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Is a Temple Mount announcement coming?

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  • Is a Temple Mount announcement coming?

    Jordanian and Palestinian officials expressed outrage after Israel reportedly installed loudspeakers next to the Temple Mount last week.

    Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned “ongoing Israeli violations against al-Aqsa” in a statement on Monday, according to Jordan’s official Petra News Agency.

  • #2
    Is it time to “normalize” the Temple Mount?


    • #3
      Sorry for the edit, sister - this could be crazy-huge and I wanted the key words of "temple mount" to be searchable by subject.
      This almost makes me giddy with excitement. lol


      • #4
        That is OK. I am used to short forming Temple Mount to TM, as it is something I always watch.

        The timing of putting the loud speakers up is very interesting, a week or so before an agreement is being agreement that no one knows what is in it....and one that has to be passed before the Knesset before it is valid.

        One must wonder what it is the Knesset has to pass.

        Who would have ever thought that that there would be an “all religions can worship on Temple Mount in the manner of their own faith” clause in the Trump plan....this is huge.

        So wondering what is coming next!
        Last edited by cnav; 09-14-2020, 09:53 PM.


        • #5
          Wondering...are the speakers to announce holiday prayers because of the coming lockdown? The PA and Jordan are furious whatever it is about.

          .....or could it be an announcement re: an agreement re: the TM.....could be either or something else.

          The article said this is the third time they have done this since 2017, not sure what the other times were about.


          • #6
            I know it is Aljazeera but....It,would be interesting if they were to blast Jewish holiday prayers as to the agreement...see article


            Israel normalisation may partition Al-Aqsa: Analysts
            According to the joint statement between the US, Israel, and the UAE released on August 13 by US President Donald Trump: "As set forth in the Vision of Peace, all Muslims who come in peace may visit and pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem's other holy sites should remain open for peaceful worshippers of all faiths."
            But Israel defines Al-Aqsa as the structure of the one mosque, as does the statement, the TJ report clarified.

            "According to Israel [and apparently to the United States], anything on the Mount that is not the structure of the mosque is defined as 'one of Jerusalem's other holy sites' and open to prayer by all - including Jews," the report said.

            "This choice of terminology is neither random nor a misstep, and cannot [be] seen as anything but an intentional albeit surreptitious attempt to leave the door wide open to Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, thereby radically changing the status quo."

            The same statement was repeated in the accord with Bahrain, announced on Friday.
            Last edited by cnav; 09-14-2020, 10:24 PM.

