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Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    At a time ....

    New wave of bomb threats at Jewish centers across US
    Last edited by SAT; 02-20-2017, 04:03 PM.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    big sigh

    Swede PM raps Trump as film claiming migrants driving crime called faked

    Policemen interviewed say documentary maker stitched answers to other questions to mislead viewers

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Originally posted by Andy View Post
    A huge push to support extreme terrorism that is reducing world populations in the Middle East...the Elitist agenda.

    I'm just thinking this out as I write it out...just posing a potential answer to how both you and I could be right but both be wrong, too.
    It's funny Andy remember I said there are some things I leave behind???? The reason??? I see commentaries quoting stuff but when you dig.... Or they say they have absolute proof but never prove it and it doesn't happen. Some only quote stuff from way before I was born but the plan has evolved since then.

    Like you say, what I see is actually happening???? Refugees get food, medical attention etc. The same elite working very hard and spending big time to save lives

    The "unions" in Africa are getting huge medical centers supplied to the hilt based on the idea of raising the standard of living in all the countries. Utopia. Peace and security for all.

    For years Christians have tried and fought to do exactly what seems to be happening now. And many of the Christian organizations are very much involved and working with the "elite" and the Vatican. (And no I don't mean just "c" Christians)

    The complete opposite of what the commentaries profess. So far I haven't seen any living proof of these theories, only ancient quotes from a time when they still believed black weren't really human and the west was God's beloved Israel. Or theories based on how it could possibly unfolded based of their beliefs or theories.

    Now add the Jews and Christians who are backing "Utopia" because they believe it will bring revival or messiah. So many it seems, believe the world will be converted to Christianity and have left behind the idea of a remnant.

    But a Christian lead new order and religion is leading the way. I truly hope people aren't mistaking it as a "pause".

    Why do I mention all this??? When you hear and see things now you have to take into consideration the beliefs of the commentator. Many people it seems are seeing what they want and delivering it like fact.

    Because it is end times, it is actually even more in your face. Many see the Israeli peace deal coming and think "a pause" or a "Christian Utopia" is coming

    All that to get to With all the contradictions, what I feel I need to do, is try to keep with facts and let those facts show me how the Word is unfolding.

    It is hard to not jump in with theories etc.(which is why I get uncomfortable about my speculations) but like antichrist/false prophet thing I really don't want to put stuff on anyone just in case it is false. If I can.

    Last edited by SAT; 02-20-2017, 01:15 PM.

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  • Andy
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    What if (work with me here!) Obama was not trying to fit the pattern we see for end times?
    Or...what if we are not seeing the real picture yet?
    I see the potential for two forces at that's an Elitist/Globalist position wherein only the "Elite" should live on this earth and all others should be killed.
    The OWO movement is one of super, ultra-tolerance and "lets just live in harmony and peace"
    And, what if, those that are Elitist will be phased out, over time, in exchange for the OWO?

    Check this out.
    God is Sovereign - we know this.
    So Obama comes to power and even if his agenda is wrong what he does fits what God has preordained.
    A huge reduction in US military forces.
    A huge push to support extreme terrorism that is reducing world populations in the Middle East...the Elitist agenda.

    I'm just thinking this out as I write it out...just posing a potential answer to how both you and I could be right but both be wrong, too.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Hi Andy

    First up. I'm not saying Amir is wrong. What I am saying, as I haven't seen anything to back that up, and as far as I can see this wouldn't fit the pattern.

    Quite a few out there spoke about a map etc. the IDF presented....

    IDF map of Hezbollah positions revealed as fabrication

    At a time it is getting harder and harder,(see article) I try very hard, though I sometimes fail , to stick to what we do know. And let some of the other things go.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    And that is healthy in mho

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  • Andy
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    FYI, sister, hands down I trust Amir's reports on what's happening above ALL others. In my opinion his involvement with IDF gives him a perspective and accuracy that is indisputable. I'm not saying I think he's always right about everything but when he reports on what's going on in the Middle East (the single most scrutinized area in the world by the IDF) I take it as "gospel truth". We do know from other sources the US military was not bombing ISIS targets...they were avoiding them. I remember wondering if we should believe what we were reading...then Amir told us that, that's exactly what he was doing up until the campaigning for the next President got into full swing. Suddenly the US military started hitting ISIS targets and Obama was 'the hero'. So - unless the one world religion is radical Islam, the most intolerant of all religions of today's day, I'm going to have to still disagree that he was at all one world religion or one world government/order.

    I stick by my Globalist (also, "Elitist" fits his style of thinking), "diagnosis".

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    PS Many of the weapons Pres Bush sent over or left ended up in the wrong hands. You hear the complaints from Britain, Russia, France that many of their weapons end up in the wrong hands. But it doesn't mean they were all guilty of the same accusations Obama faced. But that radical Islam was smart enough to take out weapon depots. Which were reported in the media and military.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Oh I've heard all that stuff as well. Right now there is absolutely no way to prove either way by articles as many don't even believe what they read these days anyway. Especially when it doesn't line up with the going theory out there

    So the only thing I can base my opinion is logic, and even though it no longer matters as Obama is gone.

    First, many of the same people who stated this stuff predicted he would declare Marshall law as a sitting president, or was going to be the next Secretary General of the UN after Ban Ki Moon.

    I suspect the evolving theory that has been out there for nine years now was based on an error right from beginning.

