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Mitt Romney: Obama should meet Netanyahu

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  • Mitt Romney: Obama should meet Netanyahu

    Mitt Romney: Obama should meet Netanyahu
    DEBKAfile September 14, 2012, 7:06 PM (GMT+02:00)

    Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney criticizes President Barack Obama for not meeting in person with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, calling it "confusing and troubling." He said at a New York fundraiser Friday that Israel is America's "closest ally" and "best friend in the Middle East." He urged Obama to meet with Netanyahu surrounding the start of United Nations General Assembly meetings next week.
    It's a 'snippet' that's running on their ticker so I copied the whole, very short thing.
    I don't think we'll get dinged for that...I hope, anyway!

  • #2
    Re: Mitt Romney: Obama should meet Netanyahu

    He's right, they are as far as I can tell, our ONLY ally right now that isn't burning our flag and killing or threatening to kill Americans.


    • #3
      Re: Mitt Romney: Obama should meet Netanyahu

      Ally in name only. I read today that most Israelis believe Obama is more of a friend to the Palestinians than to the Israelis.



      • #4
        Re: Mitt Romney: Obama should meet Netanyahu

        Yeah I'd say they are on shaky ground as far as believing the US actually supports them anymore. Who can blame them? Look at the signals being sent from the administration.
        The idea that Israel must attack on their own, without US support, used to be thought to mean the US was cripled by an attack, or some financial problem. I never thought it was because the President turned his back on them.

