Over the last few years, the for-profit vaccine industry has increasingly turned to state coercion to intimidate and criminalize parents who seek to protect their children from vaccines. Even as vaccines have been proven to cause widespread brain damage in children as openly admitted by the UK government last year -- and now the American College of Pediatricians is warning about the harmful side effects of Gardasil -- some Colorado lawmakers think the state government should force these toxic injections onto children in total defiance of the preferences and beliefs of their parents.
The CDC openly admits that vaccines contain multiple brain-damaging chemical adjuvants and preservatives, including neurotoxic mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde. My own laboratory tests on flu shots showed they contained over 50,000 ppb mercury, which is 25,000 times the mercury limit in drinking water set by the EPA. Perhaps this helps explain why so many young girls die after receiving HPV vaccine shots.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053114_un...#ixzz41O3K47xk
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053114_un...#ixzz41O2sWetO
Medical tyranny comes to Colorado: Law would demand names and addresses of unvaccinated children be registered with the state
Over the last few years, the for-profit vaccine industry has increasingly turned to state coercion to intimidate and criminalize parents who seek to protect their children from vaccines. Even as vaccines have been proven to cause widespread brain damage in children as openly admitted by the UK government last year -- and now the American College of Pediatricians is warning about the harmful side effects of Gardasil -- some Colorado lawmakers think the state government should force these toxic injections onto children in total defiance of the preferences and beliefs of their parents.
The CDC openly admits that vaccines contain multiple brain-damaging chemical adjuvants and preservatives, including neurotoxic mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde. My own laboratory tests on flu shots showed they contained over 50,000 ppb mercury, which is 25,000 times the mercury limit in drinking water set by the EPA. Perhaps this helps explain why so many young girls die after receiving HPV vaccine shots.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053114_un...#ixzz41O2sWetO