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Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

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  • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

    Thanks Denise, Andy and Lewis. My daughter and I talked tonight and the only thing she won't do is let him cry. I understand how and why she feels that way so she is open to all else. Found a book on line that seems to be a good fit for her so I think she will do that. Keep the prayers coming they are very much appreciated


    • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

      After looking at little Ricky's picture, (so cute!!!) I want to revise my advice. I followed my mom's plan when my little one was a baby, say under 6 months. It worked well, we all got a sound sleep, but then when she approached 1 1/2 yrs til about 2 1/2, we finally decided that the only way we would all get a good nights sleep was to bring her into our room. The one condition we had was she would NOT be sleeping in our bed. We dragged her mattress in and put it on my side of the bed, on the floor. We all sleep soundly for months that way.

      The reason we did this was because we were learning that we were about the only culture out there that insisted our babies sleep in a different room than us. I figured if half the world lived this way, with the child in their room, then just maybe it would be ok for us to try this.

      I must say it worked out really well and I know I got a lot of eye rolling from people, but I didn't care. My baby, my rules, lol


      • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

        Yes Ricky does a lot of sleeping in their bed. I think once they get a routine after baby girl is born even if he does continue to sleep with them they can start the process of moving him from their mattress to his own and gradually then to his room. He is such a cutie and tough all at once. But a bigger blessing than I could have imagined


        • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

          Once in awhile my daughter would try to climb in our bed, but I would always give her the choice, either lay down on her mattress or go sleep in her room. She would always lay back down.
          It was no big deal for her to sleep on her mattress in our room and it didn't last forever. Seems like around 18 months they go thru a stage of being afraid so we did what we believed we could all live with.


          • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

            The Tall ship festival in San Diego went off very well... many thousands came had fun, ship cannon battles rocked
            at the end we found lots of water in our fuel tanks so spent most of Monday afternoon flushing out the system...
            I went home at 6pm, likely the boat is now on its way home down the bay...
            Thursday the Schooner is going 100 miles up the coast to Dana Point for their Tall ship event... I plan to take the train up there Saturday and sail back home on her next Monday...


            • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

              I heard something different today when I was listening to a program with a guest speaker who used to be muslim and is now a Christian. He was speaking about when you are a martyr and die you go to paradise and among other things that you will get, you get the customary 72 virgins. What I found interesting is he said the virgins where half human, half angel.



              • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                Not much happened at the Dana Point Tall Ship Challenge this year... Swells from a hurricane entered the harbor tossing around the ships, fraying dock lines and captains tempers, doing minor damage...

                This made taking on passengers for “Battle Sails” impracticable and unsafe so half the 9 ships left... The remaining ships had lookie-loos but made no money...

                With a hurricane approaching with worse swells and possible rain likely Monday, the visiting vessels left Sunday 4pm for home... We had a 14 hour trip home... the wind died shortly after leaving as soon as we had sweatted up the sails---the main sail alone weighs a Ton--literally--so we dropped the sails we had just musceled up—and motored all the way... At about six knots/mph/With the swells mostly off the beam, she rolled back and forth all night and few
                got any sleep... We did the trip shorthanded with rotating 3 hour on 3 hour off watches... I did the 9pm to 12 am and 3am till dawn... we arrived home at sunrise at 6;30am...

                I got to relieve the watch captain for an hour and a half steering the ship the first 3 hour watch. ..
                She resembled a riding a half broken stallion ... constantly wallowing back and forth, often hard to keep on course

                However. despite all this , night watch at sea, especially with a full moon playing peekaboo from behind broken clouds, is a awesome experience, with Orion keeping watch from overhead The Sunset at sea was awesome and approaching the harbor at 3am and greeting the dawn was beautiful...

                So yes, despite getting no sleep, most of us almost getting tossed out of our bunks several times (one of us did )
                as she rolled her guts out....Two brought their bed rolls up on deck and crashed / slept there

                So, how soon can I/we do it all over again ??? !!!

                Yes sailors are slightly deranged.... and how soon can you come out with us ????

                You'll love it ...

                Ps, I think I deserve some strawberry hagendaz ...
                Last edited by lewisb; 09-08-2014, 04:21 PM.


                • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                  Need some advice for baby Ricky. The last two days he has been running a fever and has a very sore throat. They did a rapid strep test that came back negative but they will run the test for the full 48 hours and if it comes up positive then they will contact Julia. The thing is right now his throat is so sore he refuses to take anything by mouth. So they haven't been able to give him much for pain and fever relief. I suggested that they should use suppositories if they can't get him to take the tylenol. She has tried everthing from popsicles to ice cream and tepid soup. He refuses it all. Any advice? And remember him in prayers thank you. Also please pray that Julia will not get sick as her c-section is scheduled for next Wednesday the 24th. Thanks all.


                  • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                    Where I grew up... The village of Monument Beach, Bourne, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
                    So yes, I have a Bourne Identity




                    • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                      Jackie, how is little Ricky doing? I hope you were able to get some answers. It's so hard to see those little ones feeling bad.


                      • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                        Much better thanks. Went over today to help get things ready for baby born next week. We took him into the doctors again because he was getting dehydrated. She diagnosed him with hand, foot and mouth. I guess they saw a lot of kids with it this summer and since he is mostly at home he didn't get it till now having had more contact with other kids these past few weeks. But today he has been eating and drinking fine and no fever so on the mend. Julia had her last appointment with her OB until baby comes by C/S next Wednesday. She asked him about if she should be concerned about coming down with the same illness or the little one coming. He said he did not see any issue either way. But still praying all will be well and her surgery goes well and we have a healthy baby. She hadn't felt baby move much today so they did an ultrasound and she is getting pretty squished in there but looked good. They said she looks long and about 7#10 oz so not a lot of space.


                        • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                          So glad that Rickt is on the mend. Baby number two this next week. So exciting!


                          • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                            Going to start praying for all to go well this Wednesday. Appreciate any who can join me. I will put it in the prayer net section.


                            • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                              The new Yahoo mail is absolutely horrendous !!!
                              un-useable most of the time !!!
                              Why do they do these things, putting it online way before its tested ? They may have even been in cahoots with MS and made it work only with the very latest windows ??!!

                              I want my stone knives and mammonth skins back !!! Or I will even settle for windows 3.1


                              • Re: Family Room - General Fellowship Thread

                                Hi everyone we had a happy happy day! Little Emma Amelia arrived 10:07 Wednesday morning . She is a little butterball weighing 8#4oz and 20 inches long. Everything went perfect and I am so grateful to The Lord for that. Little Ricky looked at her and patted her on the arm and then off to play in the cupboard under the bassinet! Too funny. Thanks for all the prayers.

