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Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

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  • Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant
    At least 30 people are reported killed as a 6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes near Bushehr in the south of the country.
    Lessee, who is it that's going to fight for Israel?

    Oh, that's right...

    The God of the universe!

  • #2
    Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

    God is always in control!


    • #3
      Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant


      • #4
        Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

        Yup...thanks, John - wanted to post it in it's own thread for discussion. I like the Earthquake thread being strictly a reporting type thread with not much discussion.


        • #5
          Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

          Strange that the earthquake was right under a nuclear power plant. Joel Rosenberg wrote in The Tehran Initiative that an earthquake was believed to have occurred in Iran but it turned out to be an underground nuclear test.

          Could be?



          • #6
            Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

            Dunno, WLNF, a 6.3 is really powerful. If a nuke test caused that much shaking/damage then we are all in trouble (humanly speaking, of course).


            • #7
              Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

              I think You're right Andy. They've had a number of aftershocks in the same area, but they could also be triggered by an underground nuclear explosion, I would think. But I'm no seismologist.



              • #8
                Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

                Nor am I but I believe an underground nuke test is a one-time ground-shaking event and the only way aftershocks would occur is if the explosion actually did cause the tectonic plates to shift - the explosion then causing a real earthquake. I submit that it's possible (in my logical, untrained mind) that the single reading on a seismograph may be one clear indication to scientists that it wasn't a natural occurring event (like when N. Korea did their last one in February).

                Hopefully MichaelJ will weigh-in on this thread. While he's not a seismologist he is a Geophysicist and I have a feeling he'd know just a bit about this.


                • #9
                  Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

                  Originally posted by Andy View Post
                  Nor am I but I believe an underground nuke test is a one-time ground-shaking event and the only way aftershocks would occur is if the explosion actually did cause the tectonic plates to shift - the explosion then causing a real earthquake. I submit that it's possible (in my logical, untrained mind) that the single reading on a seismograph may be one clear indication to scientists that it wasn't a natural occurring event (like when N. Korea did their last one in February).

                  Hopefully MichaelJ will weigh-in on this thread. While he's not a seismologist he is a Geophysicist and I have a feeling he'd know just a bit about this.
                  I confess I know very little about earthquake seismology. I do know that they maintain numerous recording stations around the world, so that when there is a seismic event (earthquake or nuclear test) they are able to accurately determine the location. I am quite confident that it would be a trivial task to differentiate between an earthquake and a nuclear test as well. As for figuring out if an earthquake had been triggered by a nuclear test (I think that's what you were questioning) I think that would fall into the realm of deductive reasoning, but circumstantial evidence at best, unless the earthquake occured immediately after the nuclear test and the timing coincided with the arrival of the shockwave from the test.


                  • #10
                    Re: Iran Earthquake Strikes Near Nuclear Plant

                    It has since been pointed out that ironically this quake occurred on "National Nuclear Technology Day" at which they reiterated the country's right to uranium enrichment!


