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UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

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    Guest replied
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Hi John,

    No nothing negative at all. I just wonderd if you knew him. I have referred to his site many times. I think he has done a good job re: the covenant.
    Last edited by cnav; 12-02-2012, 05:59 PM.

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    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    cnav, it has been too long since I made this page. Have not been following him since? If you know anything negative about him I will consider taking him off the site but it has been too long. Didn't find anything in a Google search?


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    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Abbas gives victory speech in Ramallah: We have a state now

    Here is a page I did on the covenant years ago showing the original document, etc.:

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  • SAT
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Originally posted by SAT View Post
    Despite controversial abstention, Australia likely to remain loyal ally of Israel
    Merkel reaffirms support for Israel after UN vote

    There almost seems to be a guilt thing going now???? Hopefully it can be used to Israel advantage for the next move.

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  • SAT
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Originally posted by Lightseeker View Post
    I saw that article and I wondered if we promised that to Israel for backing out of the last operation.
    Yeah it would make one wonder.
    There have been so many deals between the US and Israel militarily over the years that just quietly happen. Like the huge base mention in the Eze thread.
    Who knows when or how????

    I know people have different views on Obama but it seems to me he is carrying on the same position the US and the democratic world have held since the time of the rise of Israel in 1947/1948. That could explain why the division of Israel is the same plan that has been around since that time. Which are directly related to the views held re the entire planet.

    Nothing has changed in those plans in all those years, it only moved forward.

    They took down the USSR. The Chinese realized their system wasn't working and this new world had brought democracy right to their door. Now they are stumbling around hoping they can keep the same system and keep the aspiration of the people happy.

    Right now the stumbling block to it's completion is the radical Islamist. Who are also the enemy of Israel. They see their block one way and the world sees it another. The ideals of the Islamist is to force everyone to live under sharia. The ideals of the democratic world is "peace and security". Hence their position re Israel/ Jerusalem and the formation and structure of the unions.

    The Islamist thought the oil would be the weapon that would allow them to control the world from their block. But that isn't true any longer

    There was even a time when we thought oil would be the reason for Eze 38 but now most "unions" have their own sources and are becoming self-sufficent.
    Last edited by SAT; 12-01-2012, 10:58 AM.

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  • SAT
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Thanks cnav I found the Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel very interesting

    6. No authority that is stipulated in the law of the State of Israel or of the Jerusalem Municipality may be transfered either permanently or for an allotted period of time to a foreign body, whether political, governmental or to any other similar type of foreign body.
    We also had the Knesset pass a law back in November 2010 refering to the rest of Israel "National Referendum Law "
    Whereby no one can give any land away in the rest of Israel without unanimous consent in the Knesset and/or a referendum.

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  • Issachar
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    wow cnav .. thanks for posting the Jerusalem Covenant.


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    Guest replied
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    I saw that article and I wondered if we promised that to Israel for backing out of the last operation.

    Originally posted by SAT View Post
    Thank you Lightseeker

    This was in the news area but I had to add it this thread...

    WW !

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    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Thursday's statement called for "an internationally guaranteed special statute" for Jerusalem, aimed at "safeguarding the freedom of religion and of conscience, the identity and sacred character of Jerusalem as a Holy City, (and) respect for, and freedom of, access to its holy places."
    Netanyahu pointed out they already have a law in place for this....and they do...It is the Basic Knesset Law of 1980

    They also made and signed a Jerusalem covenant in 1992 which went around the world to gain Jewish signatures re: freedom of religion and access to holy places....and everyone can worship there under their own faith and own Divine name.


    As this day, Jerusalem day, the twenty-eighth day of the month of Iyar in the year five thousand seven hundred fifty-two; one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two years after the destruction of the Second Temple; forty-four years since the founding of the State of Israel; twenty-five years since the Six Day War during which the Israel Defense Forces, in defense of our very existence, broke through the walls of the city and restored the Temple Mount and the unity of Jerusalem; twelve years since the Knesset of Israel reestablished that Jerusalem, "unified and whole, is the Capital of Israel"; "the State of Israel is the State of the Jewish People" and the Capital of Israel is the Capital of the People of Israel. We have gathered together in Zion, national leaders and heads of our communities everywhere, to enter into a covenant with Jerusalem, as was done bye the leaders of our nation and all the people of Israel upon Israel's return to its Land from the Babylonian exile; and the people and their leaders vowed to "dwell in Jerusalem, the Holy City".

