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anti pre trib hysteria

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  • anti pre trib hysteria

    Hysteria -- I dont know what else to call it..
    people all over the web are saying bad things about pre trib believers saying that we must be part of the NWO conspiracy ...

    some even say that pre-trib belief and dispensationism are tools of the world elite used to encourage war in the middle east....

    that we are threatening world piece by supporting the zionist/ illuninati conspiracy to deny the world a reasonable peace ....

    That also we are giving false hope to people which will somehow lead them to accept the AC and his demonic mark.........

    The really sad thing is that these people are robbing others of hope and peace.

  • #2
    Re: anti pre trib hysteria

    Don't want to say that one has to be a pretribber to truly be indwelt by the Holy Spirit (true Christian) but Satan does not want the plan of the Antichrist revealed, since he wants to use it to corrupt as many souls as he can and we who believe pretrib expect him to show up at the beginning of it! So, this may or may not be their motivation?

    We can take it as a sign that scoffers seem to be in the majority, also, maybe?


    • #3
      Re: anti pre trib hysteria

      I hope everyone understands up front that while this board is predominantly a "pre-trib/pre-70th week board" we fully acknowledge and accept there are brothers and sisters in Christ that do not hold to this position.

      The one difference between what Lewis is presenting and what we try to achieve here is that we endeavor to maintain "the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace" (Eph 4:3) recognizing that there can be unity in the midst of diversity, even diversity on interpretation of secondary issues such as rapture timing.


      • #4
        Re: anti pre trib hysteria

        "That also we are giving false hope to people which will somehow lead them to accept the AC and his demonic mark........."

        You didn't really expect anything else did you?

        I've heard this 'it will make folks lose faith when the rapture doesn't happen' argument before. I responded (over on FR) that it was nonsense.The only reason anyone would know the rapture didn't happen is because they do know the tribulation has signed,antichrist revealed etc etc.These folks would then know ,to the exact day when the abomination of desolation happens,they would know the exact sequence of events leading up to the exact day Christ returns.They will be able to point out the days on a calender to any and all who would listen.They would be an absolute royal pain in the rear for the new world order and it's so-called leader.Being able to tell them on what day they will do such and such and tick them off the calender as they go.

        If anything,the rapture not happening when pre-tribbers think it will will have the exact opposite effect of losing faith....and the only way to shut them up will be to remove their heads,as we all know the ac will eventually do.We can even tell them when he will start doing that as well.As far as satan is concerned,I think he will be hoping the rapture WILL happen,then,as the world panics,he can 'prophecy unto them smooth things' like...see I am the messiah,after all,I have just separated the sheep from the goats!

        Now it's on to the glorious golden age of man unhindered by those intolerant,bigoted goats.Islam is decimated (Ezekial 38 war),there is a peace agreement in the Middle-East,the Jews are rebuilding their temple,the sheep and goats are separated and I have stopped the war of Armageddon (Ezekial 38) etc etc.Check your Bibles,are all these things done by the messiah or not?Who else could I be but him?!

        A half-hearted attempt at understanding the times we are in will leave people in a very precarious position.I've no doubt the ac will be pointing out all of these things and will use the Bible to prove he is the one the world has been waiting for and many will accept him as he tells them what the Word really means.Now that there is some serious deluding that could fool a lot of church goers and Jews or even the very elect IF that were possible.

        So then,if the rapture doesn't happen when we pre-tribbers think it will then look out because we will be wielding that Sword like there's no tomorrow,the beaches will be covered in herds of washed up swine,the sun will be blotted out be flying mountains and we will be chasing the preists of baal to the river for a great slaughter!

        One way or another we win.


        • #5
          Re: anti pre trib hysteria

          Good thoughts and points, Mitch, but keeping in mind that the pre-wrath rapture position does have an imminent rapture within it, we need to still be careful how we tread here. Keep in mind those that come to a completely different conclusion often do so on the basis of scriptures and how they believe they are to be interpreted. We must show mutual respect to each brother and sister in Christ regardless of how much we may disagree with their interpretations of scripture on secondary issues.


