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Russian synagogue shuttered by communists returns to Jewish community

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  • Russian synagogue shuttered by communists returns to Jewish community

    90 years after Soviet authorities turned house of worship into cultural club, building will be rededicated and receive a Torah scroll

  • #2
    Putin: Three-way talks between Turkey, Iran and Syria to be held soon

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said his nation means to arrange three-way talks between Turkey, Iran and Syria to be held in mid-September, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

    The talks are to be held in Kazakhstan.


    • #3
      This is how Israel/ the Jews and a growing number of Christians etc. worldwide (including Russia)see Christian evengelism.

      Missionary conference to be held in Haifa convention center

      Conference by missionary cult to go ahead thanks to court order: 'How can court side with those who want to consume the Jewish people?'
      The Haifa Convention Center will host a conference for Christian missionaries over the weekend.
      Rabbi Binyamin Vulcan, the head of countermissionary activity at the Yad L'Achim organization, ent a letter to the convention center, the Haifa Municipality, the city's rabbinate, and the haredi community demanding that the event be canceled.
      "The missionary Christian cult, planning to hold a coming Thursday-Friday Saturday, convenes with a ceremony at the Haifa Convention Center. It should be emphasized that this cult is well-known and dangerous," Rabbi Vulcan wrote.
      "Throughout the generations, Jews have given up their lives and gone into the fire while singing the 'Aleinu Leshabeiach' prayer in order not to give up their religion. And here, in Haifa, this disgrace is raging. We must immediately eliminate this atrocity, which harms the people of Israel and the Jewish religion, in the city of Haifa.

      It is getting easier and easier to see the OWR. The recent announcements of falling away.

      Last edited by SAT; 08-28-2019, 11:48 AM.


      • #4
        Gantz and top aides targeted by Russian hackers in ‘unprecedented’ attack — report


        The huge picture of Putin on Lukid headquarters, and Putin is expected to do something before the election to promote Netanyahu.

