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Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

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  • Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

    what with Turkey and Saudi Arabia about to invade Syria, this brings serious threats of war from Russia...
    The Syrian army backed by just a few Russians would be quickly overun by this force... The Russians would have no option other than to use nuclear weapons causing a region wide war... which they just threatened to do...
    unless someone backs down, this is going to get really ugly really fast...

    could easily result in the destruction of Damascus.... The Saudi hole card is that they may already have bought nuclear weapons from Pakistan like they said they would do to counter Iran... So it might be Saudi Arabia nuking Damascus in retaliation from the Russians nuking their army...

  • #2
    Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

    Russia's non-nuclear force far outshines Turkey and Saudi together...I disagree they would be forced to use this option.

    Good video, though.

    FOREWARNING ADDED: The guy reading this article does so EXTREMELY fast and decides to put in some "colorful language" (cussing) partway through. Unnecessary but - so be it.)
    Last edited by Andy; 02-24-2016, 03:54 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

      Russia's conventional forces are a long ways from Syria... with no way to quickly deploy them in sufficient strength to Syria...

      Also occurred to me that Saudi's could have snuck a nuclear bomb into their Moscow embassy in case Saudi is nuked by Russia...


      • #4
        Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

        Russia's forces are a long way from Syria??
        Okay, Lewis, that just doesn't seem accurate.

        They have the most sophisticated fighter (SU-34) sitting right there, waiting for a fight.

        I submit that it is Turkey that would struggle, not just military strength, but logistically. Russia has been pouring hardware/troops into Syria - and have warships close enough to launch devistating missiles, too - and no need to use nukes (which honestly wouldn't make sense given the fallout problems)

        Adding this:

        (Note: I do not like all the half-nude advertising all over this site but unfortunately they do seem to have good articles)


        • #5
          Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

          Yes Russia has a few top of the line fighters ... a total of about 70 aircraft of all types in Syria ... not near enough to do a war with... Russian reinforcements have to go a long way to get there... would have to fight their way in...

          I think that the Russians thought that with a little bullying & bluster, no one would actually ""DO"" anything to stop them, especially with Obama ... However they forgot that its not Qbama thats really in charge...

          They may have miscalculated... badly... and a lot of ordinary people may well get hurt and killed....

          IF its all in GODs timing


          • #6
            Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

            It all kinda reminds me of just before WW1



            • #7
              Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

              I think you are being an alarmist, Lewis. Moscow is only 1500 miles line-of-site from Damascus, a four hour flight at the most, but Russia has massive amounts of forces in southern Russia, which they could move into Syria within hours. They also have one of the most robust transport capablilities in the world, second only, maybe, to the US. In less than a few days they could have massive amounts of troops in Syria. And with their early warning intel, they would know if Turkey and the Saudis were massing forces for an invasion, and they would respond with overwhelming numbers. Plus, they have already shown the capability to use cruise missiles from the Caspian Sea, and they have warships in the Med. If Turkey and the Saudis invaded, it wouldn't be a fair fight. It would be suicide. Russia would annihilate them with two days, tops, without nukes.

              Here are the Russian, Syrian, and Iranian forces alredy in Syria, according to Wikipedia:

              4,000 personnel
              Naval ships
              3 Buyan-M class corvettes
              1 Gepard-class frigate
              1 Vishnya-class intelligence ship
              1 Improved Kilo-class submarine
              1 Slava-class cruiser
              Strategic bombers
              14 Tu-22M3
              6 Tu-95MSM
              5 Tu-160
              Tactical bombers
              12 Su-24M2
              8 Su-34
              Attack bombers
              12 Su-25SM
              Fighter aircraft
              4 Su-30SM
              4 Su-35S
              Reconnaissance aircraft
              Attack helicopter
              12 Mi-24P
              Utility helicopter
              4 Mi-8AMTSh
              Ground equipment 3 SA-22 SAM Units
              Other anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons, including S-400

              150,000 personnel

              Shi'ite militias: 20,000

              And they wouldn't have to "fight ther way in". Come down through the Caspian Sea, through Iran, across northern Iraq, and they're there.

              I don't think anything will happen. But there is this from yesterday.

              Report: Dozens of Russian generals in Syria killed after a car bomb hits their military base




              • #8
                Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                In other words, "No nukes necessary".
                They are, and always have been, an extremely formidable fighting force - without WMD's.
                WMD's have collateral affects that, most often, cannot be measured. Do you dare detonate a nuke not knowing, FOR SURE, which way the winds might shift - carrying that radiation to places you did not intend? I don't think so...not Russia. Iran, N. Korea or some other rogue nation that doesn't care? Yeah, I can see that...but not Russia.

                Granted, a tactical nuke could be used but - I just doubt that when it's unnecessary.


