been far away from my computer the last week so have missed some of the great activity at this board. I am slowly catching up. You asked for my own thoughts so here they are (at least a few of them) I see a period of some calm coming over Israel as Abbas tries to rein in the radicals and build on his election mandate. It won't be total peace as Hamas etc will still do some dirty work, but at least some calm will be appreciated. The world will try their very best to support Abbas, as will Sharon who wants to cut a deal. The USA and Europe will lean on Israel to offer basically the deal that Arafat turned down- basically the whole west bank with a divided Jerusalem as their capital; the Americans because they need to be seen in the arab world as even handed, and to get the muslims off their backs. The Europeans don't have a lot of military muscle but they sure have lots of economic muscle. At the rate the EU is expanding, soon you will need to be pretty darn strong economically to think you could somehow ignore the threat of European sanctions.
OK so now we have everybody on board for a settlement (except for the Orthodox Jews in Israel who believe in the literalness of Ezekiel 36). But how does the settlement get implemented? A large percentage of IDF personnel have already said they would refuse any order to forcefully uproot Jewish settlers, and the order has not even been struck yet. It will not be Jews dragging out Jews. That would lead to civil war. I believe there will be a "hook in the jaws" to drag some coalition into Israel to implement this dirty work. In my mind I see this as the perfect arrangement for God to then show Himself holy before the nations by smashing this force. So who could it be?
During the cold war it was popular to think of Russia as the "evil atheistic empire" that God would judge some day. This was a big part behind the Russia=MaGog theory. We have heard some recent rumblings from the Russian bear that realizes its days of glory are behind it. Could it lead some coalition of the willing version 3 into Israel. I doubt that Israel would want vast numbers of Russian troops on site along with a large representation of Muslims without a fight. But it is possible. However I don't think the USA will allow a major Russian incursion into the Middle East when the supply of oil has become so critical to western economies (Russia is actually a net exporter of oil) We will see shortly what is to unfold.
Please watch out for another possibility. That involves a large international force with both western as well as muslim representation. It would be led by the USA with a large commitment of ground troops- perhaps many of the folks who are already in the region nearby in Iraq. That would nicely keep a major presence for USA in the area, as well as denying that to others (eg Russia or Europe) I think the heavy lifting will indeed be American (as it often is!!)
This scenario makes a good deal of sense without appealing to Bible prophecy. I ask you to please pick it apart. But then read Ezekiel 36 again. God will not,IMHO, allow the mountains of Israel to be uprooted of people He Himself is bringing back from the nations. So there is a fork in the road. If you are a replacement theology believer (most Catholics and a large chunk of Protestants) then all of this appeal to Dry Bones and restored Israel in a literal sense is so much foolishness. But if you believe that the covenant God made with the Jews is still in effect regarding the Land, then look out. I believe strongly that whoever enters Israel in large military force, regardless of the pretense, will be setting the world up for Shock and Awe like we have never seen it. The reason I said "whatever pretense" is because the government of Israel may itself be an accomplice!!!! You will have noted form my other postings that I now believe the MaGog "invasion" is not an invasion at all, but rather a "deployment". Hebrew is such an INCREDIBLE language, far more subtle and interesting than English, French etc.
I have rambled on here. In conclusion I say: If you see a large military force starting deployment in Israel and it happens to be American RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! It is happens to be Russian, European or somebody else, then hold onto your seat for an incredible ride. What amazes me is the withering away of strong, clear evangelical Christian support for a literal birthright Land covenant. It was there and wildly celebrated in 1967 when God gave the Jews the area (even though Israel was happy to stay out of the west bank to keep Jordan out of the war) and even though the Jews have not settled it in large numbers. God is not finished with Israel. Like a loving Mother Eagle as parent looking out for the goslings/eaglets? the nest is about to get stirred up a bit.
