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Does it matter who we elect president

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  • Does it matter who we elect president

    when the person elected is owned by the New World Order elite ?
    If McCain had been elected, I do believe the mess via Israel and our economic mess would be the same as it is now......
    President Obama is a no-body literally with no past who was ideologically suitable to the goals of this NWO elite. Anyone not owned by this elite is quickly "exposed"-- rediculed, demogoged, accused of stealing the kitchen sink untill only the financially backed NWO elite puppets are the final choices....

    as we have seen, third parties are created occasionally to split the votes so the NWO candidates are elected...........

    o no matter who the final choices are, I do believe we will have to choose between two or even three candidates who in the end will sell out us and Israel
    --- because the bankrupting of American power and economy is their only road to global rule....

  • #2
    Re: Does it matter who we elect president

    I think you are right, either way, we would still be in the same boat. I will not be surprised if Obama is re-elected. I can see Ron Paul running as an Independent and taking votes from Newt, Romney or whoever (and I am not a big fan of either of those). The downward spiral continues no matter who wins.


    • #3
      Re: Does it matter who we elect president

      Agreed, I believe whoever is in power, by the permission of God, will knowingly or unknowingly be a pawn by the powers that be. I will still vote but I may have to write in my candidate so as to keep a clear conscious . I guess we will see.


      • #4
        Re: Does it matter who we elect president

        Sorry---this is a segway----HURRAH for a post from Lewis
        hurrah hurrah hurrah.....just as it should be!


        • #5
          Re: Does it matter who we elect president

          So nice to see you posting, Lewis.

          Actually, I slightly disagree with the statement

          If McCain had been elected, I do believe the mess via Israel and our economic mess would be the same as it is now......
          The world situation might be a little different, but the timeline would be the same because Barry would come on scene in 4 years later, just as PootyPoot is getting back on stage in for the closing scene. If McCain was in power 4 years, Barry would get the timeline back on track in 2012.

          Timeline for Tribulation and Rapture. Actually, I think Barry in power sped prophetic events taking place faster than if another man was elected.

          But I think time was ripe in 2008 and nothing could have prevented O from winning in 08. In the end I'm glad. I want to go Home as fast as possible.

          So at this point, the time frame is set. Events can't be undone. The Prophetic Can won't be kicked down the road. Everything will play out in rapid succession, neither faster nor slower, but without further delay or reprieve. However, long it takes. I am so excited. We have much work to do.

          In my very humble opinion. Am I off base?

