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Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

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  • SAT
    Re: Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    Not a big surprise but it does have big potential to complete many things.

    Saudi edges Qatar to control Syrian rebel support

    Saudi Arabia has prevailed over its small but ambitious Gulf neighbor Qatar to impose itself as the main outside force supporting the Syrian rebels, a move that may curb the influence of Qatari-backed Islamist militants.

    Including Egypt as Qatar was the only country supporting the Moslem Brotherhood and lending them money while they were trying to ride out the IMF demands.
    Last edited by SAT; 05-31-2013, 02:46 PM.

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  • SAT
    Re: Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    We actually built it and have been living and promoting it for a long time.
    Organization of American States
    Democracy for peace, security, and development

    Organization of American States

    The Organization of American States (Spanish: Organización de los Estados Americanos, Portuguese: Organização dos Estados Americanos, French: Organisation des États américains), or the OAS, is a regional international organization founded on 30 April 1948 for the purposes of regional solidarity and cooperation among its member states. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States,[1] the OAS's members are the 35 independent states of the Americas.

    Since 26 May 2005, the Secretary General of OAS has been José Miguel Insulza
    that resolution AG/RES. 1080 (XXI-O/91) therefore established a mechanism for collective action in the case of a sudden or irregular interruption of the democratic political institutional process or of the legitimate exercise of power by the democratically-elected government in any of the Organization's member states, thereby fulfilling a long-standing aspiration of the Hemisphere to be able to respond rapidly and collectively in defense of democracy;
    We saw it in action in Paraguay last spring and in Africa lately. Remember the " election observers" in the US????

    Plus the UN, the IMF and the World bank.

    I would guess we just never thought it would be us or that it would be democracy(quote: Christian countries) that would build it.
    Last edited by SAT; 05-29-2013, 07:35 PM.

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  • SAT
    Re: Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    Originally posted by WasLostNowFound View Post
    Well SAT, here you and I go again.
    actually I think it is really healthy. It allows for "something to think about".

    Originally posted by WasLostNowFound View Post
    You could also be right, but I'm not sure Putin sees the OWO as a foregone conclusion, unless you feel Putin believes he will lead it. wlnf
    To me it is already all around us. The OWO actually started taking it's first steps into reality and not just a theory back in 1948.(at the same time Israel was becoming a reality) The only thing missing is the leader who will charm the world.
    The reason Russia tried to make a fuss about the US missile defense system being set up all over the world The reason Putin has now shifted to Syria.
    The one world economic system that could crush a country if they wanted too.
    The rules and protocols already in place in the unions.(Which are already functioning in most of the world. And the reason China and Cuba are making changes)
    Democracy or your neighbors shut the borders and cut off all financial transaction has Putin scared. Plus he is fighting the ideology of the OWO at home.
    Last edited by SAT; 05-29-2013, 08:42 PM.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    Originally posted by SAT View Post
    You could be right but I suspect it could be almost the complete opposite way.
    Well SAT, here you and I go again. You could also be right, but I'm not sure Putin sees the OWO as a foregone conclusion, unless you feel Putin believes he will lead it. A little off topic, but I believe the OWO will come about because of a global financial collapse, not because of any Russian aspirations toward global hegemony.


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  • SAT
    Re: Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    Hi wlnf (Hope you had a wonderful BD)

    You could be right but I suspect it could be almost the complete opposite way.

    Right now there seems to be a battle going on for the lead and ideology of the Gulf Union. Saudi Arabia, who is into the interfaith/OWR/OWO stuff, also took the stand of allowing the US missile defense into the Gulf Union

    Qatar on the other hand lost the battle to keep the missile defense out, which is a sign of their weakness within the union. Plus they are supporting the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood.

    Which is really what ...

    "If they go ahead with choosing a new leadership, they are setting the stage for a war between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and nobody wants this," one of the officials said. about.

    But it is still stuck on whether to admit a liberal bloc headed by opposition campaigner Michel Kilo, a respected Christian writer whose group has been offered only five seats instead of the more than 20 it had been seeking.

    Failure to broaden the coalition, in which Qatar and a bloc largely influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood has been playing the driving role, could undermine Saudi Arabian support for the revolt and raise the specter of a rivalry among Gulf powers that could further weaken the opposition
    There are actually many battles being fought within the greater ME area right now.
    I suspect Syria will be one of the pivotal battles that will settle almost everything. (With the exception of Israel of course)
    Iran has invested everything into Assad. Apparently they have even opened a line of credit for Assad in the multi billions they really can't afford.

    Russia? Putin really as many others at the top in Russia see the inevitability of the OWO. All of the Americas, Africa, Europe and even Asia are either done deals or are well on their way to being completed. The greater ME is really the last area and why Putin has also put much of Russia's future into Syria. Economically they are just hanging on as gas/oil in the near future will not be a bargaining chip any more and profits will fall.
    Because they aren't falling into line with the OWO the business world is avoiding making investments. Putin knows this is his last chance to make changes to the OWO for his advantage. Even he knows it can't be stopped now but is hoping for some adjustments in his favor.
    Last edited by SAT; 05-28-2013, 04:42 PM.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    Hey SAT,

    IMO, this situation is going to end badly for the rebels, and in the final analysis, for the US. The opposition is a fractious group that can't decide on who shall lead, so there will continue to be rebellion within the rebellion, until, that is, Assad's forces, supported with boots-on-the-ground by Hezbollah and with military supplies by Iran and Russia, crush the opposition. If that happens, the US's standing in the Middle East will be greatly diminished and Israel, rightly so, will take this as a further signal (as if they need one) that they will have to go it alone against Iran and its puppets.


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  • Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    Syrian opposition disarray threatens international support

    "If they go ahead with choosing a new leadership, they are setting the stage for a war between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and nobody wants this," one of the officials said.