Untied is not a typo .. the U.S. is untied from it's constitution, it's morality and anything sensible. The opposite of wisdom, reigns.
I don't watch tee vee .. I don't listen to any modern (so called) "music."
I do occassionally go to Focus on the Families pluggedin to see what's up in movies, music and tee vee.
If I let it, the culture would never cease to shock.
I just found out about something called ke$sha.
Why am I posting this? Because, in case any are not aware .. or even if you are .. the popularity of this lost, agonized soul, says a LOT about where the nation has fallen; not to mention, the age group that likes this trash, will, in tenish years .. be running, or starting to be running, the country.
I watch part of two videos .. the most I could tolerate. They include satanism, witchcraft, lesbianism, group sex, anti-Christian symbolism, beastiality, sodomy, rebellion ... No. I'm not exaggerating. This person is selling MILLIONS of albums.
On one hand, it's the same old rebellion that's been around. But .. it ratchets up the blatant, anti-Christian and extreme sexual perversion so rampant in the society of the U.S. ... and much of the rest of the "world." Hopefully you'll just take my word for it and avoid giving her videos more hits.
Issachar, used to a lot ... but
I don't watch tee vee .. I don't listen to any modern (so called) "music."
I do occassionally go to Focus on the Families pluggedin to see what's up in movies, music and tee vee.
If I let it, the culture would never cease to shock.
I just found out about something called ke$sha.

I watch part of two videos .. the most I could tolerate. They include satanism, witchcraft, lesbianism, group sex, anti-Christian symbolism, beastiality, sodomy, rebellion ... No. I'm not exaggerating. This person is selling MILLIONS of albums.
On one hand, it's the same old rebellion that's been around. But .. it ratchets up the blatant, anti-Christian and extreme sexual perversion so rampant in the society of the U.S. ... and much of the rest of the "world." Hopefully you'll just take my word for it and avoid giving her videos more hits.
Issachar, used to a lot ... but
