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Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    everything from economically to the havoc he wrecked on the military's ability to wage war
    Actually, I hate to say it but, Obama was right to let Islam take on Islam.

    Radical Islam was/is fighting the ideology and theology of the new order. Moderate Islam is actually being won over by their fight with radical Islam. If we had out and out fought them it would have only pushed more and more moderates toward all out war. The reason radical Islam is trying to get west boots on the ground.

    Other then radical Islam the new weapons of warfare, as long as the west can keep control of them, have been working perfectly.

    Gambia leader accuses West African bloc of declaring war

    The rules that applied to Gambia apply in all the Unions. Which are now functioning the way they designed.

    No one wants to get into a war with those who aren't conforming, Russia and China.
    Last edited by SAT; 02-18-2017, 09:14 PM.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Andy, I may have to do this in bits and pieces as I will have to leave from time to time.

    Hillary???? Hillary represented the new order in the minds of the right. Where as most believe Trump will destroy the new order. That is imvho were the error comes in. People have been convinced it is only the Hillary's. But the Trump's will destroy it.

    Let's say they do try to go back to sovereign nations. That would leave the Putin's of the world with more accumulated power and control of the fundamentals systems of the new order. War would the only way to gain it back. But they would still have to complete the new order and get control back even if the west won. All the sovereign nation stuff would be for nothing. In a very strange way Russia has played democracy right back to pre Reagan and the fall of the USSR.

    As it turns out now, biblically, a highly unlikely scenario.

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  • Andy
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Interesting perspective, SAT (as always).

    Seems to me if Putin wanted to have his way he would have left things alone and let the foolish American's elect Hillary so she could continue the previous Administration's policy of destroying this nation...everything from economically to the havoc he wrecked on the military's ability to wage war. Helping Trump get into office seems quite counterproductive given his staunch, "America First" platform. His determination to make America stronger than ever should have caused Putin to react the opposite way.

    I'm not quite seeing what you are, in this...please feel free to elaborate.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Unfortunately, there are many out there who say things like that because they can(for better ratings) and don't have to face the consequences.

    Russia is pushing and pushing hard. They honestly thought they could manipulate Trump. Yes manipulate and the reason for their interference in all the elections going on in the west.

    Sorry folks but imvho. Yes Trump won but Russia was in there and still is trying to degrade and humiliate the democratic system.

    The Democrats are trying and hoping they did it enough to bring him down. But Trump won. Winning doesn't add or take away from the fact they did interfere.
    Remember the Russian lie....
    "in which each country is defined by its sovereignty.”
    But contemplate their actual actions.

    No one but God now can take the new order down now, but Putin can attempt to weaken the west so he can positon himself better within it.
    Last edited by SAT; 02-18-2017, 06:54 PM.

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  • Andy
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    What we don't ever hear about is what US ships are lurking off the Russian coast...even if they are being blatant about it to frighten Russian citizens.
    Trump's snarky comment about wanting to 'blow it out of the water' sort of tells me he's not willing to be bullied and could be willing to taunt the Russian military just as much as they are, us.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Re: Trump says so....
    Trump himself referred to the ship at a marathon news conference Thursday, saying that his critics probably think “the greatest thing I could do is shoot that ship that’s 30 miles offshore right out of the water.” He ruled that out.

    Later in the news conference he added that he wouldn’t telegraph his plans regarding the vessel: “So when you ask me what am I going to do with a ship, the Russian ship as an example, I’m not going to tell you,” he said. “But hopefully, I won’t have to do anything, but I’m not going to tell you.”

    A Coast Guard official on Thursday said the presence of the intelligence ship, called the Viktor Leonov, so close to American shores is not unprecedented, and is not a cause for alarm.
    Last edited by cnav; 02-18-2017, 06:18 PM.

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Hi Andy

    There are two reasons to not doubt.
    1/Russia did it so blatantly just average citizens spotted it
    2/ Even Trump admitted it was there.

    The other day in his speech to the media he stated he knew people wanted him to blow it out of the water, but that he wanted to be friends with Putin

    There is a lot more truth on the left and right then people realize. imvho
    Last edited by SAT; 02-18-2017, 06:07 PM.

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  • Andy
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Have to wonder just how much of this is factual.
    WHY would the US military allow such highly secretive "sightings" be released to/by news media?
    Yes, I'm quite skeptical of the NY Times, CBS and Fox.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Russia spy ship located near U.S. Navy base in Virginia

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    Guest replied
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Off Connecticut near submarine base...

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    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    U.S. warns Russia amid reports of new cruise missile

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    And Russia's response according to RT....

    Trump expects Russia to ‘return Crimea' – White House
    Russian envoy Vitaly Churkin responded by citing the US Constitution and pointing out that Crimeans overwhelmingly voted to join Russia, after the US-backed coup in February 2014 overthrew the elected government in Kiev.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    This is in today's news re: Trump/Putin Crimea/Ukrine

    U.S. President Donald Trump made it clear he expects Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine and reduce violence in Ukraine, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Tuesday.

    "President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea," Spicer said at a daily news briefing. "At the same time, he fully expects to and wants to get along with Russia."

    The new tone is a departure from opinions Trump expressed last year on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. In an interview with ABC in July, Trump did not back away from a suggestion he had made earlier to recognize Russia's claim on Crimea, CNN reported. "I'm going to take a look at it," Trump said. "But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were."
    Different news lines...

    High expectations...and if not?

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  • SAT
    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Totally bizarre
    Ukraine will collapse in 2017, NATO will not help

    13.02.2017 | Source: Pravda.Ru

    As a result, the traditional division of Ukrainian regions into zones of influence between Europe and Russia will return. Western Ukraine will go under the protectorate of Poland in the pro-German European Union, while the entire Novorossiya, including the Donbass, the south-east and the south-west of Ukraine, will come under the control of Moscow. Central Ukraine, including Kiev, will be jointly managed by the Kremlin and Germany, the article says. Trump's policy in Europe will lead to a dramatic rearrangement of forces, and Russia will strengthen its influence in the region even more

    NATO says it sees sharp rise in Russian disinformation since Crimea seizure

    Petraeus: World order under 'unprecedented threat'

    Retired Gen. David Petraeus warned lawmakers on Wednesday that the world order created in part by the United States in the 20th century is under “unprecedented threat from multiple directions,” pointing to Russia, China, Islamist extremists and cyber threats.
    Those threats are compounded by an America whose “resolve about its defense has become somewhat ambivalent,” he added.
    “Americans should not take the current international order for granted,” Petraeus said at a House Armed Services Committee hearing. “It did not will itself into existence. We created it. Likewise, it is not naturally self-sustaining. We have sustained it. If we stop doing so, it will fray and, eventually, collapse."
    Last edited by SAT; 02-14-2017, 05:35 PM.

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    Re: Russian spy ship patrolling off Delaware

    Russian Cruise Missile, Deployed Secretly, Violates Treaty, Officials Say

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