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Israel ignoring Quartet, building more in settlements, UN envoy charges

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  • Israel ignoring Quartet, building more in settlements, UN envoy charges

    Settlement building ‘surged’ in recent months — UN envoy
    Settlement construction has “surged” in the two months since the diplomatic Quartet called for a halt to the construction of Jewish outposts on Palestinian land, a UN envoy said Monday. His statement was rejected by an Israeli government spokesman

    UN sees surge in Israeli settlements after Quartet report

    In a much-awaited report, the Quartet -- the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations --- urged Israel to stop building settlements and called on the Palestinians to cease incitement to violence.

    But Nickolay Mladenov, the UN coordinator for the Middle East peace process, acknowledged that this appeal had fallen on deaf ears.

    "Its recommendations continue to be ignored, including by a surge in Israeli settlement-related announcements and continuing demolitions," Mladenov told the Security Council.

    A quick look at all the articles posted about the meeting this morning show the anger that is growing toward Israel as they aren't obeying the UN/OWO.

    Oddly, although Russia is part of the Quartet, it is the rebellious attitude toward the new ideology that is drawing Putin and Netanyahu so much closer.

    PS with all the political chaos out there is it any wonder we are getting so close to a religious/political leader being the savior of the world.
    Last edited by SAT; 08-29-2016, 07:01 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Israel ignoring Quartet, building more in settlements, UN envoy charges

    At a time they seem to be losing control of parts of the middle east.

    Turkish forces deepen push into Syria, draw U.S. rebuke over their target

    Turkish-backed forces pushed deeper into northern Syria on Monday and drew a rebuke from NATO ally the United States, which said it was concerned the battle for territory had shifted away from targeting Islamic State.
    "We want to make clear that we find these clashes - in areas where ISIL is not located - unacceptable and a source of deep concern," said Brett McGurk, U.S special envoy for the fight against Islamic State, using an acronym for the jihadists.

    "We call on all armed actors to stand down," he wrote on Twitter, citing a U.S. Department of Defense statement.


    • #3
      Re: Israel ignoring Quartet, building more in settlements, UN envoy charges

      No one has the right to tell Turkey which terrorist organization it can fight, a Turkish minister said on Monday, as the NATO member faced criticism over an incursion into northern Syria which has seen clashes with Kurdish militia fighters.

      "No one has the right to tell us which terrorist organization we can fight against and which one to ignore," Turkey's minister for European Union affairs, Omer Celik, told a news conference in Ankara.

      And the reason Turkey is leaning toward Putin


      • #4
        Re: Israel ignoring Quartet, building more in settlements, UN envoy charges

        Security Council to convene informal meeting on settlement building

        October 14th
        Last edited by SAT; 08-30-2016, 01:50 AM.

