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  • Tabernacles

    As we know it started today...

    I won't comment on the birth of Yeshua and my feelings of what we do with the supposed birthday of our Savior but did find this article interesting.

  • #2
    Re: Tabernacles

    Wow, I found the article extremely interesting. Like the article stated most Christians know that Jesus was born in the fall but we celebrate in December (pagen).

    Here's my feelings...,

    I think it would have been wonderful if the Christian Church actually taught this. Forget about changing Christmas as this point, impossible. It would have been great to learn about Sukkoth, this month at church.


    • #3
      Re: Tabernacles

      This is from Jews for Jesus, an organization I've long held in high regard:


      • #4
        Re: Tabernacles

        Thank you Sue, I just finished listening to him preach on this. Really good.


        • #5
          Re: Tabernacles

          ""and there was no room for them in the inn""
          So,,, Jesus birth could not have been on Tabernacles because that feast everyone was living in their backyard in tabernacles/booths/tents ... possibly the whole week...


          • #6
            Re: Tabernacles

            Originally posted by lewisb View Post
            So,,, Jesus birth could not have been on Tabernacles because that feast everyone was living in their backyard in tabernacles/booths/tents ... possibly the whole week...
            We know His (Jesus) birth happened when there was a census being taken and it was commanded that all should participate, thus the trip for Mary and Joseph. And of course, this allowed prophecy to be fulfilled, that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. I wonder if it's anywhere in the history books (must be!) when this big census took place? Does anyone know?


            • #7
              Re: Tabernacles

              The Census
              Yes, there was a census...or several however there is debate as to which census or when it was... and if the recorded census corresponded with Jesus birth... and of course the census would not have said it has to be taken on a certain day...
              They likely had to get it done like our income tax... before a certain date...As All the Jews had to be in Jerusalem
              for 3 feasts a year, it is most likely Joseph came to Jerusalem for the feast and stayed in Bethlehem.six miles outside Jerusalem... And registered in the census while he was there...

              The Inn... some suggested it wasnt a Motel 6 but kinfolks houses... that something got lost in the translation...
              The only time there was no room in his kinfolks houses would be during a feast when every
              man was required to be in Jerusalem...

              Passover, THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD

              The feast of Pentecost is also known as the Feast of Weeks.


              Deu 16:16 Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose;((Jerusalem)) in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD empty:

              So, since no one was sleeping in the houses during Tabernacles, imho its most likely Jesus was born from Passover to Pentecost....
              Last edited by lewisb; 09-30-2015, 01:03 PM. Reason: feasts


              • #8
                Re: Tabernacles

                Thanks for the info, Lewis!


                • #9
                  Re: Tabernacles

                  Most likely a census wouldn't be called for in the Winter, when travel would have been more difficult. So, IMO and many others, it was either Tabernacles (my choice) or Spring? Generally Sheppard's are not out in the fields in late December, in Israel, either, unless Global Warming had already begun, by then?

                  It is curious that we will all be expected to celebrate Tabernacles, in the Millennium? Could it be because it was Jesus' Birthday?

                  He could have been conceived on Hanukkah, Festival of Lights and Feast of Dedication, which is approximately 9 months from Tabernacles. Jesus celebrated this festival/feast, also, and never celebrated Saturnalia (Christ Mass), to my knowledge?
                  Last edited by John H.; 09-30-2015, 05:31 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Tabernacles

                    Thanks, John H. More food for thought!


                    • #11
                      Re: Tabernacles

                      Thanks, John - I was holding off responding. This is a very big issue to me and becoming bigger each year.
                      Yes, I firmly believe Jesus was born on Sukkot.
                      The Tyndale Bible of 1552 does say, "Manger" and "Ynne" (Inn) so I'm not sure where living in tents would exactly be accurate. This was Jerusalem and as such a well-developed city that was a couple thousand years old by the time Jesus was born. There certainly would be an "Inn" although it was unlikely called, "Motel 6"!

                      Strongs: 3829

                      3829 pandocheion {pan-dokk-i'-on}

                      from a presumed compound of 3956 and a derivative of 1209;; n n

                      AV - inn 1; 1

                      1) an inn, a public house for the reception of strangers

                      (Same word used for the Samaritan that took the fellow that had been robbed to an Inn)

