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Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

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  • Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

    Jerusalem and Washington are discussing what kind of "red lines" need to be established to prevent Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said,7...279273,00.html

  • #2
    Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

    hmmm it seems the key words in Bibi's interview were...
    what kind of "red lines" need to be established

    PM: Israel discussing red lines for Iran with US

    Israel is discussing with the US what kind of “red lines” need to be drawn to keep Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.
    Netanyahu said Harper sent a message to the world that said, “We can’t stand for this as civilized nations. We have to build a wall, not of silence, but a wall of condemnation and resolve.

    Canada just put a very big brick in that wall that is necessary for the peace of the world.”
    Referring to Canada's actions Bibi stated...
    Netanyahu, at Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting, said this step constituted the type of “red line” that the world needed to set down for the Islamic Republic. He said the move sent a “principled message to the world that it is forbidden for the dark regime in Iran to get nuclear weapons.”
    Last edited by SAT; 09-10-2012, 09:44 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

      I have quoted this before but I suspect it is very much a part of what is going on...
      Sensing an approaching critical mass of opposition to the regime, Foroutan believes the new momentum is encouraging the uniting of opposition groups inside Iran including S.O.S. Iran, Secular Greens, and the Constitutional Party of Iran. He said their common message is to hold out a little longer “until there is more support from the United States and European countries.” He acknowledged that “it’s premature” for a popular uprising to overthrow the regime, pointing to Russian and Chinese interference with the plans of Syria’s opposition to overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. Nevertheless, Iran’s opposition desperately wants the United States to provide wireless Internet “as they did in Afghanistan.” Foroutan said, “It’s the one weapon Iran is most afraid of. At this moment, Iran can shut down Internet or bring it to a snail’s pace.”


      • #4
        Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

        We have read that Russia and China have now backed away their military in Syria and many believe as Peres..
        Peres: Assad will fall sooner than we think
        "I believe that Assad is reaching his end," Peres told heads of foreign missions in Israel at the annual reception that he hosts for diplomats prior to Rosh Hashana. "It will happen sooner than we think," he predicted.


        • #5
          Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

          Although the US, Bibi and everyone else in Israel, knows they must keep the pressure on Iran by repeating the fact "all options are still on the table" I suspect the new thinking is wide spread.
          This article is from back in June but it seems to say it all.
          Shimon Peres: Removing Assad is Arabs’ job, not Israel’s
          Peres believes the Arab League should take action to remove Assad, whose military has massacred thousands of Syrian civilians and children, according to reports by the United Nations and other human rights groups. However, if the League does not oust Assad, Peres does not believe this is Israel’s fight.

          “Israel cannot help,’’ Peres said. “Our intervention may be perceived as the wrong intervention, even from their point of view. We must be careful not to make it an Israeli issue. The best alternative is that Arabs will do it themselves.’’


          • #6
            Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

            The same ideology is being used in the African Unions with great success. The US and the EU can not be seen as the main force, so they are support only for those on the ground.
            The perks and gratitude from those on the ground seems to show the success, with little backlash in the media.

            But the US at the same time must keep it's position of power.
            This was posted just an hour ago but I see these everyday now in Africa. Yemen killed Al-Qaida's number two man along with five others in an airstrike.

            I suspect this is also what we see in prophecy. The same influence or ideology. Most likely including Eze 38 &39
            Last edited by SAT; 09-10-2012, 01:05 PM.


            • #7
              Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

              A little side note?

              Mind you it is Debka but everything seems to indicate those forces are falling apart.

              Hamas delegation fails to restore its credibility in Tehran


              • #8
                Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

                Despite Israeli pressure, Clinton says U.S. isn't setting deadlines for Iran



                • #9
                  Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

                  Actually that statement is exactly what confirms my thoughts.
                  Many immediately think the "attack" but the "attack" is being kept in the background and only if all else fails. The "red lines" are so much more as Bibi clarified. It actually makes sense the US would be apprehensive about putting dates.
                  Syria must fall then Iran. Both from within. If this happens soon. as many suspect. the US will be able to avoid the image of using the old ideology(Iraq and Afghanistan) of a heavy hand and forcing the world to conform. That would bring Islamic backlash....
                  “Israel cannot help,’’ Peres said. “Our intervention may be perceived as the wrong intervention, even from their point of view. We must be careful not to make it an Israeli issue. The best alternative is that Arabs will do it themselves.’’
                  We know Peres didn't quite tell the truth about..
                  “Israel cannot help,’’ Peres said.
                  as Israel is helping in the background.( It is amazing the change that has happened whereby Israel and Islamic countries can now start to admit it in just a few short months.)
                  Egypt destroys 31 tunnels as part of counter-terrorism campaign
                  Liberman: Israel cannot be the 'whore' of the Middle East