    Originally posted by Andy View Post
    As Amir reported in a recent report Obama has not been attacking ISIS at all. He's been ordering the military to attack targets that have actually helped them. Only once the campaigning started did he suddenly turn into a "hero" and changed the target to weaken them.
    This is not a strategy of a OWO person, it's the strategy of either an extremist Muslim himself (unlikely) or a Globalist that embraces mass killings of populations of people that he hates. Easy way to diminish the world population: Help those that are the enemies of Christianity and Jews to thrive and commit acts of genocide.

    I don't think he has made any mistakes in who he has helped/supported and the outcomes of that. I think every bit of this has been calculated and intentional. His biological father is reported to have been an anti-American, Marxist that spent the majority of his adult life on the FBI watch-list.
    Does that sound like the one world order or even the one world religion? The Roman Catholic church and the Pope? All of whom were working on the new orders long before Obama.

    Radical Islam's numbers dropped drastically under Obama because he was very one world religion. Do not judge the son by the father. But by the son's actions only. If he wasn't one world religion there were many things he could have done, but instead his actions reflected the positions of both the OWR and the political arm of the OWO.

    Obama position on the Temple Mount and Jerusalem were the exact same as what the OWR, OWO,UN and the EU have stated their goals were for both. And his action also lined up. Which imvho also lined up with what the Bible tells us it would be like.

    Abbas demands Temple Mount status quo be restored to 1999

    It didn't happen because all the players, including the US, had other ideas. OWR ideas

    Aftermath of Jerusalem deadly car attack by Palestinian

    Last edited by SAT; 02-19-2017, 06:05 PM.

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  • Andy
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Been thinking a lot about this, SAT...I'm just not quite seeing the same thing.
    As Amir reported in a recent report Obama has not been attacking ISIS at all. He's been ordering the military to attack targets that have actually helped them. Only once the campaigning started did he suddenly turn into a "hero" and changed the target to weaken them.
    This is not a strategy of a OWO person, it's the strategy of either an extremist Muslim himself (unlikely) or a Globalist that embraces mass killings of populations of people that he hates. Easy way to diminish the world population: Help those that are the enemies of Christianity and Jews to thrive and commit acts of genocide.

    I don't think he has made any mistakes in who he has helped/supported and the outcomes of that. I think every bit of this has been calculated and intentional. His biological father is reported to have been an anti-American, Marxist that spent the majority of his adult life on the FBI watch-list.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Originally posted by Andy View Post
    He didn't just let Islam take on Islam, sister. He routinely supported one side - always the wrong side, causing the "radical brand" of Islam to gain much more of a foothold. His outspoken support of the Muslim Brotherhood early in his career as the President was clear evidence of this, to those that knew anything at all about the bloody history of that organization.
    This doesn't sound like One World Order.
    (BTW, I'm not trying to be argumentative - just want to understand your picture better)
    Now that was an Obama mistake. He thought the political arm of the Brotherhood would cooperate, conform and stabilize. He actually also misjudged who would get control of the political arm of the Brotherhood. This was actually his biggest mistake. They had someone else in mind. Big mistakes.

    Strangely the same mistake Pres Bush made, they underestimated the fear of the average Moslem of being dominated by the west. But the slaughter by radical Islam is changing all that. And the OWR is spreading.(Bush and Obama both thought the charms of the political arm of the new order would be enough. Oddly, Warren and the spiritual leaders at Davos almost ten years ago were right. )

    But the Arab Union and the Mediterranean Union survived and are actually getting stronger.

    Which brings us to Iran and why Russia is(temporarily) supporting them.....
    Last edited by SAT; 02-18-2017, 10:11 PM.

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  • Andy
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    He didn't just let Islam take on Islam, sister. He routinely supported one side - always the wrong side, causing the "radical brand" of Islam to gain much more of a foothold. His outspoken support of the Muslim Brotherhood early in his career as the President was clear evidence of this, to those that knew anything at all about the bloody history of that organization.
    This doesn't sound like One World Order.
    (BTW, I'm not trying to be argumentative - just want to understand your picture better)

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    What are the billionaires in Trump's camp doing??? They want to be sure the west keeps control, and the Europeans bend their way.
    Where as the Hillary/Obama's tended to be more cooperative with the EU.

    I hope I was able to make it understandable.
    Last edited by SAT; 02-18-2017, 11:14 PM.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    With all out war being the last thing anyone wants, control of the new order systems (the new weapons of warfare) and control of the economic system could end up being the only that keeps China from forcefully taking all the countries they want in their union. The same thing applies to Russia and their Eurasian Union.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Helping Trump get into office seems quite counterproductive given his staunch, "America First" platform. His determination to make America stronger than ever should have caused Putin to react the opposite way.
    Actually the complete opposite. Within the order operating in the world, the US would be under a serious threat of being weakened if Pres Trump actually did what people think he is going to do. The reason TTIP and TPP were so important. An ideology will dominate the new order systems. You can't go back and if it isn't democracy.....Putin's idea of China, Russia and the US equally sharing??? hmmmm The UN is a good example of why that won't work for democracies.

    Especially as out and out war would now be ........ Even if democracy won and some were still alive, all of mankind's advances would be destroyed. Just computers and medical advances........

    No one wants to go there.
    Last edited by SAT; 02-18-2017, 08:55 PM.

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