    Once Again, "our feet stand within your gates, O Jerusalem - Jerusalem built as a city joined together" which "unites the people of Israel to one another", and "links heavenly Jerusalem with earthly Jerusalem."

    We have returned to the place that the Lord vowed to bestow upon the descendants of Abraham, Father of our Nation; to the City of David, King of Israel; where Solomon, son of David, built a Holy Temple; a Capital City which became the Mother of all Israel; a metropolis for justice and righteousness and for the wisdom and insights of the ancient world; where a Second Temple was erected in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. In this city the prophets of the Lord prophesied; in this city the Sages taught Torah; in this City the Sanhedrin convened in session in its stone chamber. "For there were the seats of Justice, the Throne of the House of David", "for out Zion shall go forth Torah, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem."

    Today, as old, we hold fast to the truth of the words of the Prophets of Israel, that all the inhabitants of the world shall enter within the gates of Jerusalem; "And it shall come to pass at the end of days, the mountain of the House of the Lord will be well established at the peak of the mountains and will tower above the hills, and all the nations shall stream toweards it. "Each and every nation will live in it by its own faith:" "For all the nations will go forward, each with its own Divine Name; we shall go in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever, " And in this spirit the Knesset of the State of Israel has enacted a law: the places holy to the peoples of all religions shall be protected from any desecration and from any restriction of free access to them.

    Jerusalem - peace and tranquillity shall reign in the city: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may those who love you be tranquil. May there be peace within your walls, and tranquillity within your palaces." Out of Jerusalem, a message of peace went forth and shall yet go forth again to all the inhabitants of the earth: "And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war any more." Our sages, peace be upon them, said: in the future, The Holy One, the Blessed, will comfort Jerusalem only with peace.

    From this place, we once again take this vow: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand lose its strength; may my tongue cleave to my palate if I do not remember you, if I do not raise up Jerusalem at the very height of my rejoicing."

    And with all these understanding, we enter into this Covenant and write: "We shall bind you to us forever; we shall bind you to us with faithfulness, with righteousness and justice, with steadfast love and compassion. We love you, O Jerusalem, with eternal love, with unbounded love, under siege and when liberated from the yoke of oppressors. We have been martyred for you; we have yearned for you, we have clung to you. Our faithfulness to you we shall bequeath to our children after us. Forevermore, our home shall be within you.

    From the Covenant....

    "For all the nations will go forward, each with its own Divine Name; we shall go in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever, " And in this spirit the Knesset of the State of Israel has enacted a law: the places holy to the peoples of all religions shall be protected from any desecration and from any restriction of free access to them.

    From the WORD

    And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

    3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

    4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

    Inscribed on the United Nations building in NY is Isaiah 2:4, ".. they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks ..."
    Last edited by cnav; 11-30-2012, 01:47 PM.

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  • SAT
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Despite controversial abstention, Australia likely to remain loyal ally of Israel

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  • SAT
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Thank you Lightseeker

    This was in the news area but I had to add it this thread...
    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to supervise construction of a five-story underground facility for an Israel Defense Forces complex, oddly named “Site 911,” at an Israeli Air Force base near Tel Aviv
    “The employment of Palestinians is also forbidden,” it says

    WW !

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  • SAT
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    It is a baby step.
    Canada has already started taking action against the Palestinians
    'Canada will not let the Jews or Israel stand alone'

    and the US both Republicans and Democrats are apparently talking about cutting off funds etc.
    Last edited by SAT; 11-30-2012, 11:18 AM.

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  • wendyj
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    its a baby step and I guess we can all just hope that the US will keep its veto in the security counsel. does this status mean the Palys can sue Israel for supposed but bogus war crimes?


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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest replied
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions,7...313701,00.html

    US: Resolution did not create Palestinian state

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  • SAT
    Re: UN vote on PA tate in: 138-9 in favour with 41 abstentions

    Just something of interest I thought I would add to this thread.

    Analysis: Non-member state observer status is born
    Pointedly, that headline was not run on November 30, 1947, the day after the UN adopted the Partition Plan. Because the Partition Plan, rejected by the Arabs and now – seemingly – accepted a mere 65 years later, did not give birth to the Jewish state. Jewish blood, sweat and tears during the War of Independence did that.

    The Palestinian Authority, flush with satisfaction following its victory Thursday at the UN General Assembly in New York, would do well to keep that in mind. Not the blood, sweat and tears part, but rather that resolutions, declarations and proclamations are one thing, and statehood – a living, kicking, breathing state – is something else

    What the elite wanted hasn't changed in all that time.

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