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Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

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  • Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

    Billionaire Donald Trump said on Fox News that he will deliver a bombshell on President Barack Obama on Wednesday, but he refused to reveal details. He assured viewers the news could change the outcome of the presidential election.

    Trump has endorsed Mitt Romney after having considered running for president, and he has been one of the most vocal Americans doubting that President Obama was born in the United States, a condition for being president.

    The real estate magnate phoned in the news to “Fox and Friends” and said he has "something very, very big concerning the president of the United States. It's going to be very big. I know one thing; you will cover it in a big fashion."

    Trump wrote on Twitter, "Stay tuned for my big Obama announcement,” and then sent another tweet, "Just wait and see!"

    "It's very big. Bigger than anybody would know.”
    Fox asked Trump if the news is personal or if it reflects his capacity to govern, and he answered, “It’s all in one.”

    He said he will make his announcement around noon Wednesday, and American media undoubtedly will be on edge, not to mention Obama’s campaign team
    Last edited by cnav; 10-24-2012, 08:34 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

    Oh my, I will be watching for that. I wonder what it could be, o has a lot of dark hidden agenda's.


    • #3
      Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

      Originally posted by cornerstone33 View Post
      Oh my, I will be watching for that. I wonder what it could be, o has a lot of dark hidden agenda's.
      And a very hidden background that someone with the money and clout DT has might have been able to very quietly uncover.

      We're speculating, of course, and perhaps we'll see what it is - or perhaps he will drop everything for 'mysterious' reasons and not another word is said about it.

      As always, time will tell.


      • #4
        Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

        noon huh? I was wondering why I haven't heard anything.

        Some say that it may be related to a "possible divorce" that was going to happen between O and his wife years ago. I think..., this is not news..., who cares about that..., what significance would that have???

        Hopefully that is not it. If it is, I was thinking that may be why Fox has been so silent this morning, never mentioning the Donald.

        I don't think that is it. Not significant.

        I do wonder if it has anything to do with Bengahzi.

        guess we will wait and see


        • #5
          Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

          I saw that too re: some saying it was re: divorce

          That would be pretty silly of him....I hope that isn't all it is.

          I can't see how that is in the public interest...who would really care if Michelle was going to divorce him a number of years ago.

          But......maybe he thinks it would be in the public interest seeing his two divorces were so sensationized.

          Like Andy says......time will tell!


          • #6
            Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

            This is up on Drudge in red but no link yet

            TRUMP TO OBAMA: Release college, passport applications, I'll donate $5 million to charity of choice...


            • #7
              Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

              Not gonna happen


              • #8
                Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                Everything is hidden as far as O is concerned, we are living in the dark ages so to speak with this o. I pray that he is defeated, I pray God has mercy on this country, and he is ousted with his demonic brigade. We shall see what will happen, election day will be the biggest day ever, and the outcome even more if he is relected.

                The ungodly are despisers of those that are good, all they do is say very bad things, and unheard of things that one should never say or do. This we know is all found in 2nd Timothy.


                • #9
                  Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                  Trump is a buffoon. All he wants is publicity. He knows Obama won't release the documents, so the only point of this was to make himself appear relevant, which he's not.



                  • #10
                    Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                    My cousin was over watching the Bears game with us on Monday and somehow the topic went political for about 5 minutes. She said that she watched the debates and also that she doesn't follow politics very much. I asked her who she thought would be a better president and she said Obama. I asked why and she said that she just trusts him. That when he speaks he seems so honest and she just trusts him. She believes in him.

                    It hit me even harder how so much of what is happening is in the spiritual realm.


                    • #11
                      Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                      Trump may have a big ego but he really does care about America.


                      • #12
                        Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                        Originally posted by Denise View Post
                        Not gonna happen
                        No way. He had all that sealed for a reason and we all agree that the reason is if they were released it would be instant political suicide for him and he's not about to go there.


                        • #13
                          Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                          Originally posted by WasLostNowFound View Post
                          Trump is a buffoon. All he wants is publicity. He knows Obama won't release the documents, so the only point of this was to make himself appear relevant, which he's not.

                          Or, he's real intelligent (I would suggest his ability to build incredible financial empires would at least suggest he has knowledge/skills/expertise the vast majority (perhaps all?) visitors to our site lack) and understands this puts the President's refusal to release these simple documents under a little more question. I agree with Denise that he does care about America and I submit that he's anything but a "baffoon" and is hoping more American's will take note of Obama's refusal to release such basic documents about himself...and ask, "Why??"


                          • #14
                            Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                            I think the spin Trump is going for is obvious. He hopes people (particularly bleeding hearts) will look at this and say "This is an easy $5mil to help poor people. How could he be so selfish as to refuse the opportunity?"

                            Of course Trump knows O won't take the bait; he won't have to pay a dime. He hopes that for some it will highlight the fact that he is hiding something, and for others it will make O look selfish for missing such a huge chance to help poor people.

                            Yes, Trump loves being in the news and in front of cameras, but he also knows how bad O is for America. With this stunt he can gratify his need for attention and at the same time shine a tiny light of truth on the guy in the oval office.


                            • #15
                              Re: Donald Trump says he has a big announcement today at noon re: Obama

                              I suppose "buffoon" is not the appropriate word. He is certainly not an *****. He's a real estate genius, in fact. I'm just tired of his antics and enormous ego.


