Interesting article in "Skeptical Inquirer" mag
the fact that ID is now EVERYWHERE !!!
Turkey teaches ID in its schools and Islam in general looks at Evolution as an example of the decadent West... & That The Russian state church promotes ID as do some of the Russian elite... Eastern Europe, especially Catholic Poland, support ID in opposition to liberalism / Communism... Holland supports ID in opposition to the decline of traditional Dutch values & culture.... Conservative groups across Europe are now supporting ID in opposition to hated liberalism ...
So, ID there is not quite the same over there as ID here, but still GOD is being glorified in all this !!!
And the liberal marxists are having a cow about it all !!! Makes my day !!!

Turkey teaches ID in its schools and Islam in general looks at Evolution as an example of the decadent West... & That The Russian state church promotes ID as do some of the Russian elite... Eastern Europe, especially Catholic Poland, support ID in opposition to liberalism / Communism... Holland supports ID in opposition to the decline of traditional Dutch values & culture.... Conservative groups across Europe are now supporting ID in opposition to hated liberalism ...
So, ID there is not quite the same over there as ID here, but still GOD is being glorified in all this !!!
And the liberal marxists are having a cow about it all !!! Makes my day !!!