Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 2 Timothy 4:3
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Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Guest replied
Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Well, last Thursday I was blessed with going to the Ark Encounter with my wife, daughter from California and her two children. Oh what a blessed event. The history they laid out throughout is so amazing. Hope you all can get over there sometime.
Then .. there's that Nye guy that just can't make himself say anything good or honest about a Christian and especially one that believes the Word as it is written concerning God's account of how He Created. BUT .. he is willing to believe this?
Oh my ... I agree with Mr. Nye that someone is off their rocker.
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Guest repliedRe: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
That's what I was thinking, Issachar, that it is a potentially important meeting, because Mr. Nye could be saved...what a testimony that would be and glory to God! All the rest (working on Answers in Genesis, etc.) would be frosting on the cake!
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Wouldn't it be ironic if Mr. Nye were saved and eventually, wound up working for Answers in Genesis.
Of course .. his salvation is all that matters.
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Guest repliedRe: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Praise God! Prayers for this potentially important meeting!
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Ark Encounter is open (7/7/2016) .. and Bill Nye was invited for a tour guided by Ken Ham. Mr. Nye accepted.
Since Ken had opportunity to share the gospel with Bill Nye (and presumably Bill's film crew), keep Bill in prayer that perhaps any planted seeds might sprout and if so, take hold.
Bill Nye Visits the Ark Encounter
by Ken Ham on July 8, 2016
We had an exciting day at the Ark Encounter today! Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” who debated me here at the Creation Museum in 2014, came for a visit. A few weeks ago I publicly invited Mr. Nye for a friendly tour and offered to personally show him through the Ark if he would come. We were excited that he accepted my offer—and our presence there together created quite a stir with other Ark guests.
As we walked through the Ark, we had a very passionate discussion. It was like the debate all over again but more intense at times. Though it did get tense due to our differences in worldviews, it was an amicable visit.
Mr. Nye wanted to start his tour on the third deck where we discussed Flood geology and the ice core exhibit, which is part of the larger Ice Age exhibit. This display features a short clip from our debate of Bill Nye referring to ice cores in Greenland as an objection to the young earth view. In our exhibit I answer this objection; we even have a diorama to visually illustrate the answer. As we discussed geology and the Ice Age, our discussion turned toward worldviews. Ultimately, this is the heart of the issue—we have two different worldviews and two different interpretations of the same evidence because of our different starting points.
We’re glad Bill Nye took me up on my friendly offer to show him the Ark. During his visit I was able to personally share the gospel with him very clearly. On the first deck, I asked him, before a crowd of people including many young people, if I could pray with him and was able to pray for him there. Our prayer is that what he saw will have an impact on him and that he will be drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ that is clearly presented at the Ark.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This "About page" has links with very interesting info.
IssacharLast edited by Issachar; 07-10-2016, 09:03 AM.
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
It's been a few days since I updated this thread ..
One of Mr. Nye's points in the debate (I'm sure you all have seen it by now) is that if there were a global flood in the time of Noah and it was the receding of this flood that formed the Grand Canyon, then there would be "grand canyons" all over the earth.
Well, he's right ... and wrong. He's right that there would be; he's wrong in his implication that there isn't. In fact, there are 'grand canyons' all over the earth and many are much larger/deeper than the U.S. Grand Canyon.
I don't remember if I posted the actual debate anywhere else and don't feel inclined at the moment to see and since this thread is about it specifically, I'll post it here (starts at 13:15)
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Just a reminder . . . Tuesday @ 7pm eastern.
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
While many atheists, on their blogs & websites are saying, "uh-oh .." about this upcoming debate a week from Tuesday, none are so known as Richard Dawkins. He seems to show up in every pop media outlet, spewing his disdain for those that believe in God, mocking those that believe in God and think evolution can fit into scripture and saving his most harsh words for those that believe in God and a six, 24 hour day, creation. AiG properly labeled this article with the word, "tantrum."
Some atheists are throwing a tantrum. Why?
Well, the media coverage of the upcoming debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye at the Creation Museum continues to grow. Many well-known figures on both sides are speaking out about who they believe will win or about whether there should be a debate at all. Recently, famed atheist Richard Dawkins weighed in on the debate in some impromptu comments on a recent web article decrying the debate.
