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Two Universites Evacuated

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  • Two Universites Evacuated

    University of Texas at Austin evacuated

    AUSTIN (KXAN) - The University of Texas is evacuating all of its buildings due to threats on campus after a caller claiming to be with al-Qaida said he placed bombs all over campus that would go off around 10 a.m. -- which has since passed.

    "Immediately evacuate ALL buildings and get as far away as possible," read a message posted at 9:53 a.m. on the campus' emergency alert website. "More information to come."

    UT Director of Communications Rhonda Weldon said the university got a call around 8:35 a.m. from a male with a Middle Eastern accent claiming to have placed bombs all over campus.

    North Dakota State University evacuated

    AP article so I can't post details.

  • #2
    Re: Two Universites Evacuated

    get as far away as possible
    ? ? ? wow ....


    • #3
      Re: Two Universites Evacuated

      Add Valparaiso University to the list

      Updated: September 14, 2012 11:31AM

      Valparaiso University has posted a campus alert about potential danger during chapel break period, which happens at 11:15 Friday


      • #4
        Re: Indianopolis Brownsburg Community Schools website hacked by Muslims w/threats

        Indianapolis - Brownsburg Community Schools' website purportedly hacked

        Brownsburg Community Schools' website was hacked Wednesday by someone claiming to represent the group All Muslims of the World.

        The hackers replaced the school system's main page with graphics of Arabic writing which said, "I sacrificed my mother, my father, and myself for Allah."

        White text on a black background also said, "This breakthrough in response to the film and graphics depicting the master of the world may Allah bless him and grant him peace."

        Red text on the page also declared, "Coming, soon you will hear voices of our swords."



        • #5
          Re: Indianopolis Brownsburg Community Schools website hacked by Muslims w/threats

          Originally posted by faith View Post
          Indianapolis - Brownsburg Community Schools' website purportedly hacked

          And this SO makes me want to convert to Islam! Just think, I can hate my family and every non-Muslim and even have an excuse to mass-murder anyone I come into contact.

          "If" this is their 'god' then ... no thanks! (we know it IS their god!)


          • #6
            Re: Indianopolis Brownsburg Community Schools website hacked by Muslims w/threats

            Originally posted by Andy View Post
            And this SO makes me want to convert to Islam! Just think, I can hate my family and every non-Muslim and even have an excuse to mass-murder anyone I come into contact.

            "If" this is their 'god' then ... no thanks! (we know it IS their god!)
            Amen, I am glad our God is a God of love and forgiveness, I have enough stress already, don't need my heart to be filled with hate,anger and revenge.


            • #7
              Re: Indianopolis Brownsburg Community Schools website hacked by Muslims w/threats

              Originally posted by Andy View Post
              And this SO makes me want to convert to Islam! Just think, I can hate my family and every non-Muslim and even have an excuse to mass-murder anyone I come into contact.
              And beat your wife when you're bored.


              • #8
                Re: Two Universites Evacuated

                Wives if you're really well off.
                It's really bad when the camel has more rights than a woman over there, yet where is the outrage from NOW or other groups over this treatment?

