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Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

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  • Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

    Our elite troops sent to kill Christians in the "Lords resistance army" in
    Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo."
    "" Lord's Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them. That's what the lingo means, "to help regional forces remove from the battlefield," meaning capture or kill. ""

  • #2
    Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

    Appalling. There are no words. Shame shame shame on Obama, and shame on America if we let this man get away with this. Well, shame on me for not doing better research: This is a pretty good link out of the UK. There is zero anything Christian about this. Drying foot as removing from my mouth.
    Last edited by Glorify Him; 10-18-2011, 03:03 PM. Reason: further info


    • #3
      Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

      I haven't looked at this link but...if the so-called Christians were taking up weapons and killing others then it needed to be stopped. Yes, it's appalling that the US would use our troops to kill that particular side of the equation...but very typical of our Muslim-loving/tolerant society (and world, for that matter) we all live in.

      I'd like to learn more about the whole situation from a non-biased source.


      • #4
        Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

        The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including murder, abduction, mutilation, sexual enslavement of women and children and forcing children to participate in hostilities.[18]
        Is true!!!!!!!!!

        Personally, when I heard this I was relieved someone was stepping in.

        Will it lead the US into a war like in the past? I doubt it.That isn't how things works these days.
        Will it help to bring more Islamics into the new ideology/theology? Yes. It will show willingness to be even handed with all the religions.
        The LRA are a group of vicious men hiding behind the label of Christian, who need to be stopped.
        Last edited by SAT; 10-18-2011, 02:53 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

          Just like the Crusades of centuries past, claiming they are acting on behalf of Christianity while they unleashed atrocities on fellow human beings - this really bothers me. This is NOT what Jesus wants of us.


          • #6
            Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

            civil wars are the most deadly vicious and brutal wars ... as we Americans know too well...
            and the news media are only telling one side of the story like they do about Israel........

            Andy, there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself and your family by being a soldier...... killing your enemy before he can kill your family .......


            • #7
              Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

              Originally posted by lewisb View Post

              Andy, there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself and your family by being a soldier...... killing your enemy before he can kill your family .......
              So you're saying scripture allows us to preemptively kill our enemies? Perhaps to defend our families. Maybe - that one I can see some potential scriptural basis for. Preemptively killing? No way. Even if that were allowed by that what you have found is going on, Lewis? Or are these people very much on the offensive - going out, killing/looting/raping/etc, etc - all in the name of "Christianity"? What I've found is the later is true.

              I'm not saying Wikipedia is the end-all, say-all for truth - in fact I'm pretty sure there are things within their databases that are completely untrue - but I don't believe Rush Limbaugh to have the final say on what's going on, either.

              Note the article linked below is chalk full of reference links to help the reader to come to their own conclusions on whether it's the truth or not...Rush doesn't do this. His headline is a big attention-grabber and is likely to go 'viral' among Christian sites around the free world. I personally don't want to see WeDG be propagating catchy headlines about our President ordering our troops out to "kill Christians" if that is untrue.

              So, for another side of view to this group calling themselves "Christians" please feel free to read and comment on this:
              Excerpt from the article:
              In 1988, Alice Lakwena established the Holy Spirit Movement, a resistance movement claimed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. She portrayed herself as a prophet who received messages from the Holy Spirit of God. She expressed the belief that the Acholi could defeat the government run by Yoweri Museveni by casting off witchcraft and spiritualism embedded in their culture. According to her messages from God, her followers should cover their bodies with shea nut oil as protection from bullets, never take cover or retreat in battle, and never kill snakes or bees.


              • #8
                Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

                allows us to preemptively kill our enemies? Perhaps to defend our families
                that is exactly what our soldiers are doing in the war on terror........
                We are forbidden as believers to take personal vengence.... but a members of a society, Christian soldiers, police are required to kill to protect society from those who will kill us....... Killing in war is not murder in the Biblical sense. Time after time GOD told Israel to kill their enemies.

                now I dont know everything on every freedom movement...... I do know that most of the 3rd world gov'ts are brutal oppressors...... that is why there are revolutions. That is the why of the Arab spring......
                Last edited by lewisb; 10-19-2011, 01:25 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Our soldiers sent to kill African Christians ??!!

                  Okay, this is not a debate I wish to engage here. I do find it interesting you accept dispensationalism and agree that the way God dealt with Israel in the O.T. (including internal rules for them) is different than how He deals with us today. I would also say you agree that while an adulterer in the OT was to be taken outside the city and stoned to death isn't the way we are to handle the same offense today..and I will leave it at that.

