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Prophecy Updates by Amir Tsarfati

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  • Wow...


    • So -

      In Amir's opinion, we've crossed the Rubicon. There is now NOTHING left before Gog can move south (into Israel) with no response other than an objection from Anyone. Nobody is/will be willing to stand up with/for Israel when the Gog coalition decides to move in - as long as the weaponry is "conventional."

      Bottom line, Politics are Politics. All is (as a good friend recently said) "smoke and mirrors." The powers continue to play in their own self interest.

      It'll be interesting to hear what JD has this afternoon.

      Whew, glad I've ready read the last chapter in this book!
      Last edited by PlumBob; 04-15-2018, 07:55 PM.


      • Good explanation on why Trump warned the Syrians ahead of time when he has vowed to never let our enemies know when we're going to attack.


        • 4/21 good as usual


          • 4/26 good but an hour long


            • I have this deep sense that our world is about to radically change in the month of May.
              No idea if that's what we're facing but - I sure won't be one, bit surprised if that does happen.


              • JD Farag's update today also referenced a "very interesting" May.


                • April 29 (good stuff, go figure)

                  One thing he does in this that I really appreciated is get much deeper into why he believes that we are in the Ezekiel 38:11 timeframe, right now. This has been a "sticking point" for me when anyone tries to say we're on the cusp of this invasion happening. I have not agreed with that due to the 11th verse - Amir deals with that and I submit, he did so very effectively.


                  • Here is Amir's last one, dated 4/30/18

                    Last edited by Andy; 05-02-2018, 10:08 PM.


                    • I'm searching for the update he did where he gives a more extended explanation of why he believes Psalm 83 was fulfilled in 1948, 1967 and 1973 (especially 1948).
                      Can someone please help me with this search? I cannot seem to put my finger on it.


                      • May 3rd

                        Again... WOW
                        Love how he puts pieces together.
                        The whole Iranian Vault operation...what, when, how...what Iran did in response (the drone), etc., etc.

                        Last edited by Andy; 05-03-2018, 03:14 PM.


                        • This update was, indeed, extremely interesting! And, at the very end, when Amir said Macron was getting together a 10-nation coalition of the willing next month to discuss military cooperation -- just WOW! Things are happening so fast.


                          • Yeah, that was a bit of an eye-opener!
                            Created a new thread on that topic.


                            • Accept no substitutes - Amir reports that someone reported a war hd started already and it's not true (well, as of right now). And, more attacks Israel has had on secret stuff.
                              Last edited by Doug Fowler; 05-07-2018, 07:52 PM.
                              My books for sale
                              Please print, pass on these items:
                     May start other books
                     2 Kings 4, spiritual leadership in difficult families


                              • Amir's latest update from today

                                Special update on Trumps decision on Iran & Jerusalem, May 8, 2018

                                Last edited by Andy; 05-08-2018, 05:18 PM.

