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How communism destroyed Latin America

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  • How communism destroyed Latin America

    By the beginning of the 20th century Argentina was the booming center of Latin America... Her steel mills, manufacturing, agriculture were the envy of the region...
    Then came the communists and in 20 years stole siezed nationalized everything of value.The great estates that employed millions with decent paying jobs were broken up and the land made into communist peoples farms... as in the Mexican program below,the apathy and socialist mindset of the people resulted in total failure, poverty and an inflation rate in excess of 25% a year...

    My friend Kathy was a Mexican missionary and told me about this...In Mexico, instead of each person farming their government mandated 50 acres of land, most people allow foreign companies to farm their land, receiving only 10% of what they could have earned by working the land themselves... The rest of the land is not worked...
    Ejido land, Mexico's origins are socialist not capitalist
    To further confuse the foreign real estate buyer there are Mexican Ejido lands that were established in a land reform movement initiated by President Lazaro Cardenas in the 1930's. He also confiscated foreign owned lands, nationalized the nation's oil (threw out the foreign owned oil companies), and established the Ejido peasant cooperatives. ((like in Russia)) The Ejidos were given the use of large parcels of land for agricultural purposes and government loans to finance planting and cultivation in Mexico. Much of Baja California's Ejido properties are coastal desert, unsuitable for farming but ideal as tourist camps and gringo baja retirement communities.
    much more at: