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Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

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  • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

    Published on Sep 21, 2014
    Pastor J.D. talks about the prophet significance of the Congressional approval to vet train and possibly arm the so called Syrian “rebels,” and how doing so may very well be the lynchpin that connects even more pieces of the Bible prophecy puzzle.


    • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

      Published on Sep 28, 2014
      Pastor J.D. explains why the US launched air strikes Tuesday, the UN General Assembly Wednesday, and the Oklahoma beheading Friday, may very well have pushed the fast forward button of Bible prophecy written over 2,500 years prior.


      • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

        No update this week?


        • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

          Yeah, Sandylion, I couldn't find it on Sunday and it appeared that he had a guest speaker, for some reason?


          • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

            JD is back.

            Published on Oct 12, 2014
            Pastor J.D. first talks about the serious concerns in the world today such as the Islamic State, the Ebola virus, the threats to annihilate Israel, same sex marriage, the increase of earthquakes, the unprecedented weather, and the potential for a financial collapse, then addresses the core issue for both Christians and especially non-Christians.
            Last edited by Andy; 10-13-2014, 03:05 PM.


            • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

              Absolutely !!! Ebola as a global pandemic and ISIS as the precurser to the Isaiah 17/psalm 83 war....
              With Russia once again in the same precarious economic state as the Soviet Union was--use it or loose it time for their military machine... Maybe this time GOD is NOT going to stop things as HE has so many times before...


              • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                October 19.2014


                • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                  Published on Oct 19, 2014
                  Pastor J.D. brings to the forefront that which has in large measure been eclipsed by the “Ebola scare.” Namely, that of what’s now happening both to Israel, and against Israel.


                  • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                    Mid-East Prophecy Update - October 26th, 2014

                    Pastor J.D. explains why prophecies in play today, that were not in play even as recently as 10 years ago, are an indication of how close we are to the rapture of the church.


                    • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                      Published on Nov 2, 2014
                      Pastor J.D. addresses the seriousness of recent vile comments leaked by a White House official towards the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and why it may be of prophetic significance as it relates to US Israel foreign relations


                      • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                        Published on Nov 9, 2014

                        Pastor J.D. explains why the US President’s letters to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, which would have been inconceivable only 10-years ago, brings us so much closer to both the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 prophecy and the rapture of the church. Pastor J.D. also provides information about Calvary Chapel Kaneohe’s Israel trip in May of 2015. See,


                        • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                          Published on Nov 16, 2014
                          Pastor J.D. talks about the prophetic significance of a number of things that took place in just the last week, and highlights the importance of how everything is happening simultaneously. Pastor J.D. also provides additional information about Calvary Chapel Kaneohe’s Israel trip in May of 2015. See,


                          • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                            Mid-East Prophecy Update – November 23rd, 2014
                            Pastor J.D. talks about the prophetic significance of several major news events that took place, yet again, in just the span of this last week.


                            • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                              Published on Nov 30, 2014
                              Pastor J.D. shares from the heart concerning the Ferguson riots and how it’s no longer about race but rather about Israel. Pastor J.D. also provides both a clarification about the new church building and very important information about Calvary Chapel Kaneohe’s Israel trip in May of 2015. See,

                              Last edited by Andy; 12-01-2014, 11:32 AM.


                              • Re: Pastor JD Mid-East Prophecy Update

                                Published on Dec 7, 2014
                                Pastor J.D. argues the case for why Bible prophecy is being fulfilled at an unprecedented and accelerated rate, especially given the events as of late.

