I agree with what you said pretty much except maybe the pulling out of S. Korea part. Time will show ..
Not sure where, but somewhere recently on this board, I mentioned that no matter what Trump or anyone else does, prophecy will be fulfilled. There are those that are making a one world order happen .. unions and kings, etc. .. on purpose. I personally do not believe that Trump is one of them. But prophecy will be fulfilled.
At the very least, what else can explain the globalist elite*s hatred of him? It is waaay too over the top to just be staged. I believe that he is doing what he believes is best for his country and that he believes leaders of other countries should do what is best for their respective countries. Perfectly? Not hardly. But that is this world, this life.
Maybe some of what he is doing is a set back to the forming of unions. Maybe not. We cannot know the end of a thing as we do not have that perspective. Maybe they are still forming but in a slightly different direction. Maybe all the made up vitriol is a bunch of wah wah elitists not liking that new direction. Or, as I said, maybe his presidency is a temporary stay of union forming. We cannot know exactly. If it is a temporary stay, it is God*s doing and for a good reason. I could make guesses as to what those reasons may be, but being His being God, means that they are good reasons by default.
One problem in the U.S. is that one cannot turn on the radio, tee vee, internet (U.S. sites), magazine or newspaper without an ONSLAUGHT of anti-Trump rhetoric, 24/7 and that would be 24/8 if the Beatles had it right.

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