          • #6
            Re: anti pre trib hysteria

            Originally posted by mitch5501 View Post
            "That also we are giving false hope to people which will somehow lead them to accept the AC and his demonic mark........."

            You didn't really expect anything else did you?

            I've heard this 'it will make folks lose faith when the rapture doesn't happen' argument before. I responded (over on FR) that it was nonsense.The only reason anyone would know the rapture didn't happen is because they do know the tribulation has signed,antichrist revealed etc etc.These folks would then know ,to the exact day when the abomination of desolation happens,they would know the exact sequence of events leading up to the exact day Christ returns.They will be able to point out the days on a calender to any and all who would listen.They would be an absolute royal pain in the rear for the new world order and it's so-called leader.Being able to tell them on what day they will do such and such and tick them off the calender as they go.

            If anything,the rapture not happening when pre-tribbers think it will will have the exact opposite effect of losing faith....and the only way to shut them up will be to remove their heads,as we all know the ac will eventually do.We can even tell them when he will start doing that as well.As far as satan is concerned,I think he will be hoping the rapture WILL happen,then,as the world panics,he can 'prophecy unto them smooth things' like...see I am the messiah,after all,I have just separated the sheep from the goats!

            Now it's on to the glorious golden age of man unhindered by those intolerant,bigoted goats.Islam is decimated (Ezekial 38 war),there is a peace agreement in the Middle-East,the Jews are rebuilding their temple,the sheep and goats are separated and I have stopped the war of Armageddon (Ezekial 38) etc etc.Check your Bibles,are all these things done by the messiah or not?Who else could I be but him?!

            A half-hearted attempt at understanding the times we are in will leave people in a very precarious position.I've no doubt the ac will be pointing out all of these things and will use the Bible to prove he is the one the world has been waiting for and many will accept him as he tells them what the Word really means.Now that there is some serious deluding that could fool a lot of church goers and Jews or even the very elect IF that were possible.

            So then,if the rapture doesn't happen when we pre-tribbers think it will then look out because we will be wielding that Sword like there's no tomorrow,the beaches will be covered in herds of washed up swine,the sun will be blotted out be flying mountains and we will be chasing the preists of baal to the river for a great slaughter!

            One way or another we win.

            Great, concise summary, Mitch! However, we have to be careful, as Andy says, about being dogmatic since this concept does not appear to be doctrinal.

            However, I scratch my head when people say they want to be here and fight the Antichrist, even though we know the Holy Spirit can protect us, as He Wills, but the thought is not inviting to me! If God so Wills it who can stand against it, however! Only He Knows for sure!


            • #7
              Re: anti pre trib hysteria

              Originally posted by John H. View Post
              Great, concise summary, Mitch! However, we have to be careful, as Andy says, about being dogmatic since this concept does not appear to be doctrinal.

              However, I scratch my head when people say they want to be here and fight the Antichrist, even though we know the Holy Spirit can protect us, as He Wills, but the thought is not inviting to me! If God so Wills it who can stand against it, however! Only He Knows for sure!
              This is one reason I'm pre-70th week, John.

              Revelation 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

              These Saints will not be able to fight and win...God will give this man/entity power to overcome them...everyone, actually. Any time we see "all kindred, tongue (sometimes added is "people" but not here) and nations" I believe the Bible is painting a clear picture of, "Everyone!"


              • #8
                Re: anti pre trib hysteria

                "However, we have to be careful, as Andy says, about being dogmatic since this concept does not appear to be doctrinal"

                I agree and normally it's not something I would want to argue about with other believers.I get a little carried away sometimes and am thankfull I can get away with it here on wedg! (so to speak) Whatever way we slice it,these sure are interesting times we live in!

                1 Peter 1:13 ...
                Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ

