The number of faith-based conservative EU lobbyists in Brussels is growing and the Roman Catholic Church is itself a big spender.
Most of them come from Austria, Belgium, France, Poland, Spain, or Switzerland.
But the Vatican is the biggest individual spender.
The Roman Catholic Church's ambassador, or nuncio, in Belgium sometimes meets EU officials.
Its other unit, the Commission of the Episcopates of the European Union (Comece), created in Brussels in 1980, also spends €1.25m a year on trying to influence EU institutions.
Comece believes "each human person must be protected from conception until natural death".
Its task was "not lobbying" but rather "advocating" a Catholic point of view on EU affairs, its spokesman, Alessandro Di Maio, said.
But the Vatican is the biggest individual spender.
The Roman Catholic Church's ambassador, or nuncio, in Belgium sometimes meets EU officials.
Its other unit, the Commission of the Episcopates of the European Union (Comece), created in Brussels in 1980, also spends €1.25m a year on trying to influence EU institutions.
Comece believes "each human person must be protected from conception until natural death".
Its task was "not lobbying" but rather "advocating" a Catholic point of view on EU affairs, its spokesman, Alessandro Di Maio, said.
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and many of the same are also involved in promoting this as well.