The article, written by contributor Dan Arel, appeared on the Richard Dawkins Foundation website, and it urged Bill Nye not to debate Ken. Richard Dawkins’s remarks appeared in the comment section below the article, and he agreed that Nye was making a mistake. But Dawkins, realizing that the debate will happen whether he wants it to or not, decided to offer some advice to Nye concerning the evidence supposedly supporting evolution—all of which he bases on some serious assumptions.
. . . .
In a 2012 interview with CNN, Dawkins stated plainly that belief in a young earth “shows deep, profound ignorance” and that “there’s only one theory around, there’s only one game in town as far as serious scientists are concerned.” By that, he means evolution. He sums up his point by arrogantly asking, “Who cares about creationists? They don’t know anything.”1 Dawkins also resorted to name-calling and outrageously blasphemous statements in his attempt to shock and intimidate people to accept his anti-God stance.
In more recent comments, Dawkins explained that he believes debating a creationist gives biblical creationism credibility, which his aggressive atheism can’t tolerate:
“They want to be seen on a platform with a real scientist, because that conveys the idea that here is a genuine argument between scientists,” Dawkins continued. “They may not win the argument—in fact, they will not win the argument, but it makes it look like there really is an argument to be had.”2
The truth is, biblical creation does not derive its credibility from conducting debates. No, people are capable of examining evolutionary assumptions and looking at how the evidence supports the Bible’s clear teaching regarding origins. Dawkins acts as someone who is part of an intellectual elite and treats the general public with disdain. The February 4 debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye, at its heart, is an opportunity for Ken to influence people for the gospel and to equip believers with solid creation apologetics—while at the same time exposing the assumptions the evolutionary ideas rest upon.
Unfortunately, at least in his interviews, Dawkins treats his opposition with a remarkable amount of disrespect and offers little more than blind assertions that evolution is true. Perhaps it’s better that he chooses not to debate biblical creationists as he has nothing concrete to offer, except his typical anti-creationist assertions seen in his books and articles. It’s like a child throwing a tantrum.
. . . .
Dawkins: I agree that to do this on Ham’s home turf was a mistake, and indeed it is almost always a mistake to give wingnuts the oxygen of publicity, and the respectability of being seen on a platform with a real scientist, anywhere. However, Bill Nye’s decision is taken, and a good rule in life is, “Always start from here, not from some hypothetical point in the past.” Here are a few suggestions for anyone who, for one reason or another, finds him/herself debating one of these idiots.3
. . . .
After the announcement of the Ken Ham and Bill Nye debate at the Creation Museum, many atheists (including Richard Dawkins) threw something of a tantrum. They don’t want people to hear what biblical creationists have to present. These secularists want to censor what the public will hear, for they know that as soon as people are taught to think critically and correctly about origins, they will understand that molecules-to-man evolution is a belief system. Evolution is really the secularists’ religion to try to explain life without God.
Don’t miss the debate on February 4 at 7 PM eastern time. Go to for details.
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Guest repliedRe: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Thanks for the update! What a blessing that they will stream it for free!
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Good news .. whereas before the live-via-internet was going to cost $5 to offset the cost of all of whatever it takes to handle a very large internet audience, it will now be via internet for free.
The debate will now be available live and online, and FREE of charge, at
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Originally posted by gregstienIt's not the computer Mr. Nye, it's Google.good point.
Originally posted by gregstien... "if you aren't for God, then you are for satan, there is no other choice."
Everything you do, comes from the father of lies.
Ham's father? His knowledge and power are UNLIMITED.
He CREATED Nye's god.
Luke 11:
23 He that is not with me is against me: ...
John 8:
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Jeremiah 10:
6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.
Of course, this whole event and leading up to it .. and I'm sure for some time after, isn't just about whether creationists are correct vs. evolutionists or whether one is religion and one is science (both are belief systems) .. but rather, the intergrity of God's Word vs. man's word. That is going to be my line of prayer before and especially during, the actual debate; that hearts and ears would be open. The main thrust of AiG, CMI, ICR and others, isn't to "prove evolution wrong" per se as much as they are about people being saved .. a quite eternal matter.
