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Voyageing among the Sea of Stars...

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  • Voyageing among the Sea of Stars...

    I remember my shock and yes a bit of dismay when I first read Hal Lindsay's great work "Late Great planet Earth", beginning to understood Bible prophecy...
    ""Oh NO-- No Star Trek"" !!! Was my first reaction

    Thing is we really don't know the ultimate state of ordinary man on planet Earth... reading between the lines, it does seem that people will be having children on the new eternal Earth, perhaps forever... There certainly will be kingdoms on the Earth forever Rev 20-22...

    What about Tech is the huge question here! Will only pre-20th century tech be allowed, or will Earth be allowed to become a super Earth, sending out colonies to other planets, even other star systems?

    One great verse says the elect will me gathered from one end of the heavens to the other !!! Meaning other worlds, perhaps?

    Anyway, For lots of years I have thought about the idea behind a Heinlein novel about starships crewed by self aware robots would roam the galaxy, bring the seed of mankind with them, and thus re-creating humanity on alien worlds where-ever they went...
    While the church would be able to flit around the universe like the angels, ordinary man would not be able to do so..

  • #2
    You have an active imagination, brother Lewis!
    I do not personally believe mankind will ever visit another planet - not even Mars.
    Not on his own power.
    The laws of physics cannot be broken thus we'll never achieve such silly notions as traveling the speed of light or anywhere near it.
    How would you accelerate a 'craft' to such speeds w/o dealing with those laws of physics?
    Anyway, I think God was very wise to put things so far out of reach for mankind. Letting man get that far would only lift us (mankind in general) up in pride all the more.


    • #3
      We already know "how" to get to %10 (or more) of the speed of light with a plasma drive, Carrying smart androids like Mr Data !!!... It is being worked on right now... Saw a video yesterday! Neat awesome stuff!

      Remember that God said at the time of the tower of Babbel that there is nothing that we cannot do?

      FTL is now a theoretical reality, we only have to bend the universe a small bit and a starship could go from here to far star in a few days !!!

      Last edited by lewisb; 08-29-2019, 05:15 PM.


      • #4
        I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this but suffice it to say you cannot take physical beings (us) and accelerate as fast at it would take to reach such speeds without plastering us into liquid. Just 6g's is enough to send us into black-out land - the g's required to get light speed?

        Then there's space debris. This tells a very interesting tale about what something the size of a pencil eraser did to a vehicle traveling 15,000mph in orbit around the earth (the ISS):

        Imagine ANYTHING hitting some kind of craft that's going 100,000mph - forget, 186,000 miles per second. Instant disintegration. Just designing an 'engine' that can go that fast is a tiny, tiny piecce of all the rest of the physics that have to be overcome. Then this vid starts talking about us slipping into other dimensions? That's not for humans to do.

        As I said, as I see it God wisely put things out of reach for mankind.


        • #5
          one g of acceleration for several weeks would actually get a spacecraft a decent percentage of light speed... and that is quite doable with a plasma torch engine.... Alpha Centuri in 40 years is very doable....thats %10 of light speed...
          and including decelerating at the other end...