                • #9
                  Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                  Russian ground troops have to squeeze through lots mountian passes & narrow valleys on the way south... would be very costly to get through...airlifting troops assumes they can get and maintain air superiority... their navy cannot leave the Black sea if Turkey mines the straights ... Their half dozen warships would be sitting ducks to NATO airpower...


                  • #10
                    Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                    Originally posted by lewisb View Post
                    Russian ground troops have to squeeze through lots mountian passes & narrow valleys on the way south... would be very costly to get through...airlifting troops assumes they can get and maintain air superiority... their navy cannot leave the Black sea if Turkey mines the straights ... Their half dozen warships would be sitting ducks to NATO airpower...
                    Sorry. Article 4 of the NATO charter says that member countries will come to the aid of another member country if it is attacked. NATO countries, which of course includes the United States, are under no obligation to aid a NATO member who chooses to invade a non-NATO member country. Russia would not have to come via the Black Sea. They could come across the Caspian Sea, through Iran, via air. They certainly would not come via ground. (Although they have massed thousands of troops on the northern Turkish border.) But if they chose to come to Syria via the Bosphorus Strait, which they have done since last Fall, Russia would have no problem clearing the mines, if Turkey were foolish enough to even do so. That alone would be an act of war, according to Russia. Russia has a massive airlift capability. Air superiority is not an issue. The US has no obligation to defend Turkey if they invade Syria. Most likely, if Turkey is foolish enough to do so, the Americans would quickly leave its base in Incirlik.

                    Half dozen warships? They have six submarines and 45 warships in the Black Sea Fleet.




                    • #11
                      Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                      Originally posted by lewisb View Post
                      Russian ground troops have to squeeze through lots mountian passes & narrow valleys on the way south... would be very costly to get through...airlifting troops assumes they can get and maintain air superiority... their navy cannot leave the Black sea if Turkey mines the straights ... Their half dozen warships would be sitting ducks to NATO airpower...
                      You just added NATO to this discussion - the video you posted tries to say Russia would need nukes to defeat Turkey. That, I believe, has been this discussion. There is little doubt that Russia would have it's hands full if the whole might of NATO were to get involved - but let us not forget that Russia is not alone in their hatred for the US/NATO so - indeed, if NATO were to get involved we'd likely be looking at an all-out World War.


                      • #12
                        Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                        Originally posted by Andy View Post
                        You just added NATO to this discussion - the video you posted tries to say Russia would need nukes to defeat Turkey. That, I believe, has been this discussion. There is little doubt that Russia would have it's hands full if the whole might of NATO were to get involved - but let us not forget that Russia is not alone in their hatred for the US/NATO so - indeed, if NATO were to get involved we'd likely be looking at an all-out World War.
                        Why would NATO get involved? There is nothing in the NATO charter that requires them to do so.

                        I just can't see Russia using nukes. That would open a whole new aspect of the conflict, and as you said, the radiation alone would be uncontrolable. Besides, they wouldn't need them. Their conventionl strength is such that they wouldn't need them.



                        • #13
                          Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                          This is from another thread.

                          NATO warns Turkey it can't count on support in a conflict with Russia as tensions escalate

                          European diplomats have warned the Turkish government that it cannot count on the NATO support should the conflict with Russia escalate into an armed conflict, according to German media.
                          But Luxembourg foreign minister Jean Asselborn told German magazine Der Spiegel that the Turkish government cannot count on Nato

                          It seems NATO and the west feel Turkey has ignored all their advice and kept poking at the Russian bear. Not obligated.

                          It also seems Turkey has backed off a little bit recently. You have to wonder if they got the message through to Turkey they weren't going to let Turkey push them in that direction????
                          Last edited by SAT; 02-26-2016, 10:11 AM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                            Originally posted by WasLostNowFound View Post
                            Why would NATO get involved? There is nothing in the NATO charter that requires them to do so.

                            I just can't see Russia using nukes. That would open a whole new aspect of the conflict, and as you said, the radiation alone would be uncontrolable. Besides, they wouldn't need them. Their conventionl strength is such that they wouldn't need them.

                            Exactly. Lewis suggested NATO would get involved and I don't see it. And I certainly don't see nukes in the equation for either/any side of this one....unless Iran steps in. Pretty sure they do have nukes (from N. Korea).


                            • #15
                              Re: Is Isaiah 17 Psalm 83 AB0UT TO HAPPEN ?

                              I don't believe NATO would get involved either .. but we also live in a world where charters, obligations, etc. mean very little.

                              The church is on Earth to save souls from a lost world, not to save the world from lost souls.

                              Man learns about history, not from history. To learn from history requires wisdom. Cut off from God, he has none, so history repeats; no new thing under the sun.

                              I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken - dylan

                              Psalms 122:8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.

