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Petraeus: World order under 'unprecedented threat'

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  • Issachar
    re. post #33

    I agree with what you said pretty much except maybe the pulling out of S. Korea part. Time will show ..

    Not sure where, but somewhere recently on this board, I mentioned that no matter what Trump or anyone else does, prophecy will be fulfilled. There are those that are making a one world order happen .. unions and kings, etc. .. on purpose. I personally do not believe that Trump is one of them. But prophecy will be fulfilled.

    At the very least, what else can explain the globalist elite*s hatred of him? It is waaay too over the top to just be staged. I believe that he is doing what he believes is best for his country and that he believes leaders of other countries should do what is best for their respective countries. Perfectly? Not hardly. But that is this world, this life.

    Maybe some of what he is doing is a set back to the forming of unions. Maybe not. We cannot know the end of a thing as we do not have that perspective. Maybe they are still forming but in a slightly different direction. Maybe all the made up vitriol is a bunch of wah wah elitists not liking that new direction. Or, as I said, maybe his presidency is a temporary stay of union forming. We cannot know exactly. If it is a temporary stay, it is God*s doing and for a good reason. I could make guesses as to what those reasons may be, but being His being God, means that they are good reasons by default.

    One problem in the U.S. is that one cannot turn on the radio, tee vee, internet (U.S. sites), magazine or newspaper without an ONSLAUGHT of anti-Trump rhetoric, 24/7 and that would be 24/8 if the Beatles had it right. There is no break from it. Even some of what is on Foxnews is slanted against him. But the fact is, no president deserves that. There is no president that continually did or does bad. And worse; much worse, this time around, so much in the way of lying and deceiving, is made up. That is not just a feeling or parroting a favorite commentator, it is something demonstrated time and time again.


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  • SAT
    I am neither left or right. Yes Trudeau is left and promoting things that God stands firmly against. But I'm not right either. I believe it is the end times and Pres, Trump is actually adding to the new order. Example??? His position on trade (worldwide tariff free) is exactly the same as the end game of the new order. NK??? it probably will be de nuked, because under the doctrine of the Russia/ China it will no longer be under threat for their human rights. But I also believe the steps Pres. Trump is taking re NK , including pulling out of South Korea is allowing North Korea to become under the Russia/China union. In fact, Pres. Trump could actually give Russia/China the responsibility for NK.

    We know the world will be divided into "unions" We also know there will be "kings" dominating areas of the world Pres. Trump's policies are allowing these "kings" to rise.

    He is not taking apart the globalist but only the left wing globalist, and promoting the right wing globalist.

    I also believe if we don't understand what Russia/ Europe the rest of the world are thinking we are missing out in some important points on how we get to the end.
    I just thought it important to make sure I have made my position clear.

    Last edited by SAT; 06-14-2018, 01:31 AM.

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  • SAT
    Originally posted by Andy View Post
    Trudeau reminds me of:
    Isaiah 11:6d ...and a little child shall lead them.

    OK ??? Not sure what he has to do with what I've been trying saying in this thread, Apparently I have failed.

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  • Andy
    Trudeau reminds me of:
    Isaiah 11:6d ...and a little child shall lead them.

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  • SAT
    I hope no one minds but ...bump

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  • SAT
    Originally posted by Issachar View Post
    Probably because they did not grow up with it.

    In the U.S. it is not so much gun rights per se as it is, freedom as defined by the constitution.

    Yep a cultural thing.

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  • SAT
    Trudeau?? lol He is a little left leaning but that really isn't important. What is important is the fact he has bought into the need for man to bring peace and security.

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  • Issachar
    Probably because they did not grow up with it.

    In the U.S. it is not so much gun rights per se as it is, freedom as defined by the constitution.


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  • SAT

    Even all the different varieties of Christians do it. Example?? The majority of believers in Britain, Sweden or even Israel don't necessarily have the same position on guns that American Christians hold dear to their hearts.

    It doesn't bring their belief and love of God into question on either side. I believe it is cultural.

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  • SAT
    Most definitely. If I had to take a guess I would say most media are fighting or slanting things toward their beliefs and/or intellectual decisions. Not so much how the world should be, but more on how to get there.
    Either way repenting, praying and waiting on God for His answers isn't up there. Just more, well I think.......

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  • Issachar
    re. post #20

    Originally posted by SAT
    I agree with him. Fox news has just become a propaganda machine for a group of elites.
    Just joking here a bit: Is Trudeau filtering the internet up there like China does for their country? There is quite a bit of *calling out Trump* on foxnews.

    I personally would not even let buzzfeed on my screen to protect my mind from the other filth there.

    Col. Ralph Peters is generally decent man and to my knowledge, usually astute concerning world events. But it has been plain from even Trump*s campaign days that he was opposed to Trump. When I hear about, for example, just to pick one, the Sean Hannity Show being propaganda, I have yet to find where anyone showed that it is. Of course he has misspoke, made mistakes, etc. (being human(s)) but has always made a big deal of retractions. I like his show, though I rarely hear it and rely on youtube replays, not because he is always correct, but because he tries to be.

    If we discount all media, we will have no access to any information about anything outside of what we can personally see and hear, which for me, is not much given the tiny piece of the earth I travel daily.

    BTW, buzzfeed too, is propaganda.


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  • Issachar
    re. post 22

    Originally posted by SAT
    ... and thought filled project to take on.
    Probably not as it is merely for the sake of discussion among members here. I don't really care about what definitions are *out there* (in the world). That will be all over the place and is basically useless and even that may be in part, a ploy.


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  • SAT
    Originally posted by Issachar View Post
    I agree about *left* and *right* and am considering a *Defining Last Days Terms* thread to make discussion easier. What used to suffice when things were not as advanced as they now are and are advancing at ever increasing rate, no longer works so well. Now it is necessary to be more specific .. imho.

    When I do that .. or anyone that wants to; go ahead .. I am not thinking that I know and *this is it.* I am hoping for multiple inputs to hone down to terms that work; e.g. new world order, one world order, left, right, liberal, conservative, etc.

    Very good idea, but a big and thought filled project to take on. I suspect people mix morals and ethics in the political system, when the two are separate(AC/FP) until the AC finally puts them together with his own version. What we are seeing now is just the push so it won't be such a shock. People will be more receptive to receiving it.

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  • Issachar
    I agree about *left* and *right* and am considering a *Defining Last Days Terms* thread to make discussion easier. What used to suffice when things were not as advanced as they now are and are advancing at ever increasing rate, no longer works so well. Now it is necessary to be more specific .. imho.

    When I do that .. or anyone that wants to; go ahead .. I am not thinking that I know and *this is it.* I am hoping for multiple inputs to hone down to terms that work; e.g. new world order, one world order, left, right, liberal, conservative, etc.


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  • SAT
    An "Ashamed" Fox News Commentator Just Quit The "Propaganda Machine"

    I agree with him. Fox news has just become a propaganda machine for a group of elites.
    But that doesn't mean prophecy has gone of course. In fact they are pushing it forward.
    Last edited by SAT; 03-21-2018, 11:55 AM.

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