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PM and Ukraine president discuss possible Israeli mediation in Russia conflict

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  • SAT
    This article is over two years old. Parts of it were posted in site approximately two years ago, but I suspect it is time to post again.
    The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin

    I know the media is left. I know all that stuff. But I hope people will read it. It helps to understand the connections of Chabad

    According to Schmuley Boteach, a prominent rabbi in New Jersey and a longtime friend of Democratic Sen. Cory Booker, Chabad offers Jews a third way of relating to their religious identity. “You have three choices as a Jew,” he explained. “You can assimilate and not be very affiliated. You can be religious and Orthodox, or there’s sort of a third possibility that Chabad offers for people who don’t want to go the full Orthodox route but do want to stay on the traditional spectrum.”
    This third way may explain the affinity Trump has found with a number of Chabad enthusiasts—Jews who shun liberal reform Judaism in favor of traditionalism but are not strictly devout.
    “It’s not a surprise that Trump-minded people are involved with Chabad,” said Torossian. “Chabad is a place that tough, strong Jews feel comfortable. Chabad is a nonjudgmental place where people that are not traditional and not by-the-book feel comfortable.”
    He summarized the Chabad attitude, which is less strict than the Orthodox one, as, “If you can’t keep all of the commandments, keep as many as you can.”
    They also support the Noahide Laws etc.

    Just bits of info to think about. If nothing else it adds to how religion and politics are intermingling.
    Last edited by SAT; 08-20-2019, 11:52 AM.

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  • SAT
    Netanyahu talks 'faith' with Kiev Jews

    Faith is Israel's secret to success, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said to Jewish leaders in Kiev on Tuesday in an address shot through with religious motifs.

    "It is very moving to be here, and to again visit Babi Yar, and to understand the incredible distance we traveled from the fields of slaughter to the peaks of nations. Israel today is a world power, a rising power in the world,” he said.

    “This people that was almost destroyed, that was slaughtered without mercy – this people stands today at the head of a strong, mighty, advanced, flourishing state – first and foremost because of faith. Without faith, nothing is important. Without faith we would not have brought about the miracle of Israel's rebirth in its land. A faith that was passed from generation to generation, even in the most difficult times.”

    Netanyahu's faith-infused address to Jewish leaders in Ukraine – many of them affiliated with Chabad – is in stark contrast to the anti-haredi campaign being waged by Avigdor Lieberman, with whom Netanyahu is now battling for the Russian-speaking electorate.

    Netanyahu promises 'there will never be another Babi Yar'

    Biblically(imvho) this has become very significant !
    Last edited by SAT; 08-20-2019, 11:05 AM.

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  • PM and Ukraine president discuss possible Israeli mediation in Russia conflict

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed a possible future role for Israel as mediator between Ukraine and Russia, two officials familiar with the matter said Tuesday.
    Israel, which has good relations with both Kyiv and Moscow, could serve as intermediary between the two warring countries at a future stage, the officials said. Currently, however, conditions are not ripe for concrete discussions about Israeli involvement as Russia and Ukraine are currently not engaged in serious peace talks, both officials told The Times of Israel

    With Russia China and the US battling for control of the owo. The EU fighting to stay competitive with the other three.
    Then there is little Israel and Netanyahu firmly believing they are the next power.