GASP you replied....
It was asked today if GOD had sent Trump giving America one last chance to turn away from sin selfishness and Satan--- .... As the prophet asked Israel
"choose this day whom you will serve; if GOD be GOD serve Him... if Bail be god, serve him""...
We the People COULD throw ALL the Bums out...right now........ but so far, all I see is apathy.........
as some wag famously just said "We may have one Trump before the last Trump".......

It was asked today if GOD had sent Trump giving America one last chance to turn away from sin selfishness and Satan--- .... As the prophet asked Israel
"choose this day whom you will serve; if GOD be GOD serve Him... if Bail be god, serve him""...
We the People COULD throw ALL the Bums out...right now........ but so far, all I see is apathy.........
as some wag famously just said "We may have one Trump before the last Trump".......