                  But the US and the EU are also helping.
                  Last edited by SAT; 09-10-2012, 12:20 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

                    Sorry but I just have to add...
                    If this is the time for Damascus to fall it will help the cause of the OWO if they don't play the heavy hand, which the position of Russia has nicely provided.


                    • #11
                      Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

                      Barak: War – only as a last resort
                      "The political echelons see it as their responsibility to ensure that if wars can be postponed we will do so, we will make sure that if we go to war it is after all other options have been exhausted."
                      A reminder from post two

                      Netanyahu, at Sunday’s weekly cabinet meeting, said this step constituted the type of “red line” that the world needed to set down for the Islamic Republic. He said the move sent a “principled message to the world that it is forbidden for the dark regime in Iran to get nuclear weapons.”
                      And from post 9
                      “Israel cannot help,’’ Peres said. “Our intervention may be perceived as the wrong intervention, even from their point of view. We must be careful not to make it an Israeli issue. The best alternative is that Arabs will do it themselves.’’
                      I suspect this may also apply as "The best alternative is that Arabs(and Persain) will do it themselves
                      Last edited by SAT; 09-10-2012, 02:17 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

                        And there it is...
                        Noting US President Barack Obama's pledge not to allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland reiterated, "We are absolutely firm about the president's commitment here, but it is not useful to be parsing it, to be setting deadlines one way or the other, red lines."

                        Lieberman to 'Post': Obama should define how to stop Iran
                        "I hope he can find a way to really spell out with just a little more detail" what the US is willing to do to prevent Iran from become a nuclear power, Lieberman told The Jerusalem Post following an appearance at a B'nai B'rith conference.

                        But countries like the Ivory Coast or Syria who feel the need they did it themselves...
                        Iranians and the Arab/Islamic world would not welcome another Iraq or Afghanistan but as Manaf Tlass states re Syrians in the above article they have a need to feel they did it.

                        Verbalizing or "parsing" threats as some would like to see, could stop or even reverse the momentum they have acquired for the OWO and reenforce what radical Islam has been claiming.

                        So the world leaders are walking a tightrope between the verbalization Israel wants but not giving more ammo to radical Islam and hindering the revolt in Iran.

                        But just mvho.
                        Last edited by SAT; 09-10-2012, 11:23 PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

                          PM: World has no right to give Israel a 'red light'
                          Netanyahu charges thatthose unwilling to set "red lines" on Iran cannot give Jerusalem a "red light" on attack.

                          Bibi wants those with the power to use their power and authority to verbally threaten Iran. But those who have the power and authority can't afford to push their positions of power right now.
                          Especially with the fear of the power missile defense will give to the US.
                          They are still trying to convince the Arab countries, the Russian, the Chinese and everyone else, the world will be a group hug democracy based on equality of all the members, including the US and the EU.
                          Which is exactly what Kissenger was referring too. The reason the US had to have a democrat president and not a republican who may not have resisted the temptation to take a much more forciful position in words and actions.(McCain)
                          The OWO would have stalled.


                          • #14
                            Re: Netanyahu: US, Israel discussing 'red line' for Iran

                            Obama in rabbis call: No ‘space’ with Israel on Iran, but also no red lines

                            He said, however, he would not set red lines or a deadline, as Israel has demanded, noting that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would also not make public its own trigger for military action.

                            "No leader ties his own hands," he said.

                            Still, Obama said, "there is no space between the U.S. and Israel" on Iran.

                            He also said that "I have been explicit and clear that we will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

                            Last edited by SAT; 09-14-2012, 05:24 PM.

