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Increased Terror Threats - Upcoming Elections

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  • #16
    Re: Increased Terror Threats - Upcoming Elections

    One of the strategies in the Benenson Report, to stop Trump voters (although not the best) was terrorist strikes. The best strategy was an alien invasion. This is assuming this report is valid, released by Wikileaks. Go here for the video:


    • #17
      Re: Increased Terror Threats - Upcoming Elections

      Originally posted by Shibboleth View Post
      Yes, oil does seem plentiful these days. Why? Russia gets most of it's income by selling oil and gas. They control, for the most part, the primary primary pipeline into Western Europe. Flooding the world with cheap oil and gas has taken it's toll on Russia's main source of income. However, if another pipeline were to be built, through Syria, coming from the Gulf region, even more pressure would be placed on Russia's main source of income, not to mention decreasing Europe's dependance on it. But alas, that's just my opinion. Let me know what you think about the following articles. Notice the pipeline maps, including the ones proposed.

      This one has a good map of the proposed pipeline from Qatar to Europe; and another map showing the one Iran wants to build. They all run through Syria.

      I really like the 4th map in this article.

      And given that the US pipeline would also go through Turkey; well, that's a discussion in and off itself.

      Follow the the money, and in this case, the money to be made from oil and gas.

      Revelation 6:6 (KJV) comes to mind:

      There is just so much at play here.....
      May I suggest something else that may also need to be considered???

      How illogical oil seems to be on the surface, but if you really examine and think..

      Oil seems to be like water. With the right equipment technology has brought us to the place you can bring it to the surface almost anywhere.
      Recently the US declared itself oil self sufficient. Yet they still buy oil from Canada and Saudi Arabia.
      Canada???Pipelines??? Why pipelines??? to send unrefined oil to refineries in the deep south.
      So why not just build a refinery in Canada seems to be the logical answer. But that one always gets brushed under that big carpet that looks more Mt. St Helen.

      Europe could do fracking. They are sitting on a ton of natural resources.

      Gee the US had the technology to do fracking for many many years, but for the most part sat on it. It has actually been in use for many many years, but for the most part not used. When they finally opened the spigots the price dropped and the US was declared self sufficient.

      What we do know??? oil seems to funnel through one marketing board worldwide that uses American dollars. People buy US oil and the US buys Saudi oil. Scratching the head now.

      My point??? Who would have guessed almost forty years ago the US could have been self sufficient??? Forty years ago, they had the technology.

      So when it comes to oil, logic and the future of oil all I can say is "wow" and a big shrug about what will happen.

      It seems to me almost each country could be self sufficient but ....they seem to prefer entire areas be dependent on each other.

      Last edited by SAT; 11-05-2016, 01:50 PM.


      • #18
        Re: Increased Terror Threats - Upcoming Elections

        Originally posted by Issachar View Post
        ref. post 13:

        It is true SAT that oil [currently] is abundant, but the owo order still must have control of it. In fact, it is likely the abundance of it, and natural gas, is why they need even more control of it so as to not let it's commonness allow individual independence.

        May I suggest, because it seems to be something that could be manipulated to bring about their Utopia.
        There is a common thread we can see today, that is happening today, if you want to look ..let say.. one of the smaller "unions" within the larger "union" of the African Union.

        One country within a smaller union will have the headquarters for research and medical care. Another be the technology center for those countries within the smaller union and so on and so on. Each is dependent on the other, working together and responsible for each other.

        Utopia, through interdependency. Plus the new order has been based on neoliberal capitalism for a long time. They took it slow, step by step. This is also where they went wrong as they sped it up and people really started to notice. Hence the IMF plead recently.


        It is why we have seen some things we scratch our heads over.
        Last edited by SAT; 11-05-2016, 03:46 PM.


        • #19
          Re: Increased Terror Threats - Upcoming Elections


          If I had to take a guess??? Obama will leave in January. No Marshall law etc etc etc But it maybe a bit bumpy between now and January during the adjustment period.

          lol but I guess we shall soon see as it is only days away.

          The odd thing??? I remember Democrats and some right wingers saying the exact same things back when Bush was to leave for Obama. Each change over for a number of presidents has brought some of this up.

          Will this one be bumpier ?? Probably but it will calm down eventually. They are aware, but all we have to do is look at Brexit.
          Last edited by SAT; 11-05-2016, 02:26 PM.

