I almost posted this storm prediction last night which dutchsinse made on July 5,2011, in the interest of floods in the U.S. But I thought, "No silly Butterfly, it's not so significant." But my goodness, within hours the storm came to the area he suggested. This guy was talking about a major storm coming to the Four Corners area (UT, CO, AZ, NM meeting area) WITHIN THE NEXT DAY OR TWO OF July 5, due to this reverse coriolis effect, which he said is very unusual. We'll see what else it does.
Massive Dust Storm Descends on Phoenix Area
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/weather/2011/...#ixzz1RKsrrBO1
Massive Dust Storm Descends on Phoenix Area
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/weather/2011/...#ixzz1RKsrrBO1