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  • Andy
    I'm right there with you, Doug. I have a lifelong fascination with weather forecasting. This was solidified when I joined the USAF and found myself right NEXT to the weather guys. I do mean, base ops was in one area and adjacent to us...they had two rooms and the back room was the techy stuff. Front area were the weather "reporters" that simply told the pilots what the forecasters had prepared...I was fascinated and wish I had chosen that path. That interest only grew with technology advancing. Probably the one thing that may have caused a challenge was the depth of math that's needed but - nonetheless, it was and is a deep interest.

    When we got hit by the recent storm my wife and I were trying to figure out how ONE tree in our backyard was split, then the patio cover was ripped off and flown - well, we found two large pieces in our front yard, never did find a third one. Well, I think I figured out that we got hit by a down-burst that ripped the tree, then swooped north then upward (missing other trees/not launching various things in the yard) and the only way out for this massive burst was UP the N. side of the house where the patio is. It was fun standing there and analyzing all of that.

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  • Doug Fowler
    One thing that got me doing also. I don't think I have any of the old weather books. But as a 7-8YO, I was interested in being a weatherman becauyes I love the numbers and maps and the weather fascinated me. Some of the things they said about clouds. And things really made me think, it does seem different than it did 50 years ago, not just warmer but just knowing basics like the Alberta clippers coming from Canada with all that snow. I mean, we still get more snow closer to the lake a lot, but Snow storms impacting more of the South in our state were really rare before.And now it's not that unusual.

    Also I counted half a dozen times last year when in the winter It warmed up by a few degrees.You might get that once a year but several times in a few months is really weird.

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  • Andy
    I've been known to do the same but this one grabbed and HELD my attention so, I watched the entire thing.

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  • Doug Fowler
    Thanks, sometimes I skip a few parts of videos that are really long.

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  • Andy
    One quote from that movie, Doug:
    Governments all over the world are either actively or passively participating in geoengineering
    Yes, this is a worldwide effort.

    "Monkey Werx" on YT gives reports of the weather mod planes flying all over the place - this is a massive effort.

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  • Doug Fowler

    I never really thought about what they put in clouds to seed them - I'd heard about it on a TV show (Space: 1999, helping some rock creatures) and with my love of Star Trek stuff, being told it actually existed just seemed natural. I must have just figured it was like a big enema. (Hey, my mom was a nurse, so I'd heard of them, so who knows; I was 5 or 6 at the time.)

    So hopefully the idea of giving clouds an enema because they had water but it wouldn't come out is at least funny enough to brighten your day. :-)

    Seriously, it's amazing how much more is being done than this.This video really has a lot of stuffI wonder if this is being done in other countries, too - like with the UFO thread where I mentioned that I wasskeptical because I'd never heard of mass sightings anywhere else (I mean, there's certainly demonic activity everywhere), this is oneof those where I wonder if other governments are actively trying to manipulate their weather on as large a scale as you hear about in these videos. (I mean, they mention Vietnam, but that was us doing that.)

    ​​​​​​​My hunch is that - like the remarks about UFOs - there probably are a lot of activities by other countries. It mayw ell be that they just don't let it get out.

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  • Andy
    started a topic Geoengineering


    I'll be surprised if this stays up on YT but it now has over 93k views - so far, so good on it staying alive.

    1,000,000 MUST WATCH - There is Something They Aren't Telling You.. (WEATHER IN AMERICA 2024-2025) Weather modification is the act of intentionally manipulating or altering the weather. The most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding, which increases rain or snow, usually for the purpose of increasing the local water supply. Weather modification can also have the goal of preventing damaging weather, such as hail or hurricanes, from occurring; or of provoking damaging weather against the enemy, as a tactic of military or economic warfare like Operation Popeye, where clouds were seeded to prolong the monsoon in Vietnam. Weather modification in warfare has been banned by the United Nations under the Environmental Modification Convention.