Jackie, it will be available on DVD .. perhaps also as a digital download.
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Guest repliedRe: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Issachar, it's as if he's already trying to explain why he lost.
When some people can't do their job, or their argument for x,y,or z isn't quite strong enough, they make excuses.
The computer can tell who is Atheist and who is Christian?
It's not the computer Mr. Nye, it's Google.
Don't you read the news? They track movements and record them for later...
I heard a pastor yesterday (Christian radio) state "if you aren't for God, then you are for satan, there is no other choice."
Everything you do, comes from the father of lies.
Ham's father? His knowledge and power are UNLIMITED.
He CREATED Nye's god.
I have a feeling that Nye will make excuses after excuses as to why his point wasn't seen.
May the power of God through the Holy Spirit be seen that night.
And may he speak directly through Ham, to those searching for the real truth about life.
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Guest repliedRe: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Oh it's a Tuesday night. I have to work. Hope it can be downloaded.
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Re: Tickets Gone In 120 Seconds - But It Will Be Live Streamed
Apparently CNN really, really likes this Nye guy .. and neither the host (shame on him as a "professional") nor Mr. Nye would even mention Ken Ham's name. Blatant! "The other guy .."give me a break.
At 1:43 - 1:45 .. "need to solve the world's problems" Really? You're an atheist. You believe that random, chance, no intelligence "stuff" happened and made what we see today. From whence Mr. Nye, comes an idea of something being "wrong?" Really? Solve the world's "problems?" How can anything be a problem given your world view? Are you saying that there is a "right" way for things to be? If there is no Creator, and your violate-all-known-Laws-of-science view were true, then one day we die .. and there is nothing; nada. Our body, which is all there is to our existence, rots away .. there is nothing. So why does it matter to you or any or your atheist friends, what children are taught? What possible reason is there for anything to be "better?" What is "better?" In your world view, there cannot be anything better, or worse, or right, or wrong .. other than what each person makes up to be such. And why do they? What's it matter? Those dumbed down kids will one day die and rot away and none of what they believed, matters.
2:52ish .. "This guy" (Ken Ham) .. "he'll fill the audience with his own supporters .."
AiG must have a very secret computer room—so secret that even I don’t know about it. In this room, sophisticated computer programmers have somehow managed to figure out a way for the AiG website to sense whether a person online is an atheist or creationist. Yes, when an atheist is cleverly detected by this remarkable technological breakthrough, they are immediately flagged, and they can be stopped from going any further into our website. Apparently, this advanced technology was applied for the first time yesterday, when several hundred tickets to the Creation Museum debate between Bill Nye and me on February 4 went on sale (and sold out in two minutes). Our advanced technology locked atheists out of purchasing tickets so that only creationists could attend the debate next month!
. . . .
Some evolutionists who couldn’t get tickets within that two-minute window stated that the museum was actually trying to pack the auditorium with its supporters. One secularist declared that we supposedly want “to keep science people and other trouble-makers out, so that the audience will be all drooling creationists.”
Well, the online registration for debate tickets was open to everyone. There was no way our software could detect a creationist from an evolutionist! Here is an irony: one of the things I’ve noticed over the years is that secularists have often attacked AiG by claiming we don’t do proper scientific research. Yet these same people will make ignorant statements against us in an attempt to undermine our integrity—without thinking through their logic or doing any research!
. . . .
Not only that, but with our debate we want to reach out to non-Christians with the message of the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. I don’t want to speak only “to the choir,” and I want secularists to attend the debate and visit our museum. This event is an outreach of the Creation Museum.
. . . .
One of the secularists also commented, “I just hope that Nye brings his own camera crew so there will be a COMPLETE version of the debate available, not just the ‘creatively edited’ version that Ham will undoubtedly produce.” This person did not ask us about the videoing arrangements but simply made an uninformed and emotional false statement to attack us! The agreement with Mr. Nye is that the finished DVD of the debate will not delete any of the comments made by Mr. Nye and me.
Actually, a number of secularists stated that they were able to buy tickets! We do not know the makeup of the audience. We suspect it will be a good mixture of supporters of AiG and those of Bill Nye.
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