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Spiritual Warfare at Home

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  • Spiritual Warfare at Home

    Hi friends,
    I just have to ask, has anyone else felt as though the spiritual warfare in your home or life has ramped up as of late?

  • #2
    Great Point Seeking Him! For me, yes indeed. 100%. I have to battle a spirit of heaviness constantly. I am unafraid, be sure of that but the burden for Israel and all of the unsaved in the world is heavier on me now than at any other point of my 75 years on the planet. Important that we be praying for each other. Being a Watchman on the Wall isn't easy. My largest calling has not changed in 35 years, Intercessor. Satan hates Intercessors. I'm also following the visitors on the Board each day and they are Up. Praying that Wedg will make a difference.


    • #3
      No idea how I missed this thread but I'm going to 'resurrect' it so I can read and answer later - this is SO applicable to us right now.


      • #4
        Okay, this is in a basically unused forum, and I'm not seeing how to move it to the main forum.


        • #5
          I'm sorry I put it in the wrong place. I also didn't see your reply. I had to go out of town to help my son for a few weeks last month and wasn't able to check in often.


          • #6
            I'm trying to weigh whether I am noticing more anger/frustration in people because I know where we are in time or if there really is more anger/frustration.
            Over the last two days, I've witnessed someone shouting obscenities in the grocery store because they couldn't cash their lottery winnings. Not at the customer service window, and not that that would have made it better, but it was on his way out - about three feet away, walking towards and looking straight at my granddaughter and myself.
            Yesterday, there was another incident at the grocery store, but this involved a different scenario at a different store. It wasn't yelling, it was like plotting. He was trying to get someone else who was working there to do something they shouldn't do. I don't know what it was, but the worker wouldn't do it and he wasn't happy about it. (I think the problem maker worked there too, but was off work.)
            He wasn't super loud, but he was within three to four feet of my granddaughter and I and once again using obscenities.
            In the past, I probably would have spoken up or at least said something about the kids around me. In these circumstances, I froze up. I guess I haven't had something like this happen in a while, and a part of me was worried it would make things worse with her there.

            I'm also having some unusual issues with my extended family. It's like anger/rage took them over and they couldn't see straight. No one was hurt. It was on a phone call, but just so over the top.
            Anyway, I wanted to share and vent a little in a safe space.

            Praying for all of our interactions as we wait in this world. May the Lord give us the words and actions to stand up when needed and help us stay silent when we should not speak.


            • #7
              Seeking Him, it isn't just you and your family. I see this kind of behavior all the time and it is kind of scary. The level of violence and lack of self control in society today is shocking. The demonic forces are being unleashed in a way that I haven't seen in my almost 76 years on this planet. We have to be wise these days. I know Jonathan Cahn addresses this in one of his YouTube videos. And the other thing is we all MUST remember to put on the full armor of God daily. Blessings to you sister.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Glorify Him View Post
                Seeking Him, it isn't just you and your family. I see this kind of behavior all the time and it is kind of scary. The level of violence and lack of self control in society today is shocking. The demonic forces are being unleashed in a way that I haven't seen in my almost 76 years on this planet. We have to be wise these days. I know Jonathan Cahn addresses this in one of his YouTube videos. And the other thing is we all MUST remember to put on the full armor of God daily. Blessings to you sister.
                That's a good reminder! You're so right.
                Did you ever read, This Present Darkness? If so, I feel like it makes it easier to sort of visualize what is happening in the unseen. At least, it helps me to be more patient and understanding that people are being used by satan in those outbursts.


                • #9
                  Hi Seeking Him, yes I read This Present Darkness years ago when it came out. I've read all of Frank Paretti's books. And you make a good point. The evil is almost palpable these days. You can feel it in many places.


                  • #10
                    I'm reminded almost DAILY of Lot being "vexed" in his soul at the depth of evil around him.
                    The spirit of deception has taken hold in ways we never thought we'd see - and with it, division, strife, anger...well, Paul's list is quite appropriate.

                    Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
                    Galatians 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
                    Galatians 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

