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The Scam of "climate change"

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  • The Scam of "climate change"

    I know this is a subject we've beaten on many times but I thought this video was "brilliant" (using a UK term since this is a UK interview!)
    Only 17 minutes but packed FULL of great info on the who, why, when it started, reality of both the myth and what's really going on, etc.
    I consider it worth a watch if you have any interest in such things.
    I also recommend passing it along to others - try to get the word out a bit more.

  • #2
    Yes, very well done..... Even lots of Believers have been fooled on this one.... Basically, everyone in the World wants to sound intellectual and be with the dynamic in-crowd... all air castle bubble poppers are shouted down by the know it all mob...
    Its all part of the Great Delusion coming upon the Earth, a quicksand which the Natural Man will jump into with both feet...

