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Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

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  • Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

    US: “This settlement's location deep in the West Bank… would link a string of outposts that effectively divide the West Bank and make the possibility of a viable Palestinian state more remote,”
    Israel intends to move ahead with plans to construct 98 new homes in the West Bank settlement of Shiloh, despite harsh United States objections to the plan.
    Washington has rebuked Israel for both plans, but the State Department issued a particularly sharp statement in which it said the Shiloh project was tantamount to the creation of a new settlement, something Israel had promised the US it would not do.
    Last edited by SAT; 10-31-2016, 10:52 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

    The U.S. State Dept. is nothing credible right now. But .. Israel changing their mind on something? If true, maybe they shouldn't have been coerced into saying that in the first place by ... the U.S. State Dept.

    Seems that once or twice, the U.S. did something it said it wouldn't. Sure.

    The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

    Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

    I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

    Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.


    • #3
      Re: Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

      Israel and the US had a deal, written and signed, for years. But president after president has disagreed with Israel as to what actually would be a "new" settlement. The document states Israel must be allowed to build for natural growth. What they disagree on is where the natural growth should be built.

      And no one thought it would go on this long without a peace deal so natural growth keeps going and going lol Making new borders by expansion, in what the world considers the Palestinian West Bank.

      The problem is how long will they allow this to continue????? I suspect patience is wearing thin. Even Netanyahu seems to be concerned and knows this is a dangerous time, but his beliefs won't allow him to stop but eventually.....
      Last edited by SAT; 11-01-2016, 10:29 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

        Hamas calls for more attacks by PA security personnel

        Hamas “welcomed” an attack by a Palestinian police officer on Monday that injured three Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near Ramallah, and called on Palestinian security personnel to carry out more attacks.

        Hamas looks to join PLO, marking major unification step

        Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal made a rare plea on Wednesday for uniting his popular Palestinian Islamist movement with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), bringing it, for the first time, into the umbrella group recognized internationally and by Israel as the representative of the Palestinians


        Christian Zionist group hits back at UNESCO with Bible campaign

        A Christian Zionist organization based in Jerusalem is urging Christians around the world to send Bibles to the Paris offices of UNESCO, in response to two recent resolutions that stress Muslim ties to the holy city and effectively ignore any Jewish and Christian connection.
        The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem says in a statement released to the media that hundreds of Bibles have already been sent to UNESCO, highlighting “many of its references to ‘Jerusalem’ and the ‘Temple.'” The group says it expected thousands more Bibles to arrive in the coming weeks.
        “We were very shocked and disappointed that UNESCO would adopt such a flawed resolution,” ICEJ Executive Director Jürgen Bühler says in the statement.
        “Most of us view these diplomats as being principled and well-educated. But apparently, some of them forgot their history lessons and we are sending them Bibles to refresh their memory. Even worse, some of these representatives are deliberately trying to erase the Jewish and Christian bonds to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and other revered sites in the Land of Israel.”


        • #5
          Re: Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

          Just something I can't help but think about.... right now the world would not approve of Russia going into Israel for any reason.


          Russian authorities seal off Amnesty International office

          Last edited by SAT; 11-02-2016, 11:30 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

            US irked as East Jerusalem housing plans move forward

            Israeli planning authorities issued building permits for 181 new homes in East Jerusalem Wednesday, drawing a harsh rebuke from the United States.
            We strongly oppose settlement activity,” spokesman John Kirby told reporters, accusing Israel of actions that “risk entrenching a one-state reality” and raise serious questions about the Jewish state’s commitment to a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians
            Last edited by SAT; 11-02-2016, 05:47 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Israel to build new settler homes in Shiloh, despite US objections

              ‘No big bang theory to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict’

              It’s unrealistic to imagine that Israelis and Palestinians can sit down at this time and directly negotiate a peace deal, EU and UN officials said on Thursday.

              “If we push for direct bilateral negotiations today, for some we would be dreamers, for others naive, but certainly we would not be realistic,” said the UN’s Special Coordinator to the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov.
              Such efforts were not intended to dictate the outcome of a final status agreement, but rather were intended to help create conditions for such talks, they said.

              “This is of course not a question of the international community or anyone else trying to be prescriptive or imposing a solution on the parties,” Faaborg-Andersen said. “But the point is that the parties themselves have not been able to agree a way forward on their own."

              Its true, and it is obvious, there is a realignment of the interest between moderate Arab states and Israel, which can be exploited and which can be the first steps toward the process of normalization and peace with the rest of the Arab world, which I think is something that could really move the minds of Israelis."
              Last edited by SAT; 11-04-2016, 10:30 AM.

