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"Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

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  • #16
    Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

    I know I can be misunderstood as written words can be difficult. Thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit to help us with the Bible.
    That said, I also will not accept the words of fear and false prophecies from a false prophet. That is what those who follow Islam do. Satan says many things, it doesn't make it true.
    Our God is still in control and not Satan.
    So when they rant his words, I question and look for the truth.


    • #17
      Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

      What I try to share is what I see happening.
      Right now in Africa they have formed "unions".(Somewhere in this site there is an article about how the "unions" have been linked to a special control room in the EU etc for live tele conferencing. But that was a few years ago.)

      Before the riots started you could go into the news from Africa and the greater ME and see article after article, day after day, about the work of the "unions" to eliminate "religious extremism". And yes the UN and all the western nations are supporting them. But with the new ideology that is being applied after Afghanistan and Iraq of encouraging and allowing those in the country to do it themselves. Not to swoop in as the savior, as that isn't how it is perceived by those on the ground and the results are what we have seen.

      While the violence, the injuries and even the deaths were inexcusable, these tensions come at a time when the Muslim world feels itself under cultural siege by the United States and the West.

      Recently when an article stating the riots were the results of Islamics killing the leaders and followers of extremist, I knew it was a possibility as I saw the daily articles of the killings. I did post a few.
      The ideology in much of the world now and growing is "peace and security".

      It will be the false "peace and security" the AC offers.
      Last edited by SAT; 09-20-2012, 02:24 PM.


      • #18
        Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

        It isn't the best article but it is from today's news and a small example of "African Union" forces fighting al-Shabab militants(extremist). They have killed many of them including much of their leadership and al-Shabab militants are now on the run.

        Who is the AU?

        Burkina Faso
        Cape Verde
        Central African Republic
        Democratic Republic of the Congo
        Republic of the Congo
        Ivory Coast
        Equatorial Guinea


        Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
        São Tomé and Príncipe
        Sierra Leone
        South Africa
        South Sudan[13]
        Last edited by SAT; 09-20-2012, 01:11 PM.


        • #19
          Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

          This is from the 17th

          West African body gearing up for tough fight in Mali

          They asked the Security Council for help as they are fighting "extremist" that have collected and taken over the Northern part of Mali.
          In one article posted in here not long ago when the AU forces went in to liberate Islamic towns from "extremist" the people celebrated and thanked them as the "extremist" had forced Sharia law of them and they were grateful for the freedom.

          So are the extremist winning? Or is a new ideology settling in, in those "unions"?
          An ideology being spread by the west? Quietly moving across the planet?

          I know enough. But I hope I have been able to share where I am coming from.
          Last edited by SAT; 09-20-2012, 01:16 PM.


          • #20
            Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

            Originally posted by Jeanie View Post
            Anyone ever seen this before?

            Here's how it works:
            As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens. This is the case in:

            ~~Extensive deletion~~

            Is this the future of the United States ?"
            Jeanie, please cite your source for this.


            • #21
              Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

              Well, I read it a very long time ago and I copied and pasted it to a OO file to my harddrive. (I'm not all that computer savvy).

              It just seemed like something I would need in the future, with all the scrubbing going on in the internet, ya know?
              I also did the same with Alinsky's Rules for Radicals..thinking some day that won't be available online anymore either.
              I'll try to find it in a recent place where I can link it.

              Here's one but it's a blog..

              Last edited by Jeanie; 09-20-2012, 05:05 PM. Reason: adding link


              • #22
                Will Obama succeed in creating a United States of Islam in the Middle East?

                Will Obama succeed in creating a United States of Islam in the Middle East?

                By Dinesh D'Souza
                Published September 21, 2012


                • #23
                  Senator Avella "offended" at Muslim Parade NYC

                  Watch this youtube:

                  Senator Avella "offended" at Muslim Parade NYC

                  Published on Sep 24, 2012 by J. Mark Campbell

                  On a beautiful September Sunday afternoon, not far from the scene of the infamous Islamic jihad attack in lower Manhattan, Democrat New York State Senator Tony Avello came face-to-face with Muslim hatred for America and he did something that few people have the courage to do. He got up from his seat as a VIP Marshall of the 27th annual New York Muslim Parade and stormed off the stage in disgust! Over one thousand Muslims in the audience and the large group of Muslim community leaders were shocked that the Senator would walk off the stage, even before it was his turn to speak. But, Tony Avella had enough of the blatant tirade of hate against America by "moderate" Muslim dignitary and his love for America was more important than embarrassing a group of Muslim "wolves in sheep's clothing." Sure, the Muslim cultural jihadi's had the first amendment right to condemn America (which they could never do in their home countries) but Senator Avella had the right to exit, stage left!! Our hats are off to Senator Avella for taking a very public stand on a critically important issue. But a word of warning to the good Senator. The "wolves" will work their magic to lure you back into their den. If they succeed, your stand on principle for this great country, was for naught.

                  New York Imam:
                  Shahbaz Chisti Sahib from the Coney Island Brooklyn Mosque and Marshall of Muslim Day Parade 2012
                  Last edited by faith; 10-22-2012, 06:04 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

                    It is coming soon faith.......that is what 9/11 2001 was all about and that is what the current film was all about on 9/11 this year 11 yrs to the day later. Blessings, CN

                    PS We have been watching a long time together on WEDG!



                    Cairo, Sep 19 (Prensa Latina) The Arab League (AL) prepares with the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the European Union and the African Union an anti-blasphemy legislation, which is a prelude to an international convention on the matter, it was reported today.

                    States should not be blamed for the insults to Islam uttered by some individuals, said at a press conference here Nabil el Araby, secretary general of the AL, and added the project is almost ready to propose an international agreement criminalizing blasphemy and insults to religious figures.
                    Last edited by cnav; 09-27-2012, 08:08 PM.


                    • #25
                      Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

                      cnav, thanks! Here is another interesting video.

                      Selling Islam and Muhammad
                      Thursday, 27 September 2012 04:00 Ali Khalaf

                      Selling Islam and Muhammad is like selling snake oil. But thanks to "Taqiyya" we have done such a wonderful job that the western idiots who mostly hate their own religions of birth are now in love with Islam and Muhammad. Here is a demonstration tape in which our top religious authority Dr Mahirul Qadri lies through his teeth to the kuffar of Denmark in English that he had no role to play in instituting the blasphemy law in Pakistan. Later see what he (actually) says about the same things in Urdu to momins of Pakistan, i.e. it only through my efforts the blasphemy law was established.

                      Last edited by faith; 10-01-2012, 03:27 PM.


                      • #26
                        Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

                        IMO these laws are coming and could quite possibly be what is responsible for what we read in this verse....

                        Rev. 20:4......I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.


                        • #27
                          Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

                          Yes, that's exactly why I think this is all so Biblically prophetic for the same reason you just stated.


                          • #28
                            Re: "Islamic takeover of White House & Rule of Quran over America"

                            See the new thread I just posted on Muslims Petition to Limit Speech. Also the one on the Muslim Brotherhood's 25 Point Agenda. Hopefully, we are going out of here soon.


                            • #29
                              "Islamic takeover of U.S. already under way"

                              Islamic takeover of U.S. already under way
                              Expert warns 'mainstream media' providing 'talking points' of Arab countries



                              • #30
                                A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

                                A Red Carpet for Radicals at the White House

                                by Steve Emerson and John Rossomando
                                IPT News
                                October 21, 2012

                                A year-long investigation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found that scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration officials.

                                Court documents and other records have identified many of these visitors as belonging to groups serving as fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and other Islamic militant organizations...
                                Read full article at link above.

