Gary Stearman & guest This Video must be saved on WEDG !!!
Absolutely astounding!!! The Essenes centuries befor Jesus had been told by God that the Messiah would come shed His blood for our sins, then the curtain of the temple would be torn in half .... the rapture would happen before the tribulation....then this same messiah would come again after this tribulation at the end of the age!!
Also pre trib rapture mentioned by writers 2nd & third century!!
Absolutely astounding!!! The Essenes centuries befor Jesus had been told by God that the Messiah would come shed His blood for our sins, then the curtain of the temple would be torn in half .... the rapture would happen before the tribulation....then this same messiah would come again after this tribulation at the end of the age!!
Also pre trib rapture mentioned by writers 2nd & third